The Story of Adam AS

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    reflection of tree on body of water during golden hour


    The story of Adam AS is the story of our origins, the Divine creation of mankind. This is revealed predominantly within Surahs Al Baqarah [2:30-38], Al Araf [7:11-25], Al Hijr [15:26-40], Ta Ha [20:115-123] and Sad [38:71-85]. Further details are obtained from the hadith.

    Heavenly Events

    Allah SWT announced to the angels He was going to place a Khalifah on earth, whose progeny would succeed one another. The angels questioned whether such a creation would cause mischief and shed blood, whilst they worshipped Allah SWT day and night. This indicated they had prior knowledge of such creatures, most likely the jinn who lived on earth prior to mankind.

    Allah SWT replied that He knew what they did not. He knew there would be many noble and pious humans from amongst the progeny of Adam AS.

    The Creation of Adam AS

    Adam AS was created from a handful of soil gathered from all over the earth, composed of all different types of colours and compositions. Thus amongst mankind are those of different colours, of good and bad nature, harsh and soft and all manner in between [Ahmad]. He was fashioned into shape from black mud, like potters clay. The finished form was 60 cubits high, approximately 41m [Bukhari].

    Adam AS was created on a Friday. He was left as an empty hollow being for as long as Allah SWT willed. Iblis (shaytan, the devil) went around this hollow creation and realised that it was a creature with an uncontrolled disposition, who could not restrain itself [Muslim].

    Allah SWT then breathed the soul (Ruh) into Adam AS and when it reached his head, he sneezed saying, “Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen,” Praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds. Allah SWT replied, “Yarhamuk Allah,” May Allah’s Mercy be upon you. Once the soul had entered the body it became flesh and blood. On reaching his eyes, he saw the fruits of Paradise. On reaching his stomach, he felt hunger and jumped up to taste the fruit, before the soul had reached his legs. Man is created of haste [21:37].

    When Allah SWT had created Adam AS, He stroked his back and brought forth all the souls of his progeny that would be born until the Day of Judgement. They were all made to affirm that Allah SWT is their Lord so that they could not deny they did not know on the Day of Judgement [7:172].

    The Fall of Iblis

    Allah SWT taught Adam AS the names of all things. That is, He gave him knowledge about everything such as all of creation, the function of things, objects in nature and so forth. This explains the superiority of Adam AS over the angels who were unable to name such objects when asked by Allah SWT.

    The angels were all asked to prostrate before Adam AS and all obeyed except Iblis. He was one of the jinn, made from smokeless fire and was granted a high status alongside the angels due to his obedience and worship of Allah SWT.

    However, Iblis refused to prostrate because of his arrogance and pride, citing he was made of fire and was superior to this creation made of clay. In fact, soil has qualities of nurturing and growth whereas fire has qualities of haste and destruction. Because of his disobedience, Allah SWT expelled him from the heavens and he became one of the disbelievers.

    Iblis asked Allah SWT for respite until the Day of Judgement, that is not to be punished until that Day. He blamed Allah SWT for his downfall and swore that he would mislead the children of Adam AS away from the remembrance and worship of Allah SWT, coming to them from all directions. He was granted his wish but Allah SWT said that he would have no influence over His steadfast servants, only those who were deviant and from the disbelievers.

    Satan lies in wait for man on every one of his paths [Ahmad]

    The Fall of Adam AS

    Allah SWT had bestowed four favours upon Adam AS:

    • He had created him by His Hand.
    • He breathed His created Ruh into him.
    • He commanded the angels to prostrate before him.
    • He taught him knowledge and the names of all things.

    Allah SWT also created Hawwa (Eve) as a mate for Adam AS, a source of comfort [4:1] [7:189]. She was created from the rib of Adam AS. They were both told to enter Paradise and dwell therein, to enjoy its pleasures but were warned not to eat from the Forbidden Tree. They were also warned that Iblis was their sworn enemy and to be wary of him trying to expel them from Paradise, so that they may suffer hardships of hunger, thirst and heat.

    Once in Paradise, they were tempted by shaytan who claimed to be a sincere advisor to them. He persuaded them to eat from the Tree claiming that it would make them like the angels or give them immortality. This is the way that shaytan deludes and deceives people away from the Straight Path, by making things seem desirable to people.

    Having eaten from the Tree, Adam AS and Hawwa found that their garments were stripped and their nakedness was revealed to them. They became ashamed and covered themselves with nearby leaves.

    Life on Earth

    The Descent to Earth

    Allah SWT called out to Adam AS and Hawwa, reprimanding them for eating from the Forbidden Tree and listening to shaytan. They both immediately recognised their wrongdoing and asked for forgiveness: Our Lord! We have wronged our souls and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall certainly be amongst the losers [7:23].

    Adam AS, Hawwa and shaytan were then all told to descend to earth, as sworn enemies to each other, to reside there until their appointed time.

    We said, “Descend all of you! Then when guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows it, there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve [2:38]

    The Challenges

    Life on earth was as Allah SWT had warned, a hardship compared to the boundless pleasures of Paradise. Adam AS had to learn how to cultivate the earth and grow crops, make bread and other foods, raise and tend to cattle, keep safe from wild animals, stay sheltered, make clothes and tools and so forth. All while populating the land and increasing his progeny.

    Moreover, he had to struggle with the forces of evil and the relentless efforts of shaytan, his sworn enemy, to drag his offspring into the Hellfire. He was the first Prophet of Allah SWT and taught his family how to worship Him, ask for His forgiveness and abide by His laws. Having learnt his lesson in the heavens, he knew that obedience to Allah and enmity towards shaytan is the only path back to Paradise.

    It is narrated that Hawwa had 40 children in 20 pregnancies, each producing a boy and a girl. Another narration states 120 pregnancies. The boy from one pregnancy was married to the girl from another and vice versa. Each twin was not allowed to marry its twin.

    Qabil and Habil (Cain and Abel)

    The story of these two sons of Adam AS is narrated in Surah Al Maida [5:27-31]. They were to marry each others twin sister but Qabil wanted to keep his twin sister for himself as she was more beautiful than Habil’s twin. They both then offered a sacrifice to Allah SWT.

    Habil offered the best of his lambs, a plump specimen. Qabil offered a bundle of the worst of his crops. Habil’s sacrifice was accepted by Allah SWT due to his piety. Cain became angry and threatened to kill him. Despite being the stronger brother, Habil was restrained and did not retaliate, saying that he feared Allah SWT and that his sins would pass to Qabil should he be murdered.

    When Qabil had killed his brother, he did not know what to do with the body. Allah SWT sent a couple of birds to show him what to do. They fought, one killing the other, and the victor dug a hole and buried the other. On seeing this, Qabil became remorseful.

    The Death of Adam AS

    Adam AS was one thousand years old at the time of his death. He had taught his son Shith (Seth) about the hours of the day and night and what acts of worship were required. He also informed him of the flood that was to come. Shith would become a Prophet and take over Adam AS’s mission. Out of the 104 Scriptures sent down by Allah SWT to mankind, Shith received 50. The lineage of all mankind goes back to Shith.

    On his death, Adam AS was shrouded and embalmed by the angels. They took out his soul and washed and shrouded his body. A grave was dug and prayers were offered. This was to be the burial ritual for the children of Adam AS [Ahmad].

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    2 years ago

    Excellent explanation

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