52. At Tur (Mount Tur)

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Named after Mount Tur/Sinai where Musa AS spoke directly with Allah SWT and received revelation.


  • Certainty of Judgement.
  • Glimpses of the Day of Resurrection and the punishments and rewards for the deniers and the believers.
  • Origin of creation, rejection of atheism.

Selected Verses

1-8: Allah SWT swears by Mount Tur, the Book (the Preserved Tablet or the Quran), the Sacred House (Baytul Mamur in the heavens or the Kabbah), the sky and by the seas set on fire (on the Day of Judgement) – the Day of Judgement will come to pass, none will avert it.

9-10: The Day the heavens will be violently shaken and the mountains will be entirely blown away.

11-16: The deniers will be fiercely shoved into Jahannam, “This is the Fire you used to deny. Is it magic or do you not see? Burn in it!” It matters not whether they endure it patiently or not, they will not be reprieved.

17-24: The righteous will be enjoying their rewards in the Gardens of Bliss, protected from the torment of Jahannam. Eating and drinking wines, fruits and meats, reclining on thrones facing each other, paired with maidens with gorgeous eyes and waited on by youthful servants. They will be reunited with the faithful from their families.

25-28: They will remember their past lives recalling they were in awe of Allah SWT, so He has rewarded them and protected them from Jahannam.

29-43: 15 rhetorical questions asking the pagans why they deny the truth.

  • 34: Challenge to the pagans to produce something like the Quran if they believe it is made up.
  • 35-36: The origin of creation, rejecting atheism, a recent concept in the last 250 yrs.
    • Were you created by nothing?
    • Are you your own creators?
    • Did you create the heavens and the earth?

48-49: Glorify the praises of your Lord when you rise and glorify Him during part of the night and at the fading of the stars.

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