42. Ash Shura (Consultation)

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Mid to late Makkan, named after one of the qualities of believers, that is conducting one’s affairs by mutual consultation.


  • Magnificence and Attributes of Allah SWT.
  • Muslims have the same religion as was ordained for all the previous prophets.
  • Allah’s SWT wisdom.
  • Striving for and warnings about the Akhira.
  • The Light of the Quran.

Selected Verses

5: The heavens nearly burst in awe of Allah SWT and the angels glorify Him and seek forgiveness for those on earth.

7: The Arabic Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to warn the Mother of Cities (Makkah) of the Day of Gathering, of which there is no doubt.

8: Had Allah SWT willed, all of humanity would have been one community of believers. Highlights that a diversity of nations was intended.

10: Whatever we may differ about, its judgement rests with Allah SWT. Put your trust in Him and always turn to Him.

11: There is nothing whatsoever like Allah SWT – we should not imagine any of His Attributes to be of any similarity to what we know or understand. The attributes of All seeing and All hearing are mentioned to emphasis the two most common attributes of the creation and that nothing is comparable with Him.

13-15: The same religion is ordained for the believers as was for Nuh AS, Ibrahim AS, Musa AS, Isa AS and Muhammad ﷺ. Uphold the faith and do not be divided. Those who inherited the Scripture after these prophets (Jews and Christians) are in alarming doubt about the Quran. Because of this, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was instructed to invite all to Islam:

  • I believe in every Scripture Allah revealed.
  • I am commanded to judge fairly between you.
  • Allah is our Lord and your Lord.
  • There is no need for contention between us.
  • We will all return to Him and face judgement.

20: Investment in this world vs the Akhira. A parable of crops, namely sowing seeds to reap the harvest in the future. Whoever wants this world they will get it but will have nothing in the Akhira.

27: If Allah SWT was to give everyone their provision they wanted, there would be corruption and transgression, therefore He chooses who and how much to give to persons.

30: Misfortune is due to our own actions and through this, Allah SWT forgives even more if we are patient and turn to Him.

36-43: The nature of this world is transitory and whatever is with Allah SWT is far better and more lasting. This is for those believers who:

  • Rely on their Lord.
  • Avoid major sins.
  • Forgive when they are angry.
  • Respond to their Lord.
  • Establish the prayer.
  • Mutually consult before taking decisions.
  • Donate from what Allah SWT has provided them.
  • Enforce justice when wronged – defend yourself (with an equivalent action) but if you forgive/let go, it is better and Allah SWT will give a reward; the highest level is to forgive and reconcile.

44: The disbelievers will plead to go back to the world on the Day of Judgement.

47: Respond to Allah SWT before the coming of the Day for there will be no refuge then or grounds to deny one’s sins.

49-50: Allah SWT blesses whoever He wills with children.

51: Allah SWT speaks to mankind through revelation, behind a veil or through a messenger, it is not possible to speak or see Allah SWT directly.

52: The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was sent this revelation, a light to guide whoever Allah SWT wills to the Straight Path. Surely all matters will return to Him for judgement.

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