The Night Journey (Al Isra wal Miraj)

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    Glory be to the One Who took His servant {Muhammad} by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs [17:1]

    The Night Journey, Al Isra wal Miraj, was one of the most amazing gifts given by Allah SWT to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, whereby He called the Prophet ﷺ into the heavens for an audience with Himself.

    Surah Al Isra is the only surah that begins with Subhan Allah, Glory be to Allah, indicating that something of unparalleled greatness is about to be revealed. The whole event took place in one night and comprised two parts. Al Isra, the night journey on earth from Makkah to Jerusalem and Al Miraj, the ascension into the heavens.

    This miraculous event has been narrated in multiple hadith by multiple companions, however only 20 or so are authentic. Whilst a definitive chronological order of events is not evident, the hadith provide snippets of information from which a likely chronology can be pieced together.

    The journey took place after the Year of Sorrow in 619 CE, the tenth year after the Prophet ﷺ began his mission as the Messenger of Allah SWT. This was the toughest year for the Prophet ﷺ, having to bear the deaths of his wife Khadija RA and uncle Abu Talib and the cruel rejection from the people of Taif. Apart from the year, no other details of the day or month of this event have been authenticated.

    This journey was a personal gift from Allah SWT to the Prophet ﷺ to console him after the Year of Sorrow and to show him the magnificence of His signs. After hardship comes ease [94:5].

    Al Isra

    Masjid al Haram

    Jibril AS appeared to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ whilst he was sleeping, through the roof of his house and took him to the hatim next to the Ka’bah. He opened the Prophet’s ﷺ chest and took out his heart. He then took a golden vessel filled with zamzam water and washed the Prophet’s ﷺ heart. Jibril AS then poured wisdom and faith into his heart.

    This was the second time this had happened. The first time was when the Prophet ﷺ was a child. At that time, a black spot was washed from his heart, the only portion of shaytan in his body. The purpose of repeating this was to strengthen his heart for what he was about to see. He ﷺ would be entering a different realm/dimension and witnessing all sorts of miracles.

    Al Buraq

    Then Jibril AS brought forth Al Buraq, a pure white animal smaller than a mule but larger than a donkey. It was a physical creature from the realm of the unseen. One hadith in Tirmidhi said it had a muzzle and saddle. When mounted, it jumped up prompting Jibril AS to smack and rebuke it: “Woe to you, how dare you do this, for no one has ridden you that is more blessed in the eyes of Allah SWT than your current rider.”

    They travelled to Bayt al Maqdis in Jerusalem. Al Buraq travelled at amazing speeds, putting its hoof on the horizon as far as it could see. On their way, they passed by Musa AS in his grave, praying.

    Bayt al Maqdis

    On arrival, Al Buraq was tied to the post used by the previous prophets, meaning other prophets used to tie their animals there when praying. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ went inside and prayed 2 rakats. In one narration, when he turned around he saw all the prophets behind him. Another narration mentions he saw himself with the prophets.

    Musa AS was a strong muscular man. Isa AS was described as whitish looking, hair glistening with water, shorter than Musa AS, resembling one of the companions. Ibrahim AS was a close resemblance to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. All the prophets were standing and praying, highlighting the importance and blessings of salah in that they were praying even after death.

    The Prophet ﷺ then lead salah thus becoming the imam of all the prophets and by extension the leader of every single ummah. This was an unparalleled honour, to become the sayid (leader/master) of all the children of Adam. There were approximately 120,000 prophets and 315 messengers sent to mankind. All were lined up in the same row; space was not an issue as they were all in a spiritual form.

    Milk or Wine

    Jibril AS then presented two utensils to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, one filled with milk the other with wine. Wine was not haram at this point, but its unpleasant effect were known. Jibril AS asked the Prophet ﷺ to, “Choose and choose for your ummah.” The Prophet ﷺ chose milk and Jibril AS told him he had chosen correctly for his ummah, the natural state of the soul, the fitrah (every child is born on the fitrah).

    Milk is pure and refreshing, coming from cattle [16:66]. Nothing substitutes for food and drink other than milk [Tirmidhi]. It is wholesome and nutritious. Alcohol is corrupted and filthy, requiring fermentation by bacteria. It smells awful and corrupts, causing its drinkers to act foolishly and, lose their minds. Hence the Prophet ﷺ chose the pure drink, symbolising the purity of the Prophets’ soul and the purity of Islam.

    Al Miraj

    The Seven Heavens

    Allah SWT has created seven heavens one above the other. These are the physical heavens referred to as samawat in the Quran. Jannat (Jannah) are the heavens promised for the righteous believers. One interpretation is the jannat are within the seventh heaven. Another, that they begin in the sixth heaven and extend into the seventh.

    All the visible universe is within the lowest heaven. We have beautified the first heaven with lanterns (stars) [67:5]. It is absolutely mind boggling how large the universe is. Even with our powerful telescopes we still haven’t been able to see how large it is. There are 6 more heavens beyond this!

    The Welcoming Committees

    After salah at Bayt al Maqdis, Jibril AS and the Prophet ﷺ began their ascension into the heavens. On reaching the gate at the first heaven, Jibril AS asked permission to open the doors of the heavens. This verification process was repeated for entry into all the 7 heavens:

    • The gatekeeper asked, “Who is there?”
    • Jibril AS, replied, “It is Jibril.”
    • “Who is with you?”
    • “Muhammad”
    • “Has he been called for?”
    • “Yes.”

    The Prophets

    At the gate of the first heaven was Adam AS. Jibril AS asked the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to give salaam to him. Adam AS replied, “Welcome O noble son and noble prophet.” One hadith narrates Adam AS was surrounded by multitudes of people. When he looked to his right he was happy as these were the People of Jannah. When he looked to his left he began to cry as these were the People of Jahannam.

    Isa AS and his cousin Yahya AS were at the second heaven. The same process of greeting occurred however their reply was slightly different: “Welcome O noble brother and noble Prophet.” This was same the greeting at the third to sixth heavens.

    At the third heaven stood Yusuf AS. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ remarked, “I saw Yusuf and it was as if he had been given half of all beauty.”

    At the fourth heaven was Idris AS, at the fifth was Haroun AS and at the sixth was Musa AS. As Jibril AS and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ continued their ascent, they noted that Musa AS was crying. “This young man who was sent after me (Musa was around 120 yrs when died) will have a larger following than me in Jannah.” He was upset due to the desire of achieving as much reward and blessing for himself and his ummah.

    Ibrahim AS was the final Prophet at the seventh heaven. He was sitting with his back leaning on Bayt al Ma’mur, the heavenly Ka’bah. When given the greeting of salaam, he responded as Adam AS did, “Welcome O noble son and noble prophet.”

    Significance of These Prophets

    The presence of the Prophets served as welcoming committees, a “royal carpet” for the visit of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Adam AS was the first as he is father of all mankind. He was expelled from Jannah but will eventually return. The Prophet ﷺ would come to be expelled from Makkah, the holiest place on earth, but would also eventually return.

    Isa AS and Yahya AS are chronologically the closest to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Their own people also tried to kill them and they succeeded with Yahya AS. Yusuf’s AS own brothers also tried to kill him. There are similarities here with the Prophet ﷺ and the Quraysh who also tried to kill him. But Yusuf AS’s brothers repented and came back to righteousness. The symbolism is that the Quraysh will come back too. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ quoted Yusuf AS when he later conquered Makkah saying, “There is no sin on you today.”

    Idris is mentioned once in the Quran. And mention in the Book Idris. He was surely a man of truth and a prophet And We elevated him to an honourable station [19:56-57]. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is also being raised to a high rank.

    Haroun AS was also despised by his people and then accepted. Musa AS had similar experiences to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in his struggle with his people. He is depicted as a role model. Once, the Prophet ﷺ remarked: May Allah have mercy upon Musa! He was hurt more than this but he remained patient [Buhkari].

    Ibrahim AS was the Khalil of Allah SWT, his close friend and confidant. His position in the seventh heaven befits his status. He was also a direct ancestor of the Prophet ﷺ. Only Ibrahim AS and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ have been taken as Khalil to Allah SWT.

    Ibrahim AS built the Ka’bah and as we are rewarded according to our deeds, he was found relaxing next to the Bayt al Mu’mur. The only authentic hadith about Bayt al Ma’mur narrates it is directly above the earthly Ka’bah. Since the beginning of time 70,000 angels have performed tawaf around it on a daily basis, never to return. Each day a new batch of angels visit the Bayt al Ma’mur and this will continue until the Day of Resurrection.

    Sidrat al Muntaha

    After meeting Ibrahim AS, Jibril AS and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ proceeded high into the seventh heaven to the Sidrat al Muntaha. This type of tree, sidrat or lote tree, was known to the Arabs, having wide branches with luscious and sweet smelling fruit. Muntaha means “at the end,” therefore the Sidrat al Mutaha is translated as the “lote tree at the end.”


    This Tree was described by the Prophet ﷺ as best as possible, recognising that he ﷺ was seeing something in a different realm, that had never been seen before. Any descriptions would not do it justice. Its fruits were as large as water jars and its leaves like elephant ears. It was covered with all manner of things: butterflies made of gold, unknown colours, light or energy, constantly changing. Angels sitting atop each leaf. The Prophet ﷺ absorbed these sights and some of Allah SWT’s most magnificent creations.

    At the Lote Tree of the most extreme limit – near which is the Garden of Eternal Residence – while the Lote Tree was overwhelmed with heavenly splendours! The {Prophet’s} sight never wandered nor did it overreach. He certainly saw some of his Lord’s greatest signs [53:14-18]

    The trunk of the Sidrat al Muntaha begins in the sixth heaven and its branches extend to the highest limits of the seventh heaven, to the end of creation. It is the symbol of iman and life, ingrained in our fitrah, the most magnificent of all trees. From its base four rivers emerge. Two are hidden, the rivers of Jannah, al Kawthar and Salsabeel. Two are visible, the blessed Earthly rivers the Nile and Euphrates which are associated with the earliest civilizations.

    Everything stops at the Sidrat al Muntaha before proceeding higher: all knowledge, prayers, duas, good deeds and the souls of the righteous. From it originates everything coming down to the earth: the Mercy of Allah SWT, His Blessings and His Decree.

    The Splendour of Jibril AS

    It was at the Sidrat al Muntaha that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ saw Jibril AS in his original form. This was the second time Jibril AS revealed his true self to the Prophet ﷺ, previously when the Quran was first revealed. His form blocked the entire horizon. He had 600 wings, with pearls and jewels dropping from the feathers.

    Thus at this point in the journey, Allah SWT had revealed to His Messenger ﷺ three of His greatest signs:

    • Bayt al Ma’mur, the spiritual Ka’bah worshiped by all the angels.
    • Sidrat al Muntaha, the highest point of creation.
    • Jibril AS, in all his splendour.

    Here was Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the most chosen of Allah SWT’s servants amongst mankind with Jibril AS, the most chosen of His servants amongst the angels.

    The Divine Audience

    The next part of the journey was the greatest blessing bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. He alone was made to ascend higher above the Sidrat al Muntaha, to be in the presence of Allah SWT. No creation before him had been given this honour.

    We know of three things that were given to Prophet ﷺ.

    1. The commandment to establish salah.
    2. The last two ayats of Surah Al Baqarah.
    3. A promise that whoever worshipped Allah SWT without shirk would be forgiven.

    Whatever else was spoken is not known to anyone other than Allah SWT and His Messenger ﷺ.

    Then Allah revealed to His servant what He revealed [53:10]

    The Veil of Allah SWT

    Aisha narrates that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did not see Allah SWT directly, only from behind a hijab of Light. No one can see or speak to Allah SWT directly. Either a person is inspired within his heart, speaks from behind a veil (Musa AS) or an angel comes with revelation.

    When asked by a companion, “Did you see your Lord,” the Prophet ﷺ replied, “How could I see Him, there was Light” [Muslim]. If Allah SWT were to lift this veil the rays that come from His Face would destroy everything He sees, which in reality means everything in existence. Thus in order to protect the creation from the essence of Allah SWT, He has taken a veil of Light, for Allah SWT is Light.

    When Musa came at the appointed time and His Lord spoke to Him, he asked, “My Lord! Reveal Yourself to me so that I may see You.” Allah answered, “You cannot see Me! But look at the mountain, If it remains firm in its place, only then will you see Me.” When his Lord appeared to the mountain, He levelled it to dust and Musa collapsed unconscious [7:143]

    The Pen

    The Prophet ﷺ rose to a level where he could hear the Pen writing in the Book. The Pen was the first creation of Allah SWT [Tirmidhi] and writes by His will. When created, it asked Him, “What shall I write?” Allah SWT said, “Write everything that will happen until the end of time.”


    Allah has decreed the destiny of all the creatures 50,000 years before He created the heavens and the earth [Muslim]

    Qadr is the Decree of Allah SWT. It is His Will and was predetermined long before any of creation. All events that have occurred, are occurring and will occur throughout the entire history of creation have already been recorded in the Preserved Tablet, al-Lauh al-Mahfuz. If everything is already recorded, why is the Pen still writing? Does qadr change?

    There are two forms of qadr. One that cannot be changed, for example, the time of ones birth, ones gender, the creation and motion of stars and galaxies and so forth. The other form can be changed according to our actions.

    And {it is} Allah {Who} created you from dust, then {developed you} from a sperm drop, them made you into pairs. No female ever conceives or delivers without His knowledge. And no ones life is made long or cut short but is {written} in a Record. That is certainly easy for Allah [35:11]

    Humans have been gifted free will. To say that all is predetermined does not take away the fact that our destiny lies in our hands. We make the choices in our lives that affect our outcomes. For example, we choose how much effort we will place in our education or jobs in order to improve our lives, we choose whether to spend our time praying or partying, we choose whether we follow a religious creed or not.

    The understanding is to acknowledge that Allah SWT is All Knowing. Whatever choices we make, and they are our choices to make, He already knows about them and they are all written in al-Lauh al-Mahfuz.

    In this way, we may have been decreed something but our actions cause that thing to be changed. For example, we may have been destined to have an accident but the charity or other good deed we performed averted that calamity.

    Every year on the Night of Decree, Laylatul Qadr, our destiny for the next year is sent down to earth by the angels. It is this record, along with our daily qadr that can potentially be changed by good deeds or sincere dua. However whatever changes occur here, have already been written in al-Lauh al-Mahfuz.

    Allah eliminates and confirms what He wills, and with Him is the Master Record [13:39]

    Decree for Salah

    It was in the presence of Allah SWT that 50 daily salah were prescribed for the ummah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. When the Prophet ﷺ descended from his Lord, he reached Musa AS in the sixth heaven who enquired what Allah SWT had asked of him. He knew that something would happen in this meeting having had previous experience of speaking with Allah SWT, indirectly on earth. It was during this 40 day period on Mount Sinai that the Ten Commandments were revealed to him.

    Musa AS had experience of leading a large ummah and on hearing that 50 daily salah had been decreed for the Prophet’s ﷺ ummah, he told him this would not be possible. His ummah would not be able to bear this amount of worship. He asked the Prophet ﷺ to go back to Allah SWT and ask for a reduction. Feeling somewhat uneasy at this, the Prophet ﷺ looked at Jibril AS for support, who nodded his agreement.

    The Prophet ﷺ went up to Allah SWT and back down to Musa AS several times. Each time he ﷺ came back with a reduced number of salah and each time Musa AS told him to go back and reduce them further. Finally when 5 prayers were decreed Musa asked again for a reduction. The Prophet ﷺ replied, “I have requested so much of my Lord that I feel ashamed, but I am satisfied now and surrender to Allah’s Order.”

    On leaving Musa AS, Allah SWT called out, “I have passed My Order and have lessened the burden of My worshipers. My Will has been established and 5 salah will be rewarded with 50.”

    Lessons From Al Miraj


    The events of al Miraj highlight the importance and high status of salah, such that the Messenger of Allah SWT was called up into the heavens for a Divine audience to receive the commandment for prayer. It is the only decree in Islam that required this.

    Other indicators of the central role of salah in Islam:

    • Mentioned in the first verses of the Quran [2:3] and throughout the Quran.
    • Isa AS declared his duty to do salah as a baby [19:31].
    • All the prophets were praying after their deaths.
    • The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ prayed the original decree for 50 salah during his daily routine: 17 fard, 12 sunnah, 3 witr, 8 tahajjud + 2 introductory rakat, 8 doha = 50 rakat.

    The mercy of Allah SWT is evident, by reducing the salah to make the religion easy for the believers. Not only that, but by rewarding the 5 salah as if they were 50. It also highlights that the only purpose of creation is for the ibadah of Allah SWT. Praying 50 salah daily would effectively mean praying all the time, like the angels, every 20 min or so.

    Last Two Verses Surah Al Baqarah

    The last two ayats of Surah Al Baqarah were the only passage of the Quran that were not brought down to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. He went up to receive them from beneath the Throne. There are great blessings attached to these ayats. Whoever recites these ayats before sleep, they will be sufficient for him [Muslim]. This indicates protection from shaytan. Some hadith also indicate they may be rewarded as if performing tahajjud.

    A Miraculous Journey

    Surah Al Najm [53:1-18] supports the account of the Prophet ﷺ refuting that this journey was a dream. He ﷺ was taught (the signs) by the one mighty in power (Jibril AS) who revealed himself at the highest part of creation, coming as close to him as two arms lengths. The Prophet ﷺ then moved to a higher encounter where Allah SWT inspired his servant. He ﷺ saw the most amazing signs and miracles of his Lord.

    The Descent

    During the Night Journey, the Prophet ﷺ saw Jannah and Jahannam and many other things. There are also accounts of meetings and conversations between the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and other prophets and the keeper of Jahannam. The chronology of these events and meetings are not recorded in the hadiths.

    They may have occurred during the ascent, or at Bayt al Maqdis, however etiquette would dictate that when called to meet your Lord, the King of Kings, nothing should materially delay this. Thus it may be that these signs were appropriate to be shown to him after his meeting with Allah SWT, on his descent. Allah SWT knows best.

    Meetings During the Night Journey

    Between Prophets

    The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Isa AS, Musa AS and Ibrahim AS were discussing the Day of Judgement, specifically when would it occur. Ibrahim AS and Musa AS had no knowledge about this.

    Isa AS said he will be sent back to Earth before it in order to kill the Dajjal. Then Yahjuj and Mahjuj will come and will consume all the water that they pass. He will make dua to Allah SWT Who will cause them to die. The entire world will be full of their bodies and stench. He would make another dua to remove them and rain will be sent to wash them away. Then the Day of Judgement will be like, “A pregnant women about to give birth,” that is, it would be imminent.

    Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also had a conversation with Ibrahim AS: “O Muhammad give my salaam to your ummah and inform them that Jannah’s soil is beautiful and fertile but flat with no trees. The seedlings will come from zikr.”

    The Keeper of Jahannam

    The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ met Malik, the keeper of Jahannam. Jibril AS asked the Prophet ﷺ to give him his salaam but before he could say anything, Malik greeted him. He appeared sad and Jibril AS mentioned that he had never smiled or laughed since he was created, due to guarding Jahannam, “but if he could he would have smiled at you.”

    The interpretation of this meeting is that Malik was brought up from Jahannam to meet Muhammad ﷺ rather than the Prophet ﷺ going down to Jahannam or ever being close to Jahannam. Malik also came to the Prophet ﷺ as a sign of respect.

    Other Events

    Beautiful Fragrance

    On their descent, Jibril AS and the Prophet ﷺ smelt a beautiful fragrance. This was the smell of the maiden of the daughter of Firaun. Her story was then related to the Prophet ﷺ.

    Whilst combing her mistresses hair, the comb fell and the maiden said Bismillah. Firaun’s daughter said, “Don’t you mean name of my father?” When the maiden replied, “No,” the daughter asked, “Shall I tell my father?” Firaun then questioned the maiden: “Is there a Lord other than me?” The maiden replied, “Yes Allah SWT, my Lord and yours.”

    A cauldron of fire was set up and the maiden was told to throw her children into the fire or acknowledge Firaun as her Lord. She refused and asked for one request, to all be buried together. This was agreed and one by one she threw her children into the fire. When she was left with her last child, a baby still suckling, she paused out of distress. The baby then miraculously spoke and said, “Go and throw yourself in, the punishment in this world is nothing compared to that in the next.”

    The story of her devotion to Allah SWT was thus preserved for eternity through her fragrance.

    Jannah and Jahannam

    The Prophet ﷺ saw some of the blessings of Jannah – tents of pearls and soil of musk. He also saw some of the punishments of Jahannam:

    • People with noses like camels, eating coals of fire passing through their bodies and coming out from their anus. For stealing orphans money.
    • People with nails of copper scratching their faces, disfiguring their flesh. For backbiters.
    • People with pure meat and rotten infested meat in front of them, eating the latter. For fornicators who left the halal to go to the haram.
    • People with large bellies unable to stand with animals trampling them. For those using riba (interest). The full bellies symbolised greed and the animals were their possessions animals against them.
    • People cutting their tongues with scissors. For those who told others to do good and did not do so themselves.

    Back to Makkah

    Once back to Jerusalem the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and Jibril AS took Al Buraq back to Masjid al Haram. On the way, the Prophet ﷺ saw three caravans.

    In the morning he awoke and told the companions about his journey. He felt anxious about how he was going to tell the pagans of Makkah about this, which indicates he was told to do so by Allah SWT. This was the anxiety of feeling rejected.

    Whilst sitting there anxious, nervous and worried, Abu Jahl the enemy of Islam came and asked him what was the matter. He ﷺ told him he was taken from the Haram to Bayt al Maqdis and back again overnight. Abu Jahl was shocked, unsure whether he should reject him there or delay until the others heard this. “If I call the Quraysh, will you tell them what you have told me?” The Prophet ﷺ replied in the affirmative.

    So he called to the others and the Prophet ﷺ told them that last night he went to Bayt al Maqdis and prayed there. There was no mention of al Miraj. Some people laughed, others were unsure and in shock. One who had been there asked the Prophet ﷺ to describe Bayt al Maqdis.

    He ﷺ began describing and they asked about specifics but he could not recall them and he became confused. He ﷺ was so worried and terrified that he could not respond, like never before. These were valid questions from the pagans. Whilst waiting to respond, he ﷺ saw Bayt al Maqdis rising up in the distance until it was visible behind his house. So he ﷺ could therefore answer all their questions. One of the pagans confirmed that all the descriptions were accurate.

    To confirm his account, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told them about the three caravans he had seen approaching Makkah. He ﷺ indicated which one would return first, which one lost their camel, and which one had an urn which he ﷺ had drank from. The caravans entered exactly as described. The pagans were unable to explain these events and claimed it was sorcery.

    Abu Bakr RA appeared and was asked, “Do you believe Muhammad?” He replied, “If he said this I believe him. For he claims to receive revelations directly from the heavens and I believe him.” This earned Abu Bakr RA the title As Sadiq, the truthful.

    Benefits of al Isra al Miraj

    For the Prophet ﷺ

    • A massive boost for his iman.
    • An audience with the Lord and Creator of all the worlds.
    • Saw the Hijab of Allah SWT.
    • Witnessed the magnificent signs of Allah SWT.
    • Met all the prophets and spoke with several of the major prophets.
    • Saw Jannah and Jahannam.
    • Saw the reality of qadr, the Pen and the children of Adam AS.
    • Witnessed the angels and Jibril AS in true form.

    Benefits for us

    • The brotherhood of prophets, one nation, accepting the decree of Allah SWT.
    • Know that is is beneficial to compete in good deeds between us – Musa crying that his ummah was not as good as that of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
    • Knowing our ummah is blessed with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
    • The superiority of our ummah over the ummah of Musa AS, being able to pray 5 times daily.
    • The status of salah.
    • Knowing Allah SWT is above us.
    • Knowing Jannah and Jahannam exist now.
    • Our innate fitrah is the purity of our souls and Islam is a pure religion.
    • Legal rulings (fiqh) that have been derived:
      • Ask permission before entering doors – entering the gates of heavens.
      • Respond with our names when asked who is there
      • The one who is walking towards someone should say salaam.
      • It is permissible to give good advice without someone asking.
      • It is permissible to sit with ones back towards Ka’bah.
      • Night travel is preferred rather than day.

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