33. Al Ahzab (The Confederates)

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Madinan surah revealed in the 5th year after the Hijrah. It refers to the tribes who besieged Madinah, an enemy alliance from across Arabia, united only by their opposition to Islam. They were over 10,000 men strong, compared to only 3,000 Muslims.

Ayats 9-27 reference the Battle of the Trench, when the Muslims were besieged for over a month.


  • Allah SWT’s help to the believers.
  • Condemnation of the hypocrites.
  • Social guidelines on adoption, divorce and modesty.
  • Etiquette of dealing with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his wives.

Selected Verses

4-6: Adoption is permissible but do not claim a stepchild is a biological child. Call adopted children by their father’s surname. Adopted children do not automatically inherit a share of the estate but can be bequeathed an inheritance.

6: Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is dearer to us than our own lives and his wives are the Mothers of the Believers.

9-11: The Battle of the Trench. The believers were all shaken to their core. The siege lasted over 1 month with internal and external threats. Invisible forces were sent by Allah SWT to aid the believers, a powerful wind and angels.

12-20: The hypocrites believed the Prophet ﷺ and Allah SWT had abandoned them. They were telling Muslims to flee because they could not win, making excuses not to fight and discouraging others from doing so.

They would have willingly abandoned their faith and had broken their pledge to Allah SWT. Fleeing would not benefit them, any enjoyment they had would be short lived, in this world. Allah SWT alone is their protector and helper.

21: Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the best role model.

22-24: The believers were increased in their faith, this was the test they were promised. They stayed true to their promise to Allah SWT, some of them were martyred, others were waiting. They would be rewarded for their actions.

28-34: Instructions to the Prophet’s ﷺ wives:

  • If you want this world and its luxuries, you will be given a nice gift and graciously divorced. But if you choose Allah SWT and his Messenger ﷺ you will get a magnificent reward.
  • Any blatant misconduct will be doubly punished. Devout obedience will be doubly rewarded.
  • Speak in a manner that is not in a soft and alluring. Do not display yourselves immodestly.

One of the wives of the Prophet ﷺ was asking for better more luxurious lifestyle given their increasing wealth. This led to some tension with the Prophet ﷺ withdrawing to the masjid for a month.

The Prophet ﷺ is not an ordinary person, he cannot live a wealthy lifestyle. The leaders of the superpowers Rome and Persia had wealth and luxury, yet the Prophet ﷺ slept on a palm fibre mattress. In response to Umar RA’s sorrow at this situation, the Prophet ﷺ replied that the Akhira is for us, let them have this world.

The wives are not like any other women. They are advised to act such that no one can claim any ill against them, to protect their reputations and that of the Prophet ﷺ.

35: Equality of worship and servitude. Equality of men and women in the sight of Allah SWT.

36: Believers do not choose whether to obey Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . They obey without question.

37: The marriage of Zainab RA to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. She was married to his adopted son Zayd but divorced because of issues relating to their class difference. The marriage was allowed as there was no blood tie.

40: Muhammad ﷺ is the seal of prophets, not the father of any one of you men. That is, there are no prophets after him.

41-44: Glorify and praise Allah SWT morning and evening for His blessings and His guidance from darkness into the light. He is ever Merciful to the believers for whom He has prepared an honourable reward.

48: Overlook the annoyances of the disbelievers and hypocrites and put your trust in Allah SWT, the Trustee and Best Disposer of Affairs.

56: Allah SWT and the angels send their blessings to the Prophet ﷺ, so believers also do so. This ayah is often recited in sermons.

59: Tell all the women believers that they should cover themselves with their cloaks so they are more likely to be recognised as virtuous women. That is, wear loose garments, not tight fitting, so they are not intimidated or harassed.

72: Man was foolish in taking the Trust offered to all of creation, ignorant of the consequences. The rest of creation (the heavens, the earth, the mountains) were fearful of this and agreed just to exist without any free will. They are therefore submissive to Allah SWT but do not run the risk of His punishment.

We have a lot of responsibility to live up to. Our existence comes with the Trust, the privilege, of having free will to choose our religious inclination. With this comes the rewards of Jannah but also the risk of Jahannam.

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