22. Al Hajj (The Pilgrimage)

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Mixed late Meccan and early Madinan surah, revealed before and after the Hijra, the migration form Makkah to Madinah. The only surah named after a pillar of Islam.


  • Criticism of Quraysh for hindering people from worshipping at the Ka’bah.
  • Rituals of Hajj.
  • Ibrahim AS commanded to announce the Hajj to mankind.
  • Muslims commanded to fight back against pagans after 15 years of persecution.
  • Day of Judgement.

Selected Verses

1-2: Horrors of Judgement Day. Every nursing mother will abandon their child. Every pregnant female will discard their burden. People will be wandering around as if they are drunk due to the severe torment.

5: Allah SWT created humans from dust, then a sperm drop, then a clinging clot of blood, then a lump of flesh. The embryo settles in the womb for as long as Allah SWT wills, then is brought forth as an infant. Some die early, others reach their prime and others become feeble and senile in their old age, after having known so much.

7: The Hour is sure to come and those in the graves will be resurrected.

8-10: Those who dispute about Allah SWT without knowledge guidance or Scripture and lead others astray will suffer disgrace in this world andbe tormented with the Fire.

11: Warning to those who are conditionally religious, on the edge, only when circumstances are good for them. When happy, they are content to worship; when afflicted with a trial, they turn away. They will be the losers in this world and the Akhira.

19-24: Graphic description of the different outcomes for the disbelievers and believers.

For the disbelievers:

  • Garments of Fire.
  • Boling water poured over their heads, melting their innards and skins.
  • Maces of iron.
  • Being forced back into Hell when they try to escape.

For the believers:

  • Gardens with rivers flowing beneath.
  • Adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls.
  • Clothing made from silk.

25: Quraysh criticised for restricting people in worshiping Allah SWT at the Ka’bah. Everyone is equal in Makkah, no one is privileged over another, it is open to all Muslims. Even the intention to commit sacrilege in the Sacred Mosque will be punished.

26-29: Establishing the Hajj. The site of the Ka’bah was assigned to Ibrahim AS. He was told to purify the House for those who would circumambulate it and pray there. Ibrahim AS was also commanded to call people to Hajj, who would come from all over globe, on every means of transport in order to benefit from prayer and spiritual rituals.

There was no one at Makkah at time of Ibrahim AS. He asked Allah SWT, how could his voice call people to the Ka’bah. Allah SWT told him to make the call and He will deliver the invitation to all. The Hajj is now the largest religious gathering in the world and has been for over 500 years.

32: Piety is honouring the rituals of Allah SWT.

35: The mukhbitin, the humble, are those whose hearts tremble and fill with awe at the remembrance of Allah SWT. They display patience in adversity, establish the prayers and spend in charity from what Allah SWT has provided.

37: Philosophy of rituals. The sacrificial animals have been subjugated for us. Neither their flesh or blood reaches Allah SWT, rather our piety and taqwa reaches Him. We obey what was ordained, we spend our money and come for Hajj to perform these rituals. That is, we show subservience to Allah SWT. Our dedication reaches Him, demonstrating our piety.

39: Taking a harsher tone against Makkans, the Muslims are given permission to fight back against their persecution. This revelation ties in with the migration from Makkah to Madinah and the start of a new community, a new approach for the Muslims.

40: The reason for war was to protect the freedom of people to worship Allah SWT without persecution.

42-48: Reminder about the many previous nations who denied their prophets and were destroyed at their appointed time, for persisting in sin. The signs of their destruction are evident in the land. To Allah SWT is the final return.

52-55: Shaytan’s influence on the hypocrites and disbelievers, influencing their understanding of the revelation, hardening their hearts. This is a trial for them. The disbelievers will persist in doubt until the Hour takes them by surprise.

56: All authority on the Day of Judgement belongs to Allah SWT alone.

61-64: Mention of some of the Beautiful Names of Allah SWT:

  • As Samī, Al Basīr – All Hearing, All Seeing.
  • Al Aliyy, Al Kabīr – The Most High, The Greatest.
  • Al Latīf, Al Khabīr – The Most Subtle, All Aware.
  • Al Ghanī, Al Hamīd – The Self Sufficient, The Praiseworthy.

67: For every nation certain laws and rituals were legislated.

73: Vivid imagery destroying idolatry. The false gods cannot even create a fly even if they all gathered together. If the fly were to steal from them, they couldn’t retrieve what it took. How weak is the being and the person worshipping it!

78: Strive in the cause of for Allah SWT. He has chosen you as Muslims, ones who submit. This is the way of our forefather Ibrahim AS. Establish prayer, pay zakat and take Allah SWT alone as our Guardian.

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