28. Al Qasas (The Story)

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Makkan surah, revealed at a similar timeframe to surahs Ash Shu’ara and An Naml. All these surahs detail aspects of the story of Musa AS. Ayah 85 was revealed during the Hijrah, the migration from Makkah to Medinah.


  • Detailed story of Musa AS.
  • Confidence in Allah SWT’s promises.
  • Story of Korah and his arrogance.

Selected Verses

3-43: The story of Musa AS. Adding to the snippets told in the previous two surahs and the detail in surah Ta Ha.

Firaun persecuted his people, slaughtering their sons and keeping their women. Allah SWT desired to favour those who were oppressed and make them the leaders in the land.

Allah SWT saved Musa AS by bringing him to Firaun’s household where he was raised as a son. He then brought Musa AS back to his mother for her to nurse him, easing her heart.

As a young man, Musa AS came to the aid of one of his people who was fighting with an Egyptian and inadvertently killed him. He repented immediately to Allah SWT, blaming shaytan for his actions and renewing his intention to be better. The following day, someone came to advise Musa AS to leave the city as the chiefs were planning to kill him. He fled into the desert and ended up in Midian.

Here, Musa AS came across some women trying to water their flock of sheep. Despite his weakness from travelling, he helped them and then prayed to Allah SWT to ask for whatever assistance He could provide. By the grace of Allah SWT, Musa AS met with the father of the women and was provided with a secure job and offered one of his daughters to marry.

For ten years, Musa worked in Midan and was blessed with a family. Whilst in the presence of Mount Tur, he saw a fire burning in the distance and went to investigate. Allah SWT called out to him there, “O Musa! It is truly I. I am Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.”

Here, Musa AS was given two miracles to show to Firaun, as proofs of Allah SWT. Musa AS feared for his life as he had killed one of their own. He asked for help to remove his speech impediment and for his brother Harron AS to assist him.

Firaun however arrogantly dismissed these signs as magic and claimed he knew of no other god but himself. He sarcastically asked Haman to build for him a tower into the sky so he could look at the God of Musa AS. Due to his arrogance, Allah SWT seized Firaun and his soldiers and cast them into the sea.

44-47: Confirmation of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as the Messenger of Allah SWT, that he knew the details of the story of Musa AS, despite no knowledge of this by the Arabs. He has been sent as a mercy, so that they cannot claim no warner was sent to them.

48: The pagans responded by denying both the Quran and the Torah, because there are references in the Torah about Muhammad ﷺ.

56: Guidance is with Allah SWT alone, He knows best who are fit to be guided.

59: Allah SWT will not destroy towns without first sending a messenger.

60-61: The worldly pleasures are but a fleeting enjoyment. Those who have been promised eternal pleasures are not equal to those who have been given benefits in this life, but who will be punished in the Akhira.

71-73: Mercy of Allah SWT for creating the night to rest and the day to seek His bounty. What if it were perpetual darkness or sunlight?

Reflect and appreciate the blessings we take for granted. For example, the difficulties faced in the northern most latitudes which spend months in 24-hour darkness or 24-hour sunlight.

76-82: The story of Korah. He was the cousin of Musa AS and was made wealthy by his close association with Firaun, one of riches men in history. He behaved arrogantly and refused to give to the needy, claiming all he had been given was due to his own merit. Some people envied him and wished to be like him. Others advised him to be grateful for his blessings. Allah SWT caused him and his treasures to be swallowed up by the earth.

85: Allah SWT will bring you back to Makkah – revealed to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ on his Hijrah.

88: Everything will perish except the Face of Allah SWT.

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