48. Al Fath (The Triumph)

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Madinan surah taking its name from the triumph of the Treaty of Al Hudaibiyah. The Muslims were prevented from entering Makkah to perform umrah and sent an envoy, Uthman, to the Makkans to try and resolve the situation. When Uthman was delayed in returning, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ took a pledge of allegiance from the Muslims under a tree at Hudaibiyah, on the outskirts of Makkah.

Uthman returned with a peace treaty that included the Muslims returning to Madinah and coming the following year for umrah. Most of the believers felt aggrieved. This surah was revealed immediately on the way back to Madinah and explained that the Treaty was a clear victory, not a loss, due to establishing peace and the opportunity to spread and consolidate Islam. More people converted into Islam in the next 18 months than in the past 15 yrs.


  • Divine victories: the Treaty, future battles, promise to enter Haram, victory of Islam.
  • Forgiveness of sins and completeness of blessings.
  • Guidance, victory, tranquility, entering Jannah.
  • Exposing hypocrites.
  • Allah’s SWT pleasure with the believers and promise of worldly rewards.

Selected Verses

1: A clear victory has been granted to the Muslims.

10: Those who pledged allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are actually pledging allegiance to Allah SWT and whoever fulfils their pledge will be granted a great reward.

11: The nomadic Arabs that remained in Madinah will give fake excuses for not travelling with the Muslims. Allah SWT is aware of what is in their hearts.

13: A blazing Fire has been prepared for whosoever does not believe in Allah SWT and His Messenger.

16-17: The nomadic Arabs who remained will be given a second chance to gain Allah SWT’s reward by fighting against the pagan tribes, but if they refuse again they will receive a painful punishment. The blind, disabled or sick are exempt.

18-21: Allah SWT praised those Muslims that took the oath. He sent down upon them serenity and promised many spoils of war for them from future battles. And Allah SWT is keeping other gains in store for them.

24-25: The wisdom behind the truce. Allah SWT held back the pagans and the Muslims from engaging in battle. He also prevented the Muslims from entering Makkah forcefully as they may have unwittingly harmed many secret Muslims living there.

27: Allah SWT will fulfil the Prophet’s ﷺ vison of performing umrah – the Muslims will surely enter the Sacred Mosque.

29: Descriptions of the believers in the Torah (bowing and prostrating seeking Allah SWT’s bounty and pleasure, faces bright from prostration) and the Gospel (parable of a seed that sprouts branches making it strong, becoming thick and standing firmly on its stem).

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