45. Al Jathiyah (The Kneeling)

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Makkan surah, taking its name from the kneeling of humanity before Allah SWT on Day of Judgement.


  • Warning against arrogance and pride, the refusal to accept revelation.
  • Establishing the importance of Quran.
  • Arguments for the Day of Judgement.
  • Events on the Day of Judgement.

Selected Verses

3-6: The multiple signs of Allah SWT. Creation of the heavens and the earth, our creation, sending down of rain, day and night and the winds.

8-11: Painful torment for those who are arrogant against revelation, persisting in denial and mocking. Their worldly gains will be of no benefit and they will have no protector. The Quran is true guidance.

14-15: Tell the believers to forgive the disbelievers – it is not for us to judge or punish in this world. Each will be judged for their own deeds.

21: Moral argument for Day of Judgement. Are those who perpetuate evil the same as those who do good? Is it fair for the criminal to have pleasure in this world without consequence and for the righteous to struggle?

22: Allah SWT created the heavens and the earth for a purpose, so that each soul may be rewarded for its actions and none will be wronged.

23: For those taking ones desires/ego as a God, Allah SWT has left them to stray, sealing/covering their hearing, hearts and sight.

24: The deniers argue their is nothing beyond the worldly life, yet they have no evidence to support this claim.

26: Allah SWT gives us life, causes us to die and then will gather us all on the Day of Judgement – there is no doubt in that.

28: On the Day of Judgement, every faith community will be on its knees and summoned to their record of deeds.

31-35: The disbelievers will be ignored on that Day, just as they ignored their meeting with Allah SWT. They will reside in the Fire because they did not believe in the Hour, made a mockery of Allah SWT’s revelations and were deluded by the worldly life.

36:-37 Praise belongs to Allah SWT, the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all of humanity, the Almighty, All Wise.

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