51. Az Zariyat (Scattering Winds)

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  • Certainty of Judgement.
  • Rewards for the deniers and devout.
  • Destruction of previous disobedient nations.

Selected Verses

1-6: Allah SWT swears by the winds scattering dust, the clouds loaded with rain, the ships gliding with ease and the angels administering His affairs that the promise is true and Judgement will certainly come to pass.

7-14: Warning to the deniers. Condemned are the liars, those steeped in ignorance and heedlessness, who mockingly ask, “When is the Day of Judgement?” They will be tormented by the Fire.

15-19: The reward for the devout. Those who were good doers, sleeping only a little at night seeking forgiveness in hours before dawn and giving from their wealth the rightful share for the poor and needy.

24-30: Messenger angels visited Ibrahim AS to give him and his wife Sarah good news of a child (Ishaq AS).

31-46: Destruction of disbelieving, transgressing nations:

  • People of Lut AS, destroyed by stoned of baked clay.
  • The soldiers of Firaun, drowned in the Red Sea.
  • People of Hud AS, destroyed by a devastating wind.
  • People of Salih AS, destroyed by a mighty blast.
  • People of Nuh AS, truly rebellious.

47-49: Allah SWT’s power of Creation:

  • He built the universe and is expanding it.
  • He smoothed out the earth (to accommodate the creation).
  • He created all things in pairs.

50: The message of the Prophet ﷺ: “Flee/run/rush to Allah SWT.”

52: All previous messengers were mocked as magicians or madmen.

56-58: Man and jinn were created to worship Allah SWT. He is not in need of anything from us. He alone is the Supreme Provider, Lord of all Power, All Mighty.

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