44. Ad Dhukhan (The Smoke)

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Makkan surah named after the haze from the drought suffered by the Makkans.


  • Warning against infatuation with power.
  • Torments of Jahannam.
  • Pleasures of Jannah.

Selected Verses

3-4: The Quran was sent down on a blessed night (Laylat al Qadr) when every matter of wisdom has been decreed.

10-16: Prophecy that the Makkans will suffer from an overwhelming torment, when the sky will be veiled in smoke/haze. They will ask the Prophet ﷺ to remove the torment and then they will certainly believe. Allah SWT will remove it but they will return to disbelief.

Draws parallels with the story of Musa AS and Firaun in the previous surah whereby the people promised to believe if the plagues were removed, but failed to do so once they were safe.

17-33: More details about the story of Musa AS. He was told to leave at night with the Israelites and that the army pursuing them would be drowned. Firaun’s people left behind many gardens, springs, crops, splendid residences and luxuries. The Israelites were thus delivered from humiliation and from the tyranny of Firaun. One of the greatest of civilisations was caused to be taken over by another, “Neither the heavens or the earth wept for them.”

34-36: The Makkans disbelieved in the resurrection, asking the Prophet ﷺ to, “Bring back their forefathers if what you say is true.”

40: The Day of Sorting – no friend will help or be of benefit to one another.

43-50: The torments of Jahannam. Food from the tree of Zaqqum, like molten metal, boiling the innards. Boiling water poured over the heads of the wicked.

51-57: The bounty of Jannah. Gardens and springs, fine clothes, maidens with gorgeous eyes, every type of fruit. The believers will never taste death and they will be protected from Jahannam.

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