41. Fussilat (Verses Perfectly Explained)

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Makkan surah, taking its name from the description of the Quran in ayah 3.


  • The Quran is fussilat – perfectly explained.
  • Warnings to the pagans about previous disbelieving nations and events on the Day of Judgement.
  • Virtues of the Quran.

Selected Verses

3-4: The Quran is a book perfectly explained, bringing good news and warning.

9-12: The creation of the heavens and the earth by Allah SWT, 2 heavenly Days for the earth and 6 Days in total. He turned to the heavens and the earth, saying, “Submit, willingly or unwillingly.” Today, it is known that the age of the earth in relation to the age of the universe is in the ratio 1/3, as described in these ayats.

13-18: The pagans were warned of the fate of Ad and Thamud, the nations who disbelieved and rejected their messengers. Both were destroyed. The pagans used to pass by their ruins on their trips to Syria and Yemen respectively.

19-24: The enemies of Allah SWT will be herded on Day of Judgement and their ears, eyes and skins will testify against them, as they will deny any wrongdoing.

26-28: The disbelievers advised each other not to listen to the Quran. They will be severely punished in the Fire for their misdeeds.

30-32: In contrast, the steadfast believers will be rewarded with Jannah and told by the angels who descend to them at time of death to have no fear but rather rejoice in the good news. They will be their protectors in the Akhira.

34-36: Good and evil are not equal. Respond to evil with good and your enemy will become your friend. But this is only attainable by the patient and fortunate, thus seek refuge with Allah SWT should shaytan tempt you (eg when angry).

42: The Quran is a revelation from the All Wise, Praiseworthy, it cannot be proven false.

44: The Quran is a guidance and healing for the believers.

52-54: Imagine if this Quran is truly from Allah SWT and you deny it? He is a Witness over all things and is Fully Aware of everything.

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