49. Al Hujurat (The Private Quarters)

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Late Madinan surah, refers to the private chambers in Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ house. This surah marks the beginning of the Mufassalat section of the Quran, consisting of short surahs from Al Hujurat (some say Al Qaf) to An Nas. The Prophet ﷺ used to recite these frequently in Fajr. They remind mankind of death and resurrection.


  • Etiquettes in dealing with the Prophet ﷺ and his family.
  • Ethics and Adab (respect/manners).
  • Social guidelines.

Selected Verses

1-5: Manners with respect to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ:

  • Respect his authority.
  • Lower ones voices when speaking to him.
  • Respect his privacy.

6-13: Social etiquitte:

  • Verify news, do not act on rumours.
  • Promote brotherhood and peace, but stand up against transgression.
  • Respect all:
    • Do not ridicule, defame or call each other offensive nicknames.
    • Avoid suspicion and do not spy on each other.
    • Do not backbite – likened to eating a dead persons flesh.
    • Learn about each other, engage in righteousness.

14: Distinction between Islam (submitting and performing worship) and Iman (a higher state, embracing Islam wholeheartedly).

15: The true believers are those who never doubt in their belief and strive with their wealth and lives in the cause of Allah SWT.

18: Allah SWT knows the unseen of the heavens and the earth, He is All Seeing of what we do.

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