50. Qaf (Qaf)

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Makkan surah recited by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ many times during the Jummah khutbah.


  • The infinite power of Allah SWT to create and resurrect.
  • Deniers of the Resurrection and their fate.
  • The certainty of the Akhira.

Selected Verses

6-10: The creative power of Allah SWT. Flawless creation of sky, adorned with stars; the earth spread out, with mountains placed upon it and laden with plants. The blessed rain is sent down producing gardens, harvests and fruit laden trees. This is how lifeless land is revived and similarly will be our emergence from the graves.

15: Allah SWT created everything, why can He not create again.

16: Allah SWT is closer to man than his jugular vein.

17-18: Our two personal scribe angels, on our right and left, record our good and evil deeds, respectively.

19: With the pangs of death will come the truth. The disbelievers will then realize the Resurrection, Judgement, Jahannam and Jannah are all true.

24-26: Throw into Jahannam every stubborn disbeliever, withholder of good, transgressor and doubter who set up another god with Allah SWT.

30: Beware of the Day Jahannam will be asked, “Are you full?” and it will respond, “Are there any more?” Huge numbers of people will be thrown into it.

31-35: Jannah will be brought near to the righteous, for those in awe of Allah SWT without seeing Him. This is what they were promised, where they will live in peace and have whatever they desire and even more (to see the Face of Allah SWT).

38-40: Allah SWT created the heavens and the earth and everything in between in six days and was not even touched with fatigue (reference to God resting on the seventh day within the Bible). So glorify the praises of your Lord before sunrise and sunset and during part of the night ad after the prayers.

41-44: Listen for the Day the caller will call out and all will hear the Blast, the Day of Emergence (from the graves), the Day the earth will split open. Allah SWT gives life and causes death and to Him we will all return.

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