40. Ghafir (The Forgiver)

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Makkan surah, the first of 7 surahs beginning with ha meem, all of which overlap in content but from a different angle. Also known as surah Mumin.


  • Belief and disbelief.
  • Glimpses of Judgement Day and Hell.
  • The attributes of Allah SWT.
  • Story of a believer in the time of Musa AS.

Selected Verses

2-3: Allah SWT is the Forgiver of sins, Acceptor of repentance, Severe in punishment, Infinite in bounty.

7-9: The angels carrying the Throne of Allah SWT make dua on behalf of the believers: to forgive those who repent, protect them from Hellfire, admit them and their righteous kin into Jannah and protect them from the consequences of their evil deeds.

11: The disbelievers will confess their sins and ask for a way out – the importance of recognising and acknowledging one’s sins.

14-15: Call upon Allah SWT with sincere devotion. He is Highly Exalted, the Lord of the Throne.

16: On the Day of Judgement, Allah SWT will ask, “To whom does the kingdom belong today? To Allah – the One, the Supreme!”

19-20: Allah SWT is aware of all the hearts conceal, He alone is All Seeing, All Hearing.

21-22: Fate of previous nations, seized for their sins and persistent disbelief despite clear proofs from their messengers. Allah SWT is All Powerful, severe in punishment.

23-27: Musa AS sent to Firaun, Haman and Korah with clear signs and compelling proof, but he was passed off as a magician. Firaun ordered the killing of the sons of the believers.

28-46: The story of secret convert within household of Firaun – possibly the man who came to warn Musa AS in surah Qasas. This man tried to convert people from within the household, preaching in a wise manner:

  • Are you going to kill this man just for believing in Allah SWT? He may be lying but what if he is telling the truth?
  • Fear the fate of the previous nations and the Day of Judgement.
  • This life is fleeting, the Akhira is the final and lasting abode.
  • Evil deeds will be rewarded with their equivalent and good deeds with Jannah.

Allah SWT protected him from the fate of Firaun’s people (He protects those who put their faith in Him). Firaun’s people are exposed to the Fire in their graves, morning and evening, and will be admitted into the harshest punishment of Hell.

49: Those in the Fire will plead with the keepers, “Pray to your Lord to lighten the torment for us even for one day!”

59: The Last Hour is sure to come, there is no doubt.

60: “Call upon Me, I will respond to you. Surely those who are too proud to worship Me will enter Hell, fully humbled.”

61-68: Allah SWT’s Mercy to His creation, His Creative Ability and His Power over life and death.

69-76: Punishment in Hell for the prideful and arrogant who deny the Scripture and messengers – shackled and chained, dragged through boiling water and burned in the Fire.

83: The messengers were ridiculed due to the knowledge people thought they had – our knowledge has potential to misguide.

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