23. Al Mu’minun (The Believers)

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Makkan surah revealed during the famine which occurred during the middle stage of Prophethood. The revelation was witnessed by Umar RA. The Prophet ﷺ remarked, “On this occasion ten such verses {first ten verses} have been sent down to me that the one who measures up to them, will most surely go to Paradise.” [Tirmidhi].


  • Every success will be granted to the believers.
  • The disbelievers will never succeed.
  • Reality of iman.
  • Reality of death.
  • Refutes multiple gods.
  • The Day of Judgement.

Selected Verses

1-11: The believers are those who will be successful inheriting Al Firdous, the highest level of Jannah. Their characteristics are:

  • Humble in prayer.
  • Turn away from vain or frivolous talk.
  • Give zakat.
  • Guard their chastity.
  • Honour their trusts and oaths.
  • Guard their prayers.

Being constant and consistent is the key. Give charity constantly. Protect your salah: pray on time, with pleasure, taqwa, and sincerity.

12-16: The creation of Adam AS from an extract of clay. Each human, as a sperm drop, is placed within the womb and developed into an embryo, then into bones, then clothed with flesh and then brought into being as a new creation. Death is inevitable and we will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement.

21: Lesson in cattle who have been provided for us, to benefit from their milk and meat and to ride upon them.

23-49: The people of the Prophets Nuh AS, Hud AS, Musa AS and Haroon AS all disbelieved. They rejected the Messengers because they were humans and refused to listen to them. Thier societies were destroyed.

44: Messengers were sent in succession to each generation, but the default rule was rejection resulting in their destruction by Allah SWT. The truth was not easily accepted by the people because this was at odds with their culture and lifestyle.

52-56: This religion is one and Allah SWT alone is the Lord. Yet, people divide the one religion into sects, each group happy with what they have. They are left to wander in blindness.  They assume that because life is good to them, Allah SWT is happy with them. They have no clue.

All the prophets preached the one religion of Allah SWT. It is the people who deviated and invented other religions and sects. The worldly pleasures do not translate into Allah SWT’s favour. He provides for whoever He Wills in this world. If someone has all they desire, it does not necessarily mean Allah SWT is pleased with them. Similarly, hardship does not necessarily mean one is being punished. Iman and good deeds are the true criterion to achieve Allah SWT’s favour.

57-61: Those who are in awe of Allah SWT, believe in Him and associate none other with Him, race to do good deeds with fear in their hearts, for they know they will return to Allah SWT.

The ultimate level of piety. To submit oneself and perform good deeds yet have humility and doubt as to whether they will be accepted. Not to be confident or arrogant but be afraid that ones piety is not enough. For example, Umar RA was worried whether he was one of the hypocrites despite being promised Jannah.

63-67: In contrast, the disbelievers are heedless and oblivious, rejecting the Quran and engrossed in their evil deeds. But when torment afflicts them, they cry out for help. On the Day, they will be told not to cry out for help as they will never be saved.

68-71: Challenges the pagans on their denial. They know the Prophet ﷺ and yet reject him. If the truth was subject to their whims and desires, the heavens would be in disarray (if multiple gods), society would be corrupt and morals rejected. They would move from one misguidance to another.

78-80: He is the One who has given hearing and sight, life and death, day and night. The blessings of this world are linked to belief in Allah SWT.

84-90: Critical of multiple gods or one supreme god. Allah SWT is accepted as the Supreme, then why are you deluded? How can you believe and worship in multiple gods if you accept there is one supreme god?

91: Neither has Allah SWT begotten a son or are there multiple gods. If that were the case, there would have been war between gods, fighting for dominance over their own creations.

The universe would not be as it is, harmonious and interconnected, in perfect synchrony. For example, all the sciences are interconnected. This cannot be achieved except through One God.

99-100: When death comes the disbelievers will ask to be sent back to do good and believe. This will not be possible. There is a barzakh (barrier) between death and the Day of Judgement.

101: When the Trumpet is blown, there will be no kinship between people, nobody will be concerned about another.

102: The successful will be those whose scale is heavy with good deeds.

103-108: Those with light deeds will be doomed to spend eternity in Jahannam, their faces deformed by the Fire. They will have regret and ask to be taken out but will be told to remain and never plead with Allah SWT again.

109-111: The disbelievers ridiculed the believers for their belief and prayers asking for forgiveness and mercy. They were busy laughing and mocking them at the expense of worshipping Allah SWT. Now the believers will be rewarded for their patience.

112-114: The disbelievers will be asked, “How many years did you live on earth?” It will seem to them to be a day or only a part of a day.

115: Did you think that We had created you without purpose, and that you would never be returned to Us?

116: Exalted is Allah, the True King! There is no god worthy of worship except Him, the Lord of the Honourable Throne.

117: The disbelievers will never succeed.

118: Dua for believers: My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for you are the best of those who show mercy.

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