55. Ar Rahman (The Most Compassionate)

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Very early Makkan surah, perhaps 2nd year of the prophethood. One night, known as The Night of the Jinn, on the way back from Taif, the Messenger ﷺ spoke to and taught the jinn. He ﷺ recited this surah to them and they converted into Islam.

Abdullah Ibn Masood also recited this surah in front of the Kabbah around the 3rd year of the prophethood, the first time any Quran was heard in Makkah by non believers. He was the best reciter of the Quran among the companions and he understood it better than them all. However did not have any tribal protection in Makkah and the pagans set upon him, beating him severely.

There is a clear duality in this surah, referring to men and jinn. The question: “Then which of your Lord’s favours will you both deny?” is repeated 31 times between the other ayahs:

  • 8 times after reminders of Allah SWT’s favours/blessings.
  • 7 times after talking about the punishments for the disbelievers – the same as the number of gates of Jahannam.
  • 8 times in each of the two passages talking about the rewards of Jannah – the same as the number of gates of Jannah.


  • Blessings of Allah SWT.
  • Punishments of the People of the Left.
  • Rewards of the People of the Right.
  • Rewards of the Foremost.

Selected Verses

1: Ar Rahman. The Most Compassionate. The only ayah consisting solely of a Name of Allah SWT.

2: Taught the Quran. Linking mercy through Quran (the Quran was created first).

3-4: Allah SWT created man and taught him eloquence/speech (bayan). This encompasses poetry, philosophy, refection, intellect, awareness, etc. Mankind is the only species to have this ability.

6: The stars and trees prostrate to Allah SWT.

10-30: Allah SWT’s favours:

  • He made the earth for all beings and provided fruit, grains, and plants within it.
  • He created mankind from clay and jinn from a smokeless flame.
  • He is the Lord of the two eats and the two wests (two points of sunrise and sunset in winter and summer).
  • He merged the two bodies of fresh and salt water, maintaining a barrier between them. Pearls and corals come forth from both.
  • The ships sail through the seas.
  • Every being on earth is bound to perish, only Allah SWT Himself, full of Majesty and Honour, will remain (death is a favour, as it puts an end to oppression, tyrants, allows for the enforcement of justice at the Judgement and leads the believers to eternal joy in Jannah).
  • All in the heavens and the earth are dependent on Him. He manages all affairs each and every day.

31-45: Punishment of the People of the Left. Mankind and jinn will soon be called for Judgement. The heavens will split apart becoming rose-red like burnt oil. The wicked will be recognised by their appearance, seized by their forelocks and feet and told, “This is the Hell which the wicked denied.” They will alternate between its flames and scalding water.

46-61: Reward of the Foremost Believers. Descriptions of Gardens, rivers/springs, fruits, furnishings and Companions.

60: Is there any reward for goodness except goodness? The reward for those who practice perfection will be perfection – if we try to be perfect (imperfectly) we will gain perfection.

62-77: Reward of the People of the Right. Descriptions of Gardens, rivers/springs, fruits, furnishings and Companions.

See Descriptions of Jannah, for the differences between the two levels of Jannah for the Foremost and the Believers.

78: Blessed is the name of your Lord, full of Majesty and Honour.

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