19. Maryam (Mary)

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Meccan surah, revealed before the migration of a group of 80 Muslims to Abyssinia. They were seeking asylum from the Abyssinian king, Al Najashi or Negus, from the persecution of the Makkan pagans. Najashi was renowned as a just king who did not persecute anyone on the basis of their beliefs.

The Quraish sent a delegation after the Muslims in order to return them to Makkah. They sought to create animosity between the Muslims and the king by declaring that Muslims do not believe Jesus was the son of god.

Jafar, the cousin of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, recited ayats 1-40 before the king, relating the birth of Isa AS. As he was listening to the translation he began to cry realising the real teaching of Isa AS and secretly embraced Islam. When he passed away, Jibril AS informed Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and they prayed jinaza salah alongside the companions for Najashi.


  • Stories of Zakariya, Yahya, Maryam and Isa AS.
  • Stories of Ibrahim AS and other prophets.
  • Isa AS is not the son of Allah SWT.
  • Affirming the Oneness of Allah SWT, describing any concept of Him having any offspring as outrageous and blasphemous.
  • Constant referencing of Ar Rahman, the Most Merciful, in this surah.

Selected Verses

2-11: Story of Zachariya AS who made a beautiful dua to Allah SWT, calling out to Him privately in a humble tone. Whilst acknowledging he had never been disappointed with any dua made to Allah SWT, he complained only to Him about growing old and asked for a righteous heir. The angels gave him good news of Yahya (John the Baptist) despite the old age of him and his wife.

This example teaches us we should complain to and elicit sympathy from Allah SWT alone. We should praise Allah SWT and always be optimistic about it, feeling certain it will be responded to. When making dua about a worldly matter add a caveat that it should be beneficial for our deen (religion). Call to Allah SWT by His names, for example Rabbi, my Lord.

12-15: The traits of Yahya AS. He was blessed and given wisdom in his youth. He was God fearing and kind to his parents, a gentle, righteous and pure soul.

16-33: The story of Maryam RA and the virgin birth of Isa AS. Jibril AS was sent to Maryam RA who sought refuge in Allah SWT from this stranger. She was told of the miraculous birth of Isa AS, something very easy for Allah SWT to do, a matter already decreed. He would be sent as a sign for humanity and a mercy form Allah SWT.

Maryam RA gave birth alone finding labour painful and very difficult. She turned to Allah SWT and an angel was sent to comfort her. A stream of water and dates were provided for her sustenance.

She was forbidden to speak so on her return to her people, Isa AS spoke to them as a baby. He declared he was a servant of Allah SWT and was commanded to perform salah and give zakah. He was not arrogant or defiant and was kind to his mother.

34-37: Warning to the Jews and Christians that Isa AS is not the son of Allah SWT. He simply decrees a matter and says, “Be” and it is.

41-50: Ibrahim AS asking his father Azar why he worships idols, something that can neither hear nor see or benefit you in any way. He remained calm and dignified despite the anger and threats from his father and continued to make dua for him. Ibrahim AS was blessed with righteous loving children and grandchildren, Ishaq AS (Isaac) and Yacoub AS (Jacob). He was showered with the mercy of Allah SWT and honoured with mention in the daily prayer.

51-58: Mention of Musa AS (Moses), Ishmael AS (Ismael) and Idris AS (Enoch). All the prophets mentioned were rightly guided, prostrating and weeping when the revelations of Allah SWT were recited to them.

59: Successive generations were lazy in their salah and delayed or avoided their prayers, following their desires. Thus it is clear that piety and prayer are linked.

60-63: The Gardens of Eternity are promised for those who repent, are devout believers and do good deeds. There will be no idle talk, just greetings of peace.

64: Revealed in response to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ requesting to see Jibril As more often; “We can only come when Allah SWT allows.” That is, only with revelation, not for social visits.

66-72: People mocking the Resurrection. They will be dragged to Hell on their knees. Everyone must cross the Sirat, the bridge over Hell.

76: Those who are rightly guided will be increased in guidance.

88-92: Addressing the claim Allah SWT has children. The pagans claiming angels are daughters and Christians claiming Isa AS is a son. An outrageous claim whereby the heavens are about to burst, the earth split apart and the mountains crumble in protest. It does not befit the Majesty of the Most Compassionate to have children.

This claim should be utterly offensive to true believers, it should not be a matter of each to their own opinion. It is blasphemy.

96: Those who believe and do righteous deeds, Allah SWT shall write love for them.

98: Look how many generations have been destroyed before. Do you see or hear anything of them?

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