53. An Najm (The Star)

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This surah was recited by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in front of the Kabbah and was so moving, that when he ﷺ performed sajdah at end of surah, almost all those present (including the non believers and leaders of Makkah) prostrated.


  • The Prophet’s ﷺ ascension to the heavens.
  • Each person is responsible for their own actions.
  • Manifestations of Allah SWT’s infinite power.

Selected Verses

1-9: Allah SWT swears by the stars that the revelation was revealed through the mighty angel Jibril AS, it did not come directly from the Prophet ﷺ. Jibril AS appeared in his true from when he first approached the Prophet ﷺ with the Quranic revelation.

7-18: The ascension (Night Journey) of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ into the heavens, whereby he saw Jibril AS in his true form for the second time and the Sidrat al Muntaha (the Lote Tree adorned with heavenly splendours).

19-20: Mention of 3 of the pagan gods, mere names that they have made up. To Allah SWT alone belongs this world and the next.

26: Even the intercession of the noble angels is of no benefit to anyone until He gives permission to whosoever He wills for the people He approves.

31-32: Each person is recompensed for their deeds. The believers will be forgiven their minor sins, Allah SWT is infinite in forgiveness. Do not falsely elevate ourselves, Allah SWT created us and knows best who is truly righteous.

35-42: No one has knowledge of the unseen, so cannot claim they will have salvation. Each person will only bear their own sins. The outcome of their endeavours will be seen in their record and they will be rewarded fully.

43-55: Allah SWT brings joy and sadness, life and death. He created the pairs from a sperm drop and He will bring about the re-creation. He is the One who enriches and impoverishes. He destroyed the previous nations for their transgression. Now, which of your Lord’s favours will you dispute?

56-58: The Prophet ﷺ is a warner like the earlier ones. The Hour approaches and none but Allah SWT can disclose it.

59-62: Do you find this revelation astonishing, laughing at it and not weeping in awe while persisting in heedlessness? Instead prostrate to Allah and worship Him alone.

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