Names of Allah SWT – Al Asma Al Husna

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The Most Excellent Names

Allah SWT has many names some of which have been revealed to us through the Quran and the Sunnah. Our relationship with Allah SWT is enhanced as we call out to Him by His many names. They remind us of His all encompassing and truly awe inspiring attributes.

He is Allah – there is no God worthy of worship except Him: Knower of the seen and unseen. He is the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. He is Allah – there is no God except Him: the King, the Most Holy, the All-Perfect, the Source of Serenity, the Watcher of all, the Almighty, the Supreme in Might, the Majestic. Glorified is Allah, far above what they associate with Him. He is Allah: the Creator, the Inventor, the Shaper. He alone has the Most Beautiful Names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth constantly glorifies Him. And He is the Almighty, All Wise [59:22-24]

Knowing Who He is and how He manifests Himself in our lives naturally brings us closer to Him. We realise how insignificant we are and how we need Him in every aspect of our lives. Our love for Him increases and we yearn to praise Him and eventually to meet Him. Only then can we begin to worship Him as He deserves to be worshipped.

Memorise Allah SWT’s names. Call Him by them. Live by them.

Allah has 99 names, the one who memorises them will enter Paradise [Bukhari]

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AllahUnique and refers only to Him, incorporating all of His Names and Attributes which are holistic and all encompassing.

We can never fully comprehend His Majesty due to limitations in our mind, experience and language.
Begin everything with Bismillah.

Be in awe of the magnitude of this name.

Reflect upon all His Attributes and incorporate into ones character.
Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names [20:8]

Nothing is like Him [42:11]

And to Allah belong the best names so invoke Him by them [7:180]
RabbLordMaster, Owner, One who arranges all matters.

Nurturer, Sustainer, One who is worshipped.

One who bestows favours and blessings.
Worship Allah SWT and call upon him – Rabbi (my Lord).

Know of His commandments.

Reflect on His favours.
All praise is for Allah [1:1]

Lord of all the worlds [1:2]

Ar Raḥmān

Ar Raḥīm

Ar Ra’ūf

The Most Merciful

The Most

The Kind
Affection, tenderness, sympathy, compassion. All encompassing/all inclusive for everyone and everything. Immediate, overflowing and expansive.

Permanent, far reaching (long term), specific for His believers.

The One who has pity on others. Intensification of mercy.
Show mercy to others.

Learn about/practice things that bring Allah SWT’s mercy.

Increase mercy in your heart.

Follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Reflect upon Allah SWT’s mercy.
And ever is He, to the believers, Merciful [33:43]

And indeed Allah is to you Kind and Merciful [57:9]
Al Laṭīf

Ar Rafīq
The Subtle

The Most Gentle
Benevolent, Subtle, Gentle, Kind.

Shows His mercy and favour in subtle ways.

Aware of our needs.

These attributes are manifest in the universe.
Be gentle.

Call people to good through our actions.

Recognise Allah SWT’s Kindness and Subtleties.
How could He who created not know His own creation, He is the Most Subtle, All Aware [67:14]
Al Mālik

Al Malik

Malik ul Mulk

The Possessor/Owner

The King

Possessor of Sovereignty
The Owner of all in this life and the next.

The True King.

True and Complete Sovereignty.
Recognise  everything belongs to Allah SWT and take care of His possessions (material, bodily, earthly).

Seek through asking Allah SWT. Be patient with loss and detach from temporary worldly possessions.

Remember Day of Judgement.
O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty. You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty from who You will [3:26]

Then they are {all} returned to Allah – their True Master. Judgement is His {alone}. And He is the Swiftest Reckoner [6:62]
Al Hādī

Ar Rashīd
The Ultimate Guide

The Director
Guidance and gentleness. He guides His creation to Himself and to faith, good deeds, steadfastness, livelihood and ultimately to Paradise.

One who directs to the Right Path with a clear vison of outcome informed by wisdom and knowledge.

One Who knows the best way and does not need signs/directions from others.
Strive to be guided by putting in the effort and reassessing your goals.

Guide others gently.

Guidance cannot be forced.
Our Lord is He Who gave each thing its form and then guided it [20:50]

And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our ways [29:69]

As for those who believe in Allah and hold fast to Him, He will admit them into His mercy and grace and guide them to Himself through the Straight Path [4:175]
Ash ShakūrThe AppreciativeAllah SWT appreciates every little thing we do for Him, both intention and deed.

In return He rewards us immensely in this life and the hereafter, from 10-700+ times per good deed.

If we thank Him, He gives us more.

He expresses His appreciation to the angels who express it in the heavens and on earth.
Be grateful to Allah SWT, recognise His blessings, thank Him in every situation and give of yourself to others.

Don’t belittle any good deed. Perform many small good deeds but strive for bigger. Thank others.

Intention and effort matter. Sincerity is built through postponement of rewards.
And whoever commits a good deed – We will increase for him good therein. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Appreciative [42:23]

(To the people of Paradise:)
This is your reward. Your endeavours are appreciated [76:22]
Al QuddūsThe Most PureThe Pure, The Holy, The Blessed.

God’s essence, attributes and actions are pure and untainted.

Our creation is part of His purity. He purifies our hearts and souls.
Glorify Allah SWT.

Sanctify that which He has sanctified.

Purify your beliefs, heart and actions.
Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies God, the Controller, the Holy One, the Almighty, the Wise [62:1] 
As SalāmThe Source of PeaceThe Source and Giver of Peace.

Through being flawless, free from any defect and prescribing what is good for us even if it contains struggle.

The greeting for all mankind is peace
Remember Allah SWT through salat, zikr, dua.

Find peace in your heart by removing envy, resentment and hatred.

Spread peace and ask for forgiveness.

Seek reward from Allah SWT and strive for excellence.
Unquestionably, hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah [13:28]

Peace be upon whoever follows the right guidance [20:47]
An NurThe LightThe source of all light, physical and spiritual. He truly illuminates and dispels our darkness.

His physical Light is too powerful to witness.

Our internal spiritual light (guidance in our hearts) needs polishing to ensure it does not diminish alongside an external source (revelation) to increase its illumination and spread: light upon light – verse of Light [24:35]
Recognise, pray for and feed the spiritual light Allah SWT has given us.

Polish our hearts with His remembrance and prayers and increase its light by understanding and acting in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah.

Reflect Allah SWT’s Light by adorning ourselves with His most beloved and praiseworthy attributes in order to guide others.
Allah is the ally of those who believe: He brings them out of the depths of darkness and into the light [2:257]

A light (Muhammad ﷺ) has now come to you from Allah and a Scripture making things clear [5:15]
Al Mu’minThe Guarantor
The Giver of Faith
The Granter of Security – through fulfilling His promises and being trustworthy.

The Giver of Faith – through sending His messengers, His signs and the Quran, leading to Paradise and eternal security.
Trust in the promise of Allah SWT.

Provide security to others and stand up for injustice.

Guide others to safety ie to Islam.

Speak the truth and act upon that eg belief.
For those who say “Our Lord is Allah” and then follow the straight path there is no fear, nor shall they grieve [46:13]
Al MuhayminThe ControllerComplete control, command and protection requiring knowledge, ability and continuity. He Oversees all we do.

Allah SWT has all encompassing control and protection.
Supervise, control and protect our inner state, namely our thoughts and feelings.

Find calm in His Control and Protection.

Do not oppress others.
He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer [59:23]
Al Khāliq

Al Fatir
Al Mubdi

Al Bāri’

Al Muṣawwir

Al Badi
The Creator

The Originator

The Producer

The Fashioner

The Innovator
General, the determination of something brought into existence. One who creates, originates and makes.

Specific, the manifesting of what has been determined into existence.

He who specifies the particular unique form of His creation.

The Unique Innovator of the heavens and earth. His creations are unique and infinite.
Reflecting upon His creation and blessings will lead us back to Allah SWT. Do not abuse His creation.

We are special, created by the Creator and therefore He knows what is best for us.

Marvel at His unique creations within the heavens and in nature.

Appreciate that man’s creations can only imitate what Allah SWT has already created.
Say, Will I take any guardian other than Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, Who provides for all and is not need of provision? [6:14]

He has created each thing and determined it with precise determination [25:2]

When He decrees a matter He only says “Be” and it is [3:47]
Al Muhyi

Al Mumīt

Al Bai’ith

Al Muid
The Giver of Life

The Taker of Life

The Resurrector

The Restorer
He gives life to us within the womb. He is the Maintainer of Life.

He gives or takes spiritual life to our hearts.

The One Who ordains to take life.

The Infuser of New Life. He will bring all creation forth from the dead on the Day of Resurrection.

He restores the dead earth to life.
Reflect on death and remember the purpose of our lives.

Spend our lives wisely, worshipping Allah SWT, doing good and striving His Way.

Respect the sanctity of life and do not willingly take any life.

Remember we will all be resurrected to account for our deeds.
See the impact of Allah’s Mercy: How He gives life to the earth after its death! Surely that {same} Allah can raise the dead. For He is Most Capable of everything [30:50]

He is the One Who calls back your souls by night and knows what you do by day, then revives you daily to complete your appointed term. To Him is your {ultimate} return, then He will inform you of what you used to do [6:60]
Al Wāḥid

Al Aḥad

Al Witr
The One

The Unique

The Single
The One and Only.

Unique, Incomparable, Singular without Equal.

Indivisible, Odd.
Submit completely only to Allah SWT, associating nothing with Him.

Be sincere in intentions and actions.

Avoid seeking praise from others.
Say He is Allah the One [112:1]

No one is comparable to Him [112:4]
As ṢamadThe Eternal RefugeHe is the only One to turn to Who can fulfil our needs, the only refuge we need.Turn to Allah SWT for all needs.

Learn all His Names.

Be a refuge for others.
Allah, the Eternal Refuge [112:2]
Al Qarīb

Al Mujīb
The Near One

The Responder
Allah SWT knows us intimately, better than we know ourselves.

He is the Answerer of prayers and will always respond to our duas with what is best for us.
Uphold prayer and ask continuously of Him for everything – He will answer in this world or the next.

Respond to the needs of others.
We are closer to him than his jugular vein [50:16]

Surely my Lord is Ever Near, All Responsive [11:61]
Al TawwābThe Accepter of RepentanceEver Relenting, the One to whom we return.

Allah SWT turns to us and we turn back to Him.

Combined with Ar Rahim, Al Hakim.
Turn back to Allah SWT no matter what, no matter whether you slip again.

Try to stop doing wrong, perform obligatory acts and progress from there.

Make amends with people.
He turned to them in mercy in order for them to return to Him, the Ever Relenting, Most Merciful [9:118]

God loves those who turn to Him [2:222]
Ghāfir Al Dhanb

Al Ghaffār

Al Ghafūr
The Forgiver of sins

The Most Forgiving

The Always Forgiving
Allah covers our sins and protects us from them. He forgives all sins, if we turn to Him, repent and amend.

He is the Perpetual Forgiver and may forgive all sins and converts bad deeds to good.
Reflect on our inner states and ask for forgiveness in abundance.

Forgive others.

Stop sin and do good deeds.

Attend gatherings to remember Allah SWT.
Ask forgiveness of your Lord. He is ever Forgiving [71:10]

Forgiver of Sin and Acceptor of repentance [40:3]
Al AfuwwThe PardonerOne who completely erases all traces of sin and wipes the slate clean.Don’t let our past hold us back and ask to be pardoned, especially during the last 10 nights of Ramadan.It is right to hope that Allah will pardon them. For Allah is Ever Pardoning, All Forgiving [4:99]
Al Ḥalīm

As Ṣabūr

The Most Forbearing

The Most Patient

Forbearance out of Wisdom, not moved by haste or anger, patient with us despite our transgressions.

He may forgo or delay punishments and send us prompts or lesser punishments in order for us to return to Him.

He witnesses and is patient with our small efforts for Him. 
Identify what we need to improve, set goals and work towards them.

Be patient and persevere in achieving results despite the difficulty.

Be patient with things outside our control; Allah SWT’s timing is best.

Be patient and forbearing with others and overlook their mistakes/faults.
Verily the reward of the patient will be fulfilled without account [39:10]

The Gardens of Eternity, which they will enter along with the righteous among their parents, spouses and descendants. And the angels will enter upon them from every gate saying, “Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured.” How excellent is the ultimate abode! [13:23-24]
Al Ḥayiyy

As Sittīr
The Modest

The Concealer
Shy, Demure, Gracious.
Allah SWT does not turn us away empty handed. He will always give us something if asked. 

The One who covers/conceals our faults and sins, hence backbiting and gossiping are so detestable to Allah SWT.
Do not expose peoples sins/faults; be shy in front of Allah, in awe of his Grace; be modest/dignified with others; ask Allah for everything and to cover your faults; try not to turn others awayVerily Allah is Generous and Shy; If His servant raises his hands (supplicates) to Him, He becomes shy to return them empty [Tirmidhi]
Al Alīm

Al Khabīr

Ᾱlim Al Ghayb wa Ash Shahādah

Al Hakīm
The All Knowing

The All Aware

Knower of the Unseen and the Witnessed

The Most Wise
Perfect knowledge. He is aware of what is, what was and what will be.

He is aware of the inner and outer, our actions, thoughts and feelings.

Knower of the realm of the unseen, hidden knowledge.

Acting with knowledge and supreme wisdom. He does the proper thing in the proper way in the proper place at the proper time.
Search for life lessons, look for the wisdom in events that befall us.

Increase knowledge, both general and of Allah SWT. Ask for and seek wisdom.

Remember the unseen realm and avoid those who claim to know the unseen.

Follow Allah SWT’s decrees. He knows what is best for us and what is harmful.

Know the inner meanings of outer actions.
With Him are the keys of the unseen: no one knows them except Him. And He knows what is in the land and sea. Not even a leaf falls without His knowledge, nor a grain in the darkness of the earth or anything – green or dry – but is written in a Perfect Record [6:59]
As Samī

Al Baṣīr
The All Hearing

The All Seeing
He hears everything, all of creation, our whispers, thoughts, worries, fears, hopes and desires. He responds to those who turn to Him.

He sees everything, physical and metaphysical, good and evil, our struggles and inner realities. Nothing is hidden from Him.
Talk to Allah SWT knowing that He hears and listens. Hear Allah SWT and obey.

Guard your speech and actions and avoid hearing and seeing things that are not beneficial, so as not to normalise them.

Be a good listener to other.
Allah reassured them, “Have no fear! I am with you, hearing and seeing” [20:46]

Or do they think that We do not hear their (evil) thoughts and secret conversations? Yes (We do!). And Our messenger-angels are with them recording (it all) [43:80]
Ar Raqīb

Ash Shahīd
The All Observant

The Witness
The One Who watches over and is observant of everything out of His care for us.

The One who witnesses and testifies.
Be watchful over our hearts and actions, knowing Allah SWT is always watching us and therefore do our best.

Watch over our responsibilities.
You are under Our watchful eye [52:48]

God is witness over all things [85:9]
Al Azīz

Al Mu’izz
The Almighty

The Honourer
Strength from dignity (izzah). Invincible, with wisdom and mercy.

One who gives honour, strength and dignity to His servants.
Fear Allah SWT alone, be strong for and through Him.
Strengthen others, do not be harsh.

Be humble before Allah SWT – true dignity is in obedience to Him.
Allah alone is the Almighty, the Merciful [26:9]

Indeed Honour belongs to Allah entirely [10:65]
Al Kabīr

Al Mutakabbir
The Most Great

The Proud
Allah is Greater than anything we can conceptualise.

One who possesses all Grandeur, The Majestic, The Truly Great. Far above any of His creation.
Be humble, not proud or arrogant.

Be strong, knowing nothing is greater than Allah (Allahu Akbar).

Prioritise Him – prayer reminds us of His Greatness.
That is because Allah alone is the Truth and what they invoke besides Him is falsehood, and Allah alone is truly the Most High, All Great [22:62}
Al Aliyy

Al A’lā

Al Muta’ālī

Al Azīm
The High

The Highest

The High Above

The Magnificent
High and Exalted, far above anything else.

The Greatest and most Magnificent there can be, limitless in every attribute.

How can we perceive His Greatness, the One who has created stars and galaxies which we can barely comprehend.
Check ourselves, be humble, know Allah SWT is the Greatest and Most High.

Re-orient our standards, do not elevate things higher than they deserve.

Elevate oneself through great ethics, character and manners.

Prayer and zikr, reflect on His greatness.
He is the Most High, the Most Great [2:255]

Exalted is Allah, the True King! There is no God worthy of worship except Him, the Lord of the Honourable Throne [23:116]

To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. And He is the Most High, the Magnificent [42:4]
Al Awwal

Al Ᾱkhir

Al Ẓahir

Al Bāṭin
The First

The Last

The Manifest

The Hidden
The First before everything and the Last after everything. The first beginning was from Him and to Him we will all return.

The Ascendant and the Intimate; manifest in our existence yet hidden from our sights. He knows everything that is manifest and hidden, including within our hearts and minds.

The pillars of knowledge, these names cover everything encompassing His attributes of Greatness across time and space.
Start and end with Him in everything we do – remember Him at the beginning and end of the day.

Start tasks with Bismillah and end with Alhamdulillah. Memorise specific supplications for the start and end of tasks.

Reflect on how Allah SWT manifests His attributes in everything, realising how He is always with us. This will draw us closer to Him, naturally increasing our remembrance and worship of Him.

Match our inner self with our outward actions.
He is the First and the Last; the Outer and the Inner; He has knowledge of all things [57:3]

He is the First, nothing is before Him, the Last, nothing is after Him, the Ascendant, nothing is above Him, the Intimate, nothing is nearer than Him 
Al Ḥayy
Al Baqi

Al Qayyūm
The Ever Living
The Ever Lasting

The Sustainer
All Allah SWT’s names relate to these attributes.

He was before time and will remain after His creation of time. Permanent, Enduring, Continuous, Endless.

The absolute source of all existence and therefore perfect qualities.

The One by Whom all things are eternally managed.

Everything exists because of Him and requires Him to exist. His Greatest Names.
Remember Allah SWT came before everything and everything goes back to Him.

Have trust in Him.

Recite Ayat al-Kursi after fard namaz (for Jannah) and at night (for protection).
And rely upon the Ever-Living who does not die and exalt Him with His praise [25:58]

There is no God but Him the Ever-Living, the Sustainer [2:255]

Whatever you have will end, but whatever Allah has is everlasting. And We will certainly reward the steadfast according to the best of their deeds [16:96]
Al Ḥamīd

Al Jalīl

Al Majīd

As Subbooh
The Praiseworthy

The Majestic One

The Glorious

The Supremely Glorified
Allah SWT is worthy of all praise due to His attributes of Majesty, Exaltation and Perfection. Praise is the pinnacle of thankfulness.

Noble in essence, Beautiful in actions, Bountiful in gifts and favours. Refers to the Glorious and Great nature of His attributes

Free from any imperfection. All of creation glorifies Him.
Praise and Glorify Allah SWT through zikr.

Reflect upon His favours and blessings.

Speak well to people.

Praise Allah SWT by using His gifts in His service.

Reflect upon His Supremely perfect attributes and how they are manifest in your life.
Everything in the heavens and earth belong to Him; God alone is Self-sufficient, worthy of all praise [22:64]

Indeed He is Praiseworthy, All Glorious [11:73]

The Prophet ﷺ used to say in ruku and sajdah: Subboohun, Quddoosun, Rabbul-Malaa’ikati war-Rooh {You are} the Supremely Glorified, the Holy, the Lord of the Angels and of Jibril [Muslim]
Ar Razzāq

Al Wahhāb
The Provider

The All Giver
Provision of worldly and spiritual needs. All provision is decreed, for all of His creation, whether by striving for it or by Allah SWT’s Mercy. Increased through good deeds

Bestower of Gifts, given freely and liberally out of His love. Given to all, deserving or not.
Contentment with what we have been given.

Striving and seeing through halal means, asking from Allah SWT.

Giving from what we have been given, using gifts in His way/cause, give gifts.

Being grateful.
God is the Provider, the Lord of Power, the Ever Mighty [51:58]

Grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed You are the Bestower [3:8]

Do not crave what We have allowed some disbelievers to enjoy… your Lord’s provision in the Hereafter is far better and longer lasting [20:131]
Al Karīm

Al Akram
The Generous

The Most Generous
Limitless Generosity. Noble and honoured. Giving above and beyond all expectations, without constraint as Allah SWT is Self Sufficient.

Allah SWT has no need for us yet gives in abundance to all. He rewards good deeds and prayers abundantly. He forgives and turns bad deeds to good, ultimately Paradise.
Recognise our worth, act with dignity and honour.

Recognise, reflect upon and appreciate Allah SWT’s generosity.

Be generous with others. 
He can reward those who believe and do good deeds: they will have forgiveness and generous provision [34:4]

The generous one is near to Allah, near to Jannah, near to people, far from the Fire. The miserly one is far from Allah, far from Jannah, far from people and near to Jahannam. An ignorant generous person is more beloved to Allah Almighty than a stingy scholar [Tirmidhi]
Al Jawād

Al Mannān

An Nāfi
The Magnanimous

The Bestower
of Gifts
Allah SWT rains down His plentiful blessings upon us and gives abundantly.

He bestows His favours freely and liberally, even before being asked.
Be magnanimous and do not remind others of your favours to them.

Reflect upon Allah SWT’s blessings and study the seerah of the Prophet ﷺ
Certainly did Allah confer a great favour upon the believers when He sent them a Messenger [3:164]
Al Qābiḍ

  Al Bāsiṭ
The Withholder  

The Expander
Seize/hold/grip vs relieve/give abundantly. Opposite yet complimentary.

There is no withholding without eventual giving, in line with His Wisdom and Mercy. For example, He sends provision in due measure, He constricts and expands the heart.

Recognise life has periods of constriction and expansion and both are states to become acquainted with Allah SWT.

Build our faith and deeds in good times to protect against times of constriction.

Balance hope and fear.

Be a source of expansion for others. Give charitably.

Withhold speech and actions detestable to Allah SWT.
If God were to grant His provision to all creatures they would act insolently [42:27]

It is God who withholds and God who gives abundantly [2:245]

So verily with every difficulty there is relief [94:5]
Al Muqaddim

Al Mu’Akhkhir
The Expediter

The Delayer
The One who advances/brings forward and delays/holds back whatever He wills, in accordance with His Wisdom and Justice.Trust in Allah SWT’s timing whilst striving to do your best.

Hasten good deeds and forgo bad. Allah SWT promotes those who do good.
You are the One who brings forward and delays, there is no diety worthy of worship but You
Al Waliyy

Al Mawlā
The Guardian

The Protector
The Ally who is close to us and always takes care of our affairs, out of love.

The Patron, the One in authority upon whom we rely.
Become close to Him by prioritising Him and the deeds He loves and living in a God conscious manner.

Keep company with the righteous
God is the ally of those who believe: He brings them out of darkness and into the light [2:257]
Al Wakīl

Al Kafīl

Al Muqīt

Al Kāfi

Al Mughni

The Trustee

The Guarantor

The Sustainer

The All Sufficient

The Bestower of Sufficiency
Only Allah SWT has all the Perfect Attributes required to enable complete trust in Him.

He is the best the Disposer of Affairs. Whatever He wills will be the best for us.

He guarantees to look after our affairs. He provides our nourishment and sustenance.

He is sufficient for all our needs and bestows abundantly.
Strive for your cause by halal means, having no doubt or fear in His decree, no matter the circumstances.

Strive to fulfil your covenants, knowing Allah is your witness.

Have complete trust in Allah SWT that He will be sufficient for all your needs.
Put your trust in the Living God who never dies and celebrate His praise [25:58]

Honour Allah’s covenant when you make a pledge and do not break your oaths after confirming them, having made Allah your Guarantor. Surely Allah knows all you do [16:91]

And Allah is over all things, a Keeper [4:85]
Al JāmiThe UniterUnites and bring together, harmonises and complements.
Different aspects of creation – male/female, day/night, nations/tribes, milk from cattle.

Brings together all creation on the Day of Gathering, in groups according to deeds.

Brings hearts together.
Reflect on how things are brought together in this world and the next.

Unite your inner reality with your actions.

Bring people together in life and in prayer and avoid discord.

Have hope and ask Allah SWT to unite you with whatever you have lost.
This is the Day of Decision: We have gathered you and earlier generations [77:38]

And (God) brought their hearts together [8:63]
Al ḤaqqThe Absolute TruthNo doubt, consistent, everlasting, justice.

His Essence, Words and all His Attributes are the Ultimate Truth.
Seek the truth, verify information and be truthful.

Prepare for the Hereafter, the eternal truth.
That is God, your Lord, the Truth. Apart from the Truth what is there except error? [10:32]
Al JamīlThe BeautifulHis Essence, Names, Attributes, Actions.

Source of all beauty, internal (character) and external (creation).

Imagine His Beauty, imagine Paradise.
Beautify our inner character and actions.

Reflect on the beauty of this world.
We created man in the finest state [95:4]

God is beautiful and loves beauty
Al WadūdThe LovingThe Affectionate. He expresses and manifests His love through our provision, forgiveness, knowledge, protection, rewards and gifts.

He loves those who do good, are mindful of Him, trust Him, return to Him, are just, patient and purify themselves.

The One who is loved.
Love Allah SWT and obey Him. Do good deeds and avoid bad.

Follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Love each other. Love for others what you love for yourself.

Express love, verbally and through gifts.
Indeed those who have believed and done righteous deeds – the Most Merciful will appoint for them affection [19:96]

Ask forgiveness from your Lord and turn to him in repentance: my Lord is most merciful and most loving [11:90]
Al GhanīThe Self SufficientThe Needless, who is completely free of any need. Nothing is required in order to manifest His Attributes.

He needs nothing from us yet is merciful, loving, generous and forebearing. His Attributes are therefore the most pure.
Realise we need Allah SWT and cannot do anything without His help.

Realise others also have needs and therefore cannot always help us.

Therefore prioritise worship of Allah SWT as He is our ultimate need.
People, it is you who stand in need of God – God needs nothing and is worthy of all praise [35:15]

And Allah was not in need {of their faith}. For Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy [64:6]
Al Muheet

Al Wāsi
The All Encompassing

The Vast
Spacious, all encompassing, without limit in all His Attributes.

Wherever we turn He is there.

His religion is vast and all encompassing – we all have a place and have our own journey to Allah SWT.
Learn our religion to engage in the wide range of permissible acts, in order to increase our blessings.

Direct our intentions in our hobbies towards good.

Exhibit God’s vastness to others through kindness, mercy, etc.
And Allah encompasses the disbelievers [2:19]

Allah is encompassing of everything [4:126]

And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you turn, there is the Face of Allah, He is all Encompassing and Knowing [2:115]
Al Ḥasīb

Al Muhsi
The Accountant

The All Enumerating
The Reckoner who takes us and others to account for our deeds no matter how small.

He takes accounts of all things in the universe. All deeds and actions are known to Him.
Trust in Allah SWT, offer daily zikr (Hasbun Allahu wa naymal wakeel).

Do not belittle small deeds.

Take ourselves to account for our deeds.
Whoever has done an atom’s weight of good will see it and whoever has done an atom’s weight of evil will see that [99:7-8]

God keeps account of everything [4:86]
Al Qāhir

Al Qahhār
The Domninator

The Subduer
Dominate from above. Subdue. Overpower.

Balanced by His Wisdom and Knowledge.

The All Prevailing, to whom everything submits.
Dominate and subdue ones inner desires and sins.

Do not oppress others and stand up for those oppressed.
To whom belongs all sovereignty this Day? To Allah, the One, the Prevailing [40:16]

Ad Darr

Al Muntaquim

The Distressor

The Retaliator
The One Who can harm whoever He wills. The Corrector, He may cause harm to discourage wrong behaviour.

The One Who will avenge, punish and inflict retribution over His enemies.
Follow Allah SWT’s rules and obey His limits.

Accept whatever Allah SWT has decreed for you with patience.

Do not seek revenge. Know that Allah SWT will avenge and punish according to His Will.
If Allah touches you with harm, none can undo it except Him. And if He touches you with a blessing, He is Most Capable of everything [6:17]

{Then} on the Day We will deal {you} the fiercest blow, We will surely inflict punishment [44:16]
Al Qādir

Al Qadīr

Al Muqtadir
The Most Able

The Omnipotent

The Perfect in Ability
One who is able to do everything.

One with absolute, all encompassing, unopposable power and perfect ability.
Recognise Allah SWT is Omnipotent and worship Him with certainty.

Draw power from Him and be open to all possibilities.

Pray Istikarah for guidance in important decisions/matters.
How He restores the earth to life after death; this same God is the one who will return people to life after death – He has power over all things [30:50]
Al Ḥafīẓ

Al Māni

Al Qawiyy

Al Matīn
The Preserver

The Defender

The All Powerful

The Firm
The Guard, to guard against loss. Preserve morals and character.

Prevent, restrain and deny, both physical and spiritual harm.

Perfect power, physical and moral. His decree cannot be averted.

The Most strong, unshakeable, irresistible and unwavering.
Memorise and understand the Quran (Hafiz).

Protect our salah, words, promises and chastity.

Seek internal and external strength from Allah SWT.

Prevent harm. Stand firm, but remain gentle.
Allah is the Provider, the Lord of Power, the Firm [51:58]

We have sent down the Quran Ourself and We Ourself will guard it [15:9]

“There is no power or might without Allah” [zikr]
Al Adl

Al Muqsit
The Most Just

The Most Equitable
Ultimate Justice. God knows all. We are tested with what we are given.

No soul will be wronged on the Day of Judgement.
Commit to Justice with ourselves, family, community and Allah SWT.

Patience in Allah SWT’s Justice, if not in this world then in the next.
Indeed Allah does not do injustice, even as much as an atom’s weight [4:40]
An Naṣīr

Al Ghālib
The Helper

The Prevailer
Help for the oppressed, powerless and defeated. Allah SWT’s victory will prevail.

External and internal victory. Requires faith, action and patience.
Have faith Allah SWT’s victory will come and He will prevail.

Keep going until the end.

Do not oppress and help others.
And victory is not except from God [3:126]

God always prevails in His purpose [12:21]
Al Hakam

Ad Dayyaan
The Judge

The Supreme Judge
One who decrees and gives rulings.

Divine Determination still requires us to strive in His way knowing he will be the ultimate Judge between us.

The One who Recompenses. Good with good, evil with evil.
Submit to Allah SWT’s judgements and learn those that are relevant to us.

What is decreed will always be for our benefit. Be just when judging between others.

Know that there will be no injustice on the Day of Judgement. Thus be wary of your actions with others, equally do not despair of the actions of others.
Is there any better judge than Allah for those of firm faith? [5:50]

Then He (Allah) will call out to them with a voice that those far off will hear just as those nearby will hear: “I am the King. I am the Supreme Judge…” [Al-Hakim]
Al FattāhThe OpenerOpen or unlock leading to a judgement or decision.

Allah SWT opens doors and paths for us with full knowledge of all outcomes and in our best interests.
Have hope and faith in Allah SWT’s plan whilst striving to achieve, knowing He will provide for you in the best way at the appropriate time.

Open doors for others.
If only the people had believed and been mindful of Allah, We would have opened upon them blessings from the heavens and the earth [7:96]
Al JabbarThe CompellerOnly Allah SWT can compel everything but is never oppressive.

Mending and consoling broken hearts.

Majesty and beauty.
Do not break others.

Help those who are broken.

Turn to Allah SWT when broken.
The Compeller, the Truly Great; God is far above anything they consider to be His partner [59:23]
Ash ShāfīThe HealerHealer of physical diseases, the Source of cures.

Healer of spiritual diseases of the heart and soul (envy, arrogance, miserliness, hatred, pride, jealousy).
Seek cures for physical and spiritual illness.

Pray to Allah SWT for healing.

Recite Quran which is a healing and mercy.
He heals the hearts of a believing people [9:14]

And when I am ill, it is He who cures me [26:80]
Al Barr

Al Ṭayyib

Al Muḥsin
The Source of Good

The Good

The Beneficent
The Source and Doer of Good, truthfulness, piety, gentleness and kindness. All encompassing and expansive goodness eg multiplies rewards for good deeds.

The Pure. Expects us to be good and pure in our speech and actions. Permits and accepts only what is good and pure and prohibits what is not.

Highest level of good, going above and beyond to achieve Excellence (iḥsān) eg the beauty of creation is far and beyond what is needed to fulfil its purpose.
Reflect on Allah SWT’s goodness. Be grateful and give from the good we have been given.

Do things with birr, tib and iḥsān. Act as if our actions are a transaction with Allah SWT. Do good to be rewarded with good. Maintain good speech.

Strive for excellence. Be gentle, kind, merciful, forgiving and steadfast. Cooperate in righteousness.
God never wastes the rewards of those who do good [9:120]

His mercy is near the doers of good [7:56]

Good words rise up to Him and He lifts up the righteous deed [35:10]

He is with those who are mindful of Him and do good [16:128]

Shall the reward of good be anything but good? [55:60]
Al MubīnThe EvidentHe makes His essence evident to us through His names.

He makes things evident and clear, notably the path to Paradise.
Reflect upon His signs and manifestation in the world.

Ask Allah to make clear things you do not understand.
There has come to you from Allah a light and clear book [5:15]
Al WārithThe InheritorEverything will return to Allah SWT.

We are temporary owners – our bodies, possessions and money.

Our good deeds are the true inheritance remaining.
Reflect upon what we will leave behind – good deeds, charity, values and knowledge.

Paradise is the ultimate inheritance for the righteous.
It is We who give life and death; it is We who inherit everything [15:23]
Zul Jalale Wal IkhramPossessor of Majesty and HonourGlorious, Majestic and Sublime. Supremely Great.

The One Who deserves to be exalted.
Remember Allah SWT in all that we do and at all times for His attributes demand we worship and exalt Him alone.

Exalt Him by this name after every salah.
Only the Face of your Lord, full of Majesty and Honour, will remain forever [55:27]

Blessed is the Name of your Lord, full of Majesty and Honour [55:78]

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