21. Al Anbiya (The Prophets)

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Makkan surah with 16 Prophets mentioned by name, the greatest number of Prophets mentioned in any one surah.

Every prophet that has come was inspired with La illaha illalla, there is no God except Allah SWT. Christian theology is atypical from all the other prophets (trinity, son of god: made by man).


  • Heedlessness of man regarding Akhira.
  • Role of the prophets in reminding humanity of the Message.
  • The favours of Allah SWT bestowed upon His prophets.
  • Reminders of the horrors of Judgement Day.
  • Following the Quran you will create your legacy.

Selected Verses

1: The time of peoples judgement has drawn near, yet they are heedlessly turning away.

All the minor signs of the Day of Judgement have arrived. The Hisab is coming close. The prophets and the Books were sent to warn mankind.

5-6: The pagans referring to the Quran as “confused dreams”, calling it a fabrication and calling Prophet Muhammad ﷺ a poet. Asking for a “tangible” sign, yet every destroyed nation before them who were sent the signs never believed.

7:-8 The prophets sent before were mere men, inspired by Allah SWT. They were not superhumans or immortal and had bodily needs. Ask the People of the Book if you have no knowledge, that is the people who have knowledge about their prophets.

16-17: Reminded about creation. All this was not created for amusement – creation has a purpose, it is not a waste of time.

18: We shall hurl truth against falsehood, it shall crush and eliminate falsehood.

21-25: Refuting the concept of multiple gods. If this was the case, the heavens and the earth would be in disarray, as they fought for dominance. The Torah and Gospel are in agreement with One God.

26-29: Refuting the claim that angels are the daughters of God. They are His servants, obeying only His command, trembling in awe of Him.

30-33: Miracles of the Universe:

  • The heavens and earth were one mass, Allah SWT tore them apart.
  • Every living thing was created from water.
  • The mountains were placed to make the earth firm from earthquakes.
  • The sky is a well protected canopy.
  • The sun and moon created for day and night, each travelling in its own orbit.

The proof of Quran is not through these scientific facts but through its own merit. Science is the human attempt to understand Allah SWT’s creation, it can be fallible.

35: Every soul shall taste death, is tested with good and evil, and will return to Allah SWT. We all have good and bad periods in our lives. Are we doing good with our wealth and our health? Are we patient in sickness and calamity?

47: The scales of justice will be set up on the Day of Judgement and no one will be wronged even by the weight of a mustard seed.

51-73: The story of Ibrahim AS, regarding his people’s idol worship. As a young man he was granted sound judgement, questioning his father and his people about their idol worship. Why were they worshiping things that themselves were created?

Ibrahim AS smashed up all the idols except for the biggest. When questioned, he accused the big idol and told the people to ask it for answers. Thus he made clear the ignorance of worshipping such creations over Allah SWT. He was thrown into a fire as punishment but Allah SWT made it cold and safe.

74-77: Brief mention of Lut AS and Nuh AS.

78-82: Dawud AS and Sulaiman AS. Dawud AS gave judgement between a farmer and a shepherd when a sheep wandered into the farmer field and ate all the crops. He ruled the shepherds animals should be awarded to the farmer in compensation for the damage.

Both prophets were wise, but Sulaiman AS was blessed with the ability to provide a better judgement. He suggested handing over the animals only for a short period until the shepherd had restored the farmers field. Thus the farmer could benefit from the animals (milk and wool) and the shepherd would not lose all his livestock.

The mountains and birds were subjugated to Dawud AS who was also gifted the knowledge of making shields. Sulaiman AS was gifted the winds and some jinn, to aid in manual labour.

83-84: Ayoub AS (Job), appealing to the mercy of Allah SWT, complaining about his pain and sorrow.

85-86: Mention of the righteous prophets Ishmael AS, Idris AS (Enoch) and Zul-Khifl.

87-88: Yunus AS (Jonah), frustrated by years of denial by his people, abandoned his city without permission from Allah SWT. He was called to account, thrown overboard from the ship and swallowed by a whale. In the utter darkness of the night, the sea and the whale’s belly, he cried out to Allah SWT and repented.

89-90: Zachariah AS praying to Allah SWT for a child and granted Yahya AS (John).

91: Mention of Maryam RA and Isa AS.

101-103: The righteous will be far removed from the clamour of Judgement Day. They will not hear the hissing of the Fire, rather will be greeted by the angels.

105: Allah SWT’s righteous servants shall inherit the land.

107: The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was sent to be a mercy for mankind. That is, follow the one sent as mercy to obtain the mercy of Allah SWT.

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