25. Al Furqan (The Standard)

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Late Makkan surah.

Al-Furqan (the Standard) refers to one of the names of the Quran, which is also known as Al-Quran Al-Kareem (the Noble Quran), Al-Kitab (the Book) and An-Nur (the Light).

One of only two surahs that begins with the word “Tabarak,” meaning blessed. Allah SWT is blessed, He is the source of all good and all blessings, the most Exalted and Supreme. It is with His Name that things are blessed. This phrase occurs only 9 times in the Quran, 3 times within this surah.


  • Confirms the Quran as the Criterion, the Standard, for separating truth from falsehood.
  • Glorification of Allah SWT.
  • Consequences for those who reject the truth.
  • Qualities of righteous believers.

Selected Verses

1: Blessed is the One Who sent down the Standard to His servant so that he may be a warner to the whole world.

The Standard or Criterion is another name for the Quran. It is the standard to distinguish right from wrong.

2: To Allah SWT belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He has no offspring and no partner in governing the kingdom. He created everything and continues to manage it precisely.

3: The polytheists have taken other gods beside Allah SWT, yet these are themselves created. They cannot create, nor protect themselves, nor control life, death or resurrection.

4-9: The disbelievers deny the Quran as fabricated and deny the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as only a human, bewitched, with no treasures or angels to support his claims.

11-14: A blazing Fire has been prepared for the deniers of the Hour. They will see it fuming and growling from a distance. When placed within it, they will cry for their instant destruction.

17-19: Their gods will deny them on the Day of Judgement.

20: No messenger was sent before who was not human. Some people are tests for others.

The prophets are a test for their followers and vice versa. The poor and the rich, the oppressed and the oppressors, the sick and the healthy, men and women are all tests for each other. This is in order to demonstrate our patience and, our refraining from temptations and our acting in accordance with Islamic values

25-29: On the Day of Judgement the sky will be cleft asunder, the angels will be sent down and the Kingdom will belong to Allah SWT. This will be a very difficult Day for the deniers who will have such regret that they abandoned the Quran and did not take the Prophet ﷺ as their role model.

30-33: The Messenger ﷺ cried out, “My people have received this Quran with neglect.” The Quran was revealed in stages in order to:

  • Reassure the Prophet’s ﷺ heart with regular communications from Allah SWT.
  • To allow the message to be understood and implemented, it was revealed at a deliberate pace.
  • Respond to whatever arguments the disbelievers made with the best refutation and explanation.

35-40: Reminder of the destruction of previous disbelieving nations for rejecting their Messengers.

45-50: Reminder of the blessings of Allah SWT – the sun and the shade, the day and the night, lifegiving rain.

54: Man created from fluid. Families are made from blood ties and by marriage, that is, one’s children become the blood relatives of the spouses’ family.

59: Allah SWT is the One Who created the heavens and the earth and all in between in 6 days, then established Himself on the Throne.

60: Pagans denying the name Ar Rahman, the Most Compassionate and refusing to prostrate. Therefore, this is a verse of prostration where sajdah tilawat is required.

61-62: Blessed is the One Who put the stars, sun and the moon in the sky as sources of light. He alternates the night and day, a 24 hr cycle in perfect synchronisation for us to work and rest. Things to reflect upon and give thanks in our worship.

63-74: Qualities of the righteous:

  • Humility. The foremost characteristic. Having good manners, responding with peace to those who address them with ignorance. Be the better person and do not stoop to their level.
  • Sincere devotion. Performing the night prayer to increase one’s taqwa.
  • Hope and fear. Praying to Allah SWT to keep the punishment of Jahannam at bay. Always have hope in Allah SWT.
  • Moderate spending, neither wastefully nor stingily.
  • Avoiding the major sins, shirk, murder, zinah. Severe punishments for those who commit these sins unless they truly repent and do good deeds.
  • Avoiding falsehood, do not lie or get involved with frivolous matters.
  • Full submission, those who do not turn away from revelation, eager to listen to the Quran and, gain Islamic knowledge.
  • Keeping righteous company. Making dua for righteous spouses and children and to be positive role models.

Highlights the virtue of dua, a lifeline to Allah SWT.

75-76: These are the ones who will be rewarded for their perseverance with elevated mansions in Jannah, to stay there forever.

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