56. Al Waqiah (The Inevitable Event)

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Makkan surah, discussing the Akhira and the belief of the disbelievers that the Resurrection and alteration of the heavens and earth is imaginary.


  • Day of Judgement.
  • Descriptions of the 3 groups on Judgement Day and their eternal abodes.
  • The creative miracles of Allah SWT.
  • The Divine nature of the Quran.

Selected Verses

1-10: When the Inevitable Event takes place, then no one can deny it has come. The earth will be violently shaken and the mountains crushed into pieces and scattered as dust. Mankind will be divided into 3 categories.

10-26: The Foremost: The ones nearest to Allah SWT, a large group from previous generations and a smaller group from later generations. They will be in the Gardens of Bliss, on jewelled thrones, waited on by eternal youths being served drinks and fruits and meats. They will have maiden with gorgeous eyes like pristine pearls. All as a reward for what they used to do.

27-38: People of the Right: A large group from previous generations and a large group from later generations. Blessed they will be, amid thornless lote trees, clusters of bananas, extended shade, flowing water and abundant fruit, with perfect loving mates of equal age.

41-56: People of the Left: How miserable they will be, in scorching heat, boiling water and black smoke. They were spoiled by luxury, persisted in the worst sin and asked mockingly about the resurrection. They will fill their bellies from the trees of Zaqqum and drink boiling water like thirsty camels.

57-74: Miracles of Allah SWT’s creation highlighted through a series of questions for mankind to reflect upon:

  • Did you create life from the fluid which you ejaculate? We created you and can recreate you in forms unknown to you.
  • Do you cause the plants to grow? We could simply reduce this harvest to chaff and deprive you of your livelihood.
  • Do you bring down the water you drink from the clouds? If We willed, We could make it salty.
  • Do you produce the trees for the fire you kindle? We have made it as a reminder for the Hellfire and a provision for travellers.

So glorify the Name of your Lord, the Greatest.

75-82: Allah SWT swears by the stars – indeed a great oath – that this revelation is truly a noble Quran in a well preserved Record, from the Lord of all worlds, touched by none except the purified angels. How can we then take its message lightly and repay Allah SWT with denial?

83-87: Challenge to mankind: If we are not subject to Allah SWT’s Will, then bring back the soul from a dying person.

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