38. Sad (Saad)

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Makkan surah, similar in content to As Saffat and considered a continuation of this surah.


  • Continuation of prophet stories:
    • Stories of Dawud AS, Sulaiman AS, Ayub AS and the favours of Allah SWT upon them.
    • Creation of Adam AS and the enmity of shaytan for mankind.
  • Rewards of the righteous and the transgressors.

Selected Verses

4-8: Arrogance and haughtiness of the pagans in rejecting the message, their refusal to believe in one god and their insults about the Prophet ﷺ.

11-16: Warning to the deniers of the many previous nations that were destroyed for rejecting their messengers, denying the Truth and mocking their promised punishment.

17-26: Dawud AS. The mountains and the birds were subjected to hymn the praises of Allah SWT along with Dawud AS. He was given kingship, wisdom and sound judgement. He constantly turned to Allah SWT and will be granted a status of closeness and an honourable destination.

A story is related of him judging between two partners who were in disagreement over their flock of sheep. They entered into his chamber, startling him. Dawud AS realised he was being tested and prostrated to Allah SWT, seeking forgiveness for his mistake (the details of which are not related). He was forgiven and told to judge truthfully between people and not let ones desires come in the way.

One interpretation of this is that the men were angels sent to test Dawud AS in judgement. One person was trying to take sheep of the others. Dawud AS realised he was hasty with his judgement, listening only to one side and not the other (justice requires impartiality, do not listen to your sympathies, do not be hasty). Another interpretation is that he thought ill of the two men. Thus, he fell down in sajdah to ask Allah SWT’s forgiveness.

27: The heavens and the earth were created for a purpose.

29: Ponder/reflect/contemplate over the Quran.

30-40: Sulaiman AS. His love for fine horses caused him to become temporarily engrossed in all his wealth. He repented to Allah SWT for allowing his wealth to distract him. He constantly turned to Allah SWT and will be granted a status of closeness and an honourable destination.

He was also tested when he left his kingdom and a demonic jinn took his place, commanding evil. On his return, he expelled him and asked for forgiveness. He asked for an authority that will never be matched, a dominion that no other would have. He was therefore granted subjugation of the wind and the jinn.

41-44: Ayyub AS. He was afflicted with distress and suffering – losing his family and ill health. Allah SWT responded to his dua for help by restoring his family and curing his illness. A river appeared and he dipped into it and was cured. He also made an oath to Allah SWT to discipline his wife for erring but then regretted it. Allah SWT made it easy for him to fulfil this without harming his wife, by striking her with a bundle of grass.

45-54: Mention of Ibrahim AS, Ishaq AS, Yacoub AS, Ishmael AS, Ilyas AS and Zul Khifl – all honourable and righteous. The righteous will have an honourable destination and be rewarded with the Gardens of Eternity, the promise from Allah SWT and a provision that will never end.

55-64: The transgressors will have the worst destination and be tormented in Hell. They will dispute amongst themselves, asking for a double punishment for those responsible for bringing them there and wonder why they do not see those they considered more lowly than them (the believers).

71-85: The creation of Adam AS and the refusal of Iblis to prostrate before him out of his arrogance of being created from fire rather than clay and his belief he was better than Adam AS. Iblis was cursed and removed from Paradise. He asked for reprieve until the Day of Judgement and promised to tempt and mislead mankind, except Allah SWT’s chosen servants. Allah SWT will fill Hell with those who follow shaytan.

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