The Story of Salih AS

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    Nuh AS → Shem → Iram → Athir → Thamud → Hadir → Ubaid → Maseh → Ubaid → Salih AS

    Salih AS was sent to the people of Thamud, who lived after the people of Ᾱd. He was a descendent of Nuh AS through his son Shem. The people of Ᾱd and Thamud are mentioned together frequently in the Quran.

    Despite knowledge of the fate of the tribe of Ᾱd, the people of Thamud also worshipped idols. They were skilled in making their dwellings carved out of the mountains and had built large castles and buildings all over their lands.

    The story of Salih AS is told predominantly in surahs Al Araf [7:73-79, Hud [11:61-68], Al Hijr [15:80-84], Ash Shu’ara [26:141-159], An Naml [27:45-53], Al Qamar [54:23-32] and Ash Shams [91:11-15].

    The Mission of Salih AS

    Like the people of Ᾱd, Thamud became arrogant and obsessed with wealth and materialism. Salih AS was sent to turn them back to Allah SWT and stop their worship of false gods. He reminded them of the favours of Allah SWT, who created them and was their Provider and Sustainer.

    Remember when He made you successors after Ᾱd and established you in the land – and you built palaces on its plains and carved homes into mountains. So remembers Allah’s favours and do not go spreading corruption in the land [7:74]

    Despite his efforts, the people of Thamud refused to believe his message because he was human just like them. They were disappointed that he was asking them to abandon their false gods. Previously having had high hopes for him, they turned on him, claiming he was bewitched.

    The She-Camel

    In order to refute Salih AS, Thamud demanded a miracle from him as proof of Allah SWT. They asked for a she-camel to be produced from a nearby rock. Specifically, it should be tall, pregnant and able to produce milk for the entire tribe.

    Having agreed that they would believe him if he produced such a miracle, Salih AS prayed to Allah SWT and the miracle was granted. Such was its effect that a number of people became believers. The majority however continued in their misguidance and transgressions.

    A clear proof has come to you from your Lord: this is Allah’s she-camel as a sign to you. So leave her to graze {freely} on Allah’s land and do not harm her, or else you will be overcome by a painful punishment [7:73]

    The camel was sent as a trial for Thamud. They were to share their drinking water with it and not cause it any harm. One day the camel would drink from the well and the next, the people would drink. The camel produced plenty of milk, enough for the whole tribe. Despite this, the people plotted to kill the camel so as to have all the water for themselves.

    Then they killed the she-camel – defying their Lord’s command – and challenged {Salih}, “Bring us what you threaten us with, if you are {truly} one of the messengers [7:77]

    A group of nine from amongst the Thamud lay in wait for the camel. One of them shot an arrow into her leg and another hamstrung her. They then all came forth to kill her.

    The Punishment of Thamud

    Salih AS warned Thamud that they had three days to enjoy their homes before the punishment of Allah SWT came. Undeterred by his warning, the nine from amongst them plotted to kill Salih AS. On their way to murder him, they were destroyed by a large falling stone.

    The rest of the people became regretful of their actions. They waited in fear for Allah SWT’s punishment. Once the three days were up, a mighty Blast from the sky and an earthquake completely destroyed their homes. They all perished immediately, none except Salih AS and the believers were saved.

    And the {mighty} blast overtook the wrongdoers, so they fell lifeless in their homes, as if they had never lived there. Surely Thamud denied their Lord, so away with Thamud! [11:67-68]

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