26. Ash Shu’ara (The Poets)

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Early Meccan, 227 ayats long but not long in overall length. This surah and the next two, An Naml and Al Qasas, are known as the Ta Seen surahs as they all begin with these letters (Ash Shu’ara and Al Qasas begin with Ta Seen Meem).

It is a very rhythmic surah with one ayah repeated multiple times between the different sections: “Wa inna rabbaka lahuwal Azizul Rahim,” and certainly your lord is the Almighty Most Merciful.

Named after the poets, it is critical of most of them who used their medium to disparage people rather than for a higher purpose of enlightening people.


Recounting stories of the Prophets and the nations destroyed due to their disbelief and transgression: Musa AS, Nuh AS, Hud AS, Salih AS, Lut AS and Shuaib AS.

Repetition of these stories serve multiple purposes. Each time a story is mentioned, there is a unique perspective or additional information not mentioned before. Repetition serves to reinforce the point being made and provides more opportunities to extract and remember the lessons.

Selected Verses

10-68: The story of Musa AS. He was sent with his brother Haroon AS to command Firaun to release the Israelites from slavery.

Firaun taunted Musa AS saying he took care of him as a child and that in return, he killed a man.  Musa AS admitted his mistake but replied that Firaun had enslaved others and killed babies. Musa AS relayed his message advising that Allah SWT is the Lord of the worlds. Firaun however declared him insane and threatened him with imprisonment if he did not accept he was God. Firaun’s tactics were to mock, slander and threaten as he could not intellectually engage with the truth.

Musa AS showed Firaun the signs given to him by Allah SWT, his white hand and his staff turning into a snake. These were passed off as magic and led to a challenge between him and Firaun’s magicians. However, on seeing their illusions swallowed up by Musa AS’s snake, the magicians repented to Allah SWT and asked for forgiveness, despite Firaun’s threats of crucifixion.

Musa AS fled with the Israelites during the night. Firaun pursued them at sunrise and trapped them between his armies and the sea. The Israelites thought they were doomed but Musa AS knew Allah SWT would help, he had ultimate trust in Him. Allah SWT caused Musa AS to split the sea with his staff, allow his people to pass safely across and drowned Firaun’s armies.

69-82: The story of Ibrahim AS. He questioned his father and his people why they worshipped idols who could not hear them nor benefit or harm them. They replied that they simply followed what their forefathers used. They did not consider that it is Allah SWT who creates, guides, sustains, heals, causes death, brings back to life and forgives. 

83-87: Ibrahim AS five duas:

  • My Lord! Grant me wisdom and join me with the righteous.
  • Bless me with honourable mention among later generations.
  • Make me one of those awarded the Garden of Bliss.
  • Forgive my father for he is certainly one of the misguided.
  • Do not disgrace me on the Day we will all be resurrected, the Day when neither wealth nor children will be of any benefit.

89: Only those who come before Allah SWT with a pure heart will be saved. Those who are attached only to Allah SWT and harbour no ill towards the creation of Allah SWT.

Thus, we should examine our hearts and resolve any issues of anger, retribution, jealousy and so forth.

105-191: Selected descriptions from the stories of Nuh AS, Hud AS, Salih AS, Lut AS and Shuaib AS. Each section begins with the same ayats:

  • Their people rejected the messengers.
  • They were told to fear Allah SWT.
  • I am a trustworthy messenger seeking no reward but with Allah SWT.
  • So fear Allah SWT and obey me.

And ends with the same ayats:

  • Surely in this is a sign, yet most of them would not believe.
  • And certainly your lord is the Almighty Most Merciful.

105-122: The story of Nuh AS. His people refused to believe in him because the lowest of society associated themselves with him. Nuh AS refused to abandon his fellow believers as their judgement lay with Allah SWT. The disbelievers threatened to stone Nuh AS, so he prayed to Allah SWT for assistance Who drowned them all.

122-140: The Story of Hud AS. He warned his people to stop their arrogance and oppression and turn to Allah SWT, forsaking their false gods. They denied his message and denied that any punishment would befall them. Allah SWT destroyed them all.

141-159: The Story of Salih AS. His people rejected him, asking for a sign. A she camel was sent as a sign from Allah SWT, but they killed it and thus brought upon their destruction.

160-175: The Story of Lut AS. Questioned his people as to why they lust after other men and abandon the wives Allah SWT created for them. They threatened to expel him, so Lut AS prayed to Allah SWT Who destroyed them with a rain of stones.

176-191: The Story of Shuaib AS. He warned the Forest dwellers (not his tribe) about being dishonest and fraudulent, to give in full measure. Thye also rejected him calling for their torment to fall from the sky if what he claims is true. They were destroyed by a deadly cloud.

192-202: The Quran is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds, sent to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ through Jibril AS in clear Arabic. It has been foretold in the Scriptures, so confirm this with people of knowledge from the Jews. But they will not believe until they see the painful punishment, then they will cry out for more time.

208-209: Never has a society been destroyed without warners to remind them, for Allah SWT does not wrong anyone.

214: Command for the Prophet ﷺ to go public with Islam – to start with his family.

224-227: Criticises the majority of poets. They are lost and are leading the lost, speaking without an aim or higher purpose. However, if poetry is utilised in a proper manner by righteous people, it can be beneficial for a higher cause.

These ayats can be extrapolated to the entertainment industry. One should not waste time for the sake of entertainment which serves no purpose.

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