43. Az Zukhruf (Ornaments of Gold)

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Makkan surah, named after the reference to material wealth in this world in ayah 35.


  • Warning against materialism and hedonism.
  • Proof of the Quranic message.

Selected Verses

4: The Quran is highly esteemed, rich in wisdom, written within the Master Record (Al Lawh Al Mahfuz).

9: The Makkan pagans acknowledge that Allah SWT is the sole Creator of the heavens and the earth.

13-14: Dua for travelling, to thank Allah SWT for His blessings.

15-19: The pagans claim the angels are the daughters of Allah SWT.

20: The pagans argue had Allah SWT willed for them not to worship false gods He would have made it so, therefore He approves of idol worship – just because something exists, it does not mean Allah SWT approves of or loves it.

32:-35 Allah SWT is the who has allocated everyone’s livelihood and rank; each persons wealth, provision and worldly benefits is decreed. But the mercy of Allah SWT is far better than material wealth which is but a fleeting enjoyment of this world. The Akhira with Allah SWT is only for those mindful of Him.

36-39: Those who turn a blind eye to the Reminder will have a devil as a companion who will hinder them from the Right Path, yet they will believe they are rightly guided. They will regret this on the Day of Judgement.

46-56: Musa AS and Firaun. Musa AS was sent to Firaun to show the signs of Allah SWT but his people laughed at him. They were inflicted with plagues and pleaded with Musa AS to pray to his Lord on their behalf promising to accept guidance. However once the torments were removed they broke their promise. Firaun fooled his people into believing he was better than Musa AS, thus they were all punished by drowning.

61: Reference to second coming of Isa AS as a sign of the Hour.

63-64: Isa AS said to his people to worship Allah SWT alone – He is my Lord and your Lord.

67-78: Descriptions of the Day of Judgement.

  • For the disbelievers, close friends will be enemies.
  • The righteous will be told not to fear or grieve, and to enter Jannah rejoicing, their reward where they will have whatever they desire.
  • The wicked will be in the torment of Jahannam, overwhelmed with despair. They will ask Malik, the gatekeeper, for Allah SWT to destroy them to finish their suffering, but will be there forever.

89: Pardon those who mock Islam and say, “Peace” – they will soon come to know.

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