29. Al Ankabut (The Spider)

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Late Makkan surah possibly with some ayats revealed in Madinah. Named after the spider, who seeks its protection in a frail web, drawing an analogy with the disbelievers who seek protection in their wealth and helpless idols.


  • Trials and tribulations of life.
  • Battle between iman and kufr.
  • Persecution and steadfastness of the prophets.
  • Destruction of the disbelieving nations of the past.
  • The Divine nature of the Quran.

Selected Verses

2-3: Life is a test. Did you think you would not be tested? To see who is truthful and who is not in their claim to be Muslim.

5-7: Whoever hopes to meet Allah SWT, be assured the appointed time will come. Anyone who strives in His cause does so for their own good. He will absolve those who believe and do good deeds of their sins and reward them for their good.

8: Commanded to obey one’s parents except if they urge to associate things with Allah SWT.

14: Nuh AS, the paragon of patience, preaching for 950 years.

21-23: Allah SWT punishes whoever He wills and shows mercy to whoever He wills. We will all be returned to Him, no one can escape Him and there is no protector or helper but Him.

27: Ibrahim AS blessed with prophethood and revelation for his descendants.

28-40: The people of Lut AS and Shuaib AS and the nations of Ad and Thamud were destroyed for their rebelliousness, along with the Egyptians, Firaun, Korah and Haman. They were all seized for their sins, some destroyed with stones, some by a mighty blast, some swallowed by the earth and some drowned.

41: Spiders web analogy for those who take false gods as protectors above Allah SWT. The most fragile of houses is that of the spider, offering no protection.

45: The purpose of prayer, a reminder of Allah SWT and his Glory and therefore a deterrent to refrain from sin. Linking prayer with decency. A common ayah recited during the Jummah sermon.

46: Do not argue with the People of the Book except in the wisest and best manner.” We believe in what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to you.”

48-49: Proof of the divine nature of the Quran, that it was revealed to an unlettered man. It is a set of clear revelations preserved in the hearts of those who have been gifted knowledge.

50-51: The pagans demanded a tangible miracle and did not accept the Quran as divine speech. Is it not a sufficient miracle this book which is recited to them?

The Quran is not the speech of men.

53-55: The disbelievers challenged Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to hasten the punishment. On the Day it comes, it will overwhelm them from above and below and they will reap what they sowed.

56: Advice to move away from persecution – “My earth is truly spacious, so worship Me alone.”

69: Allah SWT will guide those who strive in His cause, along His path.

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