2. Al Baqarah (The Cow)

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    Known as the Peak of the Quran, it summarises the entire Quran. It is the longest surah composed of 286 ayats. It contains the greatest ayah Ayatul Kursi [2:255]; the two blessed ayats revealed during the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Night Journey directly from beneath the Throne [2:285-286]; and the last verse of revelation [2:281].

    Along with surah Al E Imran, together known as the Lights of the Quran, they will come as intercessors on the Day of Judgement. Reciting surah Al Baqarah will bring barakah (blessings) and happiness.


    • This is a book about which there is no doubt.
    • Three types of mankind. Believers, disbelievers and hypocrites (pretend to believe).
    • Greatness of Allah SWT. There is no God but Allah SWT, worship Him alone. Look around at all the signs sent by Him. Believe in the angels (Jibril and Mikael mentioned explicitly [2:98]).
    • Theology has been revealed to mankind before, through the prophets. Stories of other civilisations being told to an Arabian prophet who would have no knowledge of these. Proof of the Divine message.
    • The five pillars. The righteous are those who believe and practice these pillars.
    • Shapes our theology and morality. Advises on how to live our lives and what laws to follow regarding divorce, finances and inheritance.
    • Islam aims for the betterment of human society by outlining an entire system of life from how to act and behave to managing our affairs and transactions.


    • 1-20: Outlines what kinds of people will accept Allah SWT guidance.
    • 20-29: Addresses mankind inviting them to obey Allah SWT because this is the path of guidance. Those who accept will live peacefully in the Hereafter. Those who turn away will waste their lives.
    • 30-39: Describe the khilafah of Adam AS and shaytans opposition. Answers questions about humanity and affirms Islam was the guidance given to mankind.
    • 40-123: Addresses Bani Israel and invites them to accept guidance. Revelation is in accordance with their own book. However they believed the prophets would only be for them and from within their people. Reviews their religiosity.
    • 124-167: Narrates the events of Ibrahim AS, the grandfather of Banu Israel and Banu Ishmael. Describes Muslims as a nation of justice and moderation. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the fruition of the prayer of Ibrahim AS.
    • 168-242: Rules pertaining to the individual, social life, family, morals, hajj, divorce. Fasting is ordained.
    • 243-283: Spending in the path of Allah SWT. Outlawing riba. Encouraging business and trade.
    • 284-286: Refers to those who believe in Allah SWT, the angels and scriptures. Muslims do not differentiate between prophets. Each persons burden is in relation to their capacity to bear it. Ends with dua.

    Selected Verses

    1: Alif Lam Meem. Many surahs start with letters whose knowledge lies with Allah SWT. Surahs which start with such letters, almost always mention the Quran in the subsequent ayats.

    2: This is the Scripture in which there is no doubt, containing guidance for those who are mindful of Allah.

    4-5: Characteristics of believers:

    • Believe in the unseen.
    • Establish prayer.
    • Give from which Allah SWT has provided.
    • Belief in the Quran and previous Scriptures.
    • By extension that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the final prophet.
    • Firm belief in the Hereafter.

    6-7: Characteristics of disbelievers:

    • They will never believe.
    • Allah SWT has sealed their hearts, hearing and sight.

    8-16: Characteristics of hypocrites:

    • Lying, deceiving, evil, plotting, foolish, mocking, ignorant, deviant, doubtful, sarcastic, corrupt.
    • The hypocrite looks for faults in others, the believer looks for excuses.

    23-24: Ayats challenging the disbelievers to call upon anyone to bring one surah that can rival the Quran, the truth of Divine speech.

    28-29: How can you deny Allah SWT? He created us, will cause us to die and be resurrected to return to Him. He created the earth for us and the seven heavens.

    30-39: The story of Adam AS, also expanded upon in surahs 7 and 20. The creation of Adam AS as a khalifa, a vicegerent/steward/successor on earth. The angels questioned that mankind would cause bloodshed whilst they praise Allah SWT. Perhaps they had some knowledge of previous creations. However Allah SWT knew there will be some righteous and worthy people amongst His creation that has free will. Adam AS was taught the names of all things, that is, he was given knowledge and the ability to speak. This knowledge elevated him above the angels who know only what Allah SWT has taught them.

    Shaytan is a Jinn who used to worship Allah SWT and kept company amongst the angels. He disobeyed Allah SWT by refusing to prostrate before Adam AS, becoming arrogant. Shaytan tricked Adam and Hawa (peace be upon them) causing them to be expelled from Jannah. Allah SWT taught Adam AS how to repent. These words are revealed in [7:23], an example of cross referencing in the Quran: “O Lord we have wronged our souls. If You do not forgive us and have mercy we shall be lost.”

    The sinner who acknowledges his sin and seeks repentance will be forgiven. No sinner should ever feel hopeless. The first man and woman sinned in Jannah, repented and were forgiven. The sinner who does not repent or is arrogant will be doomed like shaytan. Adam and Hawa (peace be upon them) were expelled from Jannah but told that guidance will certainly come to mankind and those who follow it will have no fear or grief.

    40-123: These ayats teach us to learn the lessons from the mistakes of previous generations. The Banu Israel were unable to fulfil their obligations to Allah SWT despite His favours to them:

    • Honouring them above other nations [47-48; 122].
    • Saving them from the persecution of Firaun (Pharoah) [49].
    • Parting the Red Sea and allowing their escape from Firaun [50].
    • Forgiving their worship of the calf idol when Musa AS was absent for 40 days [51-52].
    • Revealing the Torah to them through Musa AS [53].
    • Forgiving their demand to see Allah SWT [55-56].
    • Sending them provisions (manna and quails) and providing them shade in the desert [57].
    • Permitting them to enter Jerusalam [58].
    • Providing water for the 12 tribes [60].

    Examples of the Israelites disobedience and reluctance to obey Allah SWT:

    • Disbelief in the unseen, refusing to believe in Allah SWT unless they saw Him [55-56].
    • Arrogantly mocking of the words of repentance ordered by Allah SWT as they entered Jerusalem [59].
    • Rejecting their covenant with Allah SWT [63-64].
    • Breaking the Sabbath [65-66]. Also expanded upon in [7:163].
    • Rebelling against the commandments of Allah SWT to sacrifice a cow. They killed a man and Allah SWT commanded them to sacrifice a cow, strike the dead man with a piece of it. By so doing, Allah SWT will resurrect him so he can testify as to his murderer. The Israelites argued and dithered about doing so. This story gives its name to surah Baqarah [67-74].
    • Distorting the Scripture for their own gains [75-79].
    • Claiming they will only be in the Fire for a few days, speaking about Allah SWT without knowledge [80-82].
    • Failure to keep their covenants. Believing in selective parts of the Scripture. Trading the Hereafter for this world [83:86].
    • Denying and killing Allah SWT’s Messengers, rejecting the Quran and only believing in their Scriptures [87-93].
    • Claiming only they will enter Heaven (reserved only for Jews or Christians) [94; 111].

    102: Ayah on magic, taught to people by the Jinn. Two angels were sent to enlighten people so as not to confuse magic tricks with miracles. Sulaiman AS was accused of using magic to run his kingdom. Allah SWT defended him in this ayah. There is no share in the Hereafter for magicians.

    106: If an ayah is ever abrogated (repealed or replaced) it is replaced with a better one. For example, the progressive banning of alcohol [2:219; 4:43; 5:90].

    117: Allah SWT is the originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He simply says “Be” and it is.

    124-131: Ibrahim AS building the first House of Worship on this earth. He asked Allah SWT to accept his deed and make leaders from his descendants who would establish the prayer. He asked Allah SWT to raise a Messenger from among them to recite His revelations, teach them Scripture and wisdom and purify them. He declared his submission to the will of Allah SWT, and was therefore a Muslim.

    132-133: Advice to children, to worship Allah SWT alone. The examples of Ibrahim AS and Yaqub AS, imparting their faith to their children.

    136-140: Belief in Allah SWT and what was revealed to the Prophets before Muhammad ﷺ, making no distinction between them. Ibrahim, Ishaq, Yaqub, Musa and Isa (peace be upon them all) specifically mentioned.

    141: You will not be called to account for peoples of the past. They will face their own account as will you. Reinforces the urgency of now.

    143: We have made you, a middle nation – Ummatan wasatta. Ayah 143/286, right in the middle of the surah. To take a just, centric path. The most moderate, the best, an excellent nation, balanced between the two extremes. A role models for other individuals and nations.

    142-145, 149-150: Change in direction of prayer from Al Aqsa, Jerusalem to the Kabbah Masjid al Haram, Makkah. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to face the Kabbah wall in the direction of Jerusalem. From Madinah facing Jerusalem meant turning your back on Kabbah. As Islam grew, Allah SWT decreed to face Makkah to give the Muslims a sense of their own unique identity. Originally Makkah was the direction of worship before Isaac and Yaqub established Jerusalem. “So now turn back your faces.”

    151: Listing the 4 functions of Prophets (compare with the prayer of Ibrahim AS [2:129]):

    • To recite revelations.
    • Purify people.
    • Teach Scripture and wisdom.
    • Teach knowledge.

    152: Remember Me; I will remember you. And thank Me and never be ungrateful. For sending the Messenger ﷺ and the Truth.

    153-157: Believers, seek comfort through patience and prayer, for Allah is with the steadfast. The martyrs are not dead, they are alive! You will be tested with fear, hunger, loss of property, lives and crops. When faced with calamity say, “To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.” Those are the rightly guided who will receive Allah SWT’s blessings and mercy.

    159-162: Warning to the disbelievers they will be condemned unless they repent and change their ways, for Allah SWT is the Acceptor of Repentance, the Most Merciful.

    163-164: Allah SWT is the One God worthy of worship. Reflect upon his many signs:

    • The creation of heavens and earth.
    • The alternation of day and night.
    • Ships for benefit of humanity.
    • Rain sent down to revive the dead earth.
    • The multitude and diversity of creatures.
    • The winds and clouds.

    170: Follow what Allah SWT has revealed. Don’t blindly follow the way of your ancestors, what if they were not guided? When people reject the truth it is because they are accustomed to whatever customs they were raised with. Values are constantly changing, which is why we need a source of truth. Think, do not simply follow blindly. On the Day of Judgement those who were followed will disown those who followed them, all ties will break.

    177: Verse of Birr. Righteousness/piety is not just about turning your face to the east and west (salah). It is not only the outward manifestation but the state of your heart, having righteous belief and actions. The righteous are those who:

    • Believe in Allah SWT, the Last Day, the angles and the prophets.
    • Give charity to relatives, orphans, poor and needy. Social responsibility.
    • Establish prayer.
    • Pay zakat.
    • Keep their pledges.
    • Demonstrate patience in times of suffering and adversity. Self discipline.

    Remembrance of Allah SWT (taqwa) is the objective through prayer, fasting and zikr.

    178: The law of Qasas, retaliation, an eye for an eye. Applies to murder. This speaks to people of intellect. One needs to reflect upon the law. If the punishment for a crime is so severe, a person will not do it. Thus two lives are saved, the victim and the villain. However the ayah states that to forgive is better. The victims family have the right to decide. If pardoned, the murderer should pay a large amount of compensation (blood money) and repent. Even if only one family member asks for forgiveness, the murderer is spared the sentence. The philosophy of Islamic punishment is not for revenge but as a deterrent to have a civil society where such crimes are hardly evident. This provides a security of life.

    180: Writing a will is obligatory.

    183-185, 187: Believers, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was for those before you, for you to achieve God consciousness. To remove and control our earthly desires through hunger and elevate us to the level of the angels. Fasting is the bridle of the God fearing, the shield of the warriors and the discipline of the virtuous. Rules and exemptions for fasting. Allah SWT does not want to make things difficult for us. The Quran was revealed during Ramadan and is thus linked with this month more so than fasting. Dua also linked to Ramadan.

    186: If My servants ask you about Me then tell them I am indeed close and will respond to them if they call Me.

    190-191: Fight in the cause of Allah against those who wage war against you but do not exceed the limits. Kill them wherever you come upon them and drive them out of places from which they have driven you out. For persecution is far worse than killing. Probably the most misunderstood and misquoted ayah in the Quran. It refers to fighting ones enemies in self defense and refers to a time of active persecution of Muslims. Fight in the cause of Allah SWT those who are a threat to you.  

    196-203, 158: Hajj rituals.

    201: Rabbana Atana Fi Dunya dua, asking for the good in this world and the Hereafter. Islam is about balance, live this life but live for the Akhira.

    208: Complete submission in Islam. Wholeheartedly, without doubt, without any agenda. Shaytan is our sworn enemy.

    212: Life is a test, made appealing for the disbelievers. Those mindful of Allah SWT will rank higher on the Day of Judgement.

    214: Do you think you will be admitted into Jannah without being tested? Faith is reinforced by affliction.

    216: Fighting is ordained for you even if you do not like it. You may dislike something that is good for you and like something that is bad for you. Allah SWT knows what is best. Ethical values are not ordained by whether we like them or not. Fighting should not be for the sake of this world (eg natural resources) but only for the sake of Allah SWT. Anarchy is worse than a legitimate war. If one group does not keep others in check, the whole world would be ruined [251].

    219: There is some benefit in alcohol and gambling but their harm outweighs this. There was a slow prohibition of these vices [4:43 and 5:90] as they were prevalent at the time and immediate banning would have been counterproductive.

    225: Allah SWT will not hold us accountable for unintended oaths. Intention is in the heart.

    228-237: Laws of divorce, rights of divorced and widowed women.

    238: Preserve your prayers especially the middle prayer (Asr).

    246-250: The transition from Musa AS to the Kingdoms of Dawud AS and Sulaiman AS. Shammil (Samuel) AS appointed Talut (Saul) as King of the Israelites. They were being oppressed by Jalut (Goliath) but promised to fight if they had a King as their leader. Talut led his army into battle with Jalut but first tested their commitment to Allah SWT, by commanding them to only take a few sips of water at the river. The majority failed and so the remaining few marched on to face Jalut. The believers had faith in Allah SWT and Dawud AS killed Jalut. No matter what the odds, if you truly have faith in Allah SWT and do your best, He will protect and help you.

    255: Ayatul Kursi, the greatest verse in the Quran. It contains15 names and attributes of Allah SWT. If one recites after every fard, “Nothing is between him and Jannah except his own death” [Tabarani]. Recite at night and an angel will protect you.

    256: There is no compulsion in religion. Everyone has freedom in thought but once you submit complete submission is required. It is through our free will that we choose to submit to Allah SWT. Never use force to spread religion; the Islamic civilisation was spread by wars, not the religion.

    258: Ibrahim AS arguing with an arrogant king about his perceived power compared to Allah’s SWT. He challenged him to make the sun rise from the east.

    259: The story of Ezra AS. He passed by a destroyed city and wondered how Allah SWT could bring people back to life. Allah SWT caused him to die for 100 years and then resurrected him. Allah SWT then resurrected his donkey in front of his eyes.

    260: Ibrahim AS asked Allah SWT to show him how life is given to the dead, to reassure his heart. 4 dead birds were resurrected.

    245, 254, 261-274: Charity. Who will lend Allah a good loan which Allah will multiply many times over? Spend from the wealth We have given you. Everything is from Allah SWT and belongs to Him. Spend from the pure wealth you have earned through halal means. Charity is like a grain that sprouts seven ears, each bearing 100 grains. And Allah SWT may multiply the reward even more. He knows what we give and will repay us in full. Be sincere and humble in giving, not arrogant or boastful. Shaytan threatens us with poverty, engendering miserliness and tempts us to spend on haram.

    269: Allah SWT gives wisdom to whoever He wills. The wise are usually knowledgeable but not necessarily vice versa.

    272: It is Allah SWT who guides who He wills.

    275, 278-279: Allah SWT will destroy all blessings earned from riba (interest). Those who use interest have declared war with Allah SWT. They will be in the Fire forever. Allah SWT has made riba fruitless and charity fruitful.

    281: Be mindful of the day you will return to Allah SWT, for all will be paid in full for their deeds. None will be wronged.

    282: The longest verse in Quran, about debt contracts. Highlights the importance of a clear and witnessed record of monetary transactions between people.

    285-286: These ayats were gifted to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ on the night journey from under the Throne of Allah SWT. Whoever recites these before bed, they will be sufficient for him, all worries and grief will be taken care of [Muslim]. Allah SWT only places whatever burden on us that we can handle. He never sets up a person to fail, He knows we will pass the test.

    Organisation of Surah Baqarah

    There is a divine beauty to the organisation of surah Baqarah.

    • The first discourse details the qualities of the believers, disbelievers and hypocrites.
    • The last discourse is a dua to forgive us and prevent us from falling into hypocrisy and disbelief.
    • The second discourse details Adam AS eating from the one tree that was banned to him, despite having access to all the bounty of Jannah. Essentially greed, to want more than what he had, the false promise of immortality offered by shaytan. The consequences of greed was expulsion from Jannah.
    • The second last discourse affirms spending in the path of Allah SWT is best. The worst thing one can do with money is charge riba, solely for the purposes of greed. These topics are balanced by an ayah on business and contracts. Thus this is guidance on how to avoid greed.
    • The third discourse details the Israelites breaking the commandments given to them.
    • The third last discourse describes the laws given to the Muslims.
    • The fourth discourse mentions the tests of Ibrahim AS which he fulfilled. He prayed for his descendants to be safe and provided for.
    • The fourth last discourse affirms we will also be tested like those before us. Such tests include fear and hunger, the very things Ibrahim AS wanted us protected from.
    • The middle of the surah details the change of direction of worship from Jerusalem to Mecca. The Kabbah was built by Ibrahim AS who is in the middle of Banu Israel and the Muslim nation. A new nation requires a new capital. The ummatan wasatta, the middle, balanced nation is described in ayah 143 out of 286.

    The Last Two Verses

    The Messenger firmly believes in what has been revealed to him from His Lord and so do the believers. They all believe in Allah, His angels, His Books and His messengers. They proclaim, “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey, We seek Your forgiveness our Lord! And to You alone is the final return.” [2:285]

    Allah does not require of any soul more than it can bear. All good will be for its own benefit and all evil will be to its own loss. The believers pray, “Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord! Do not place a burden on us like the one you placed on those before us. Our Lord! Do not burden us with what we cannot bear. Pardon us, forgive us and have mercy on us. You are our only Guardian. So grant us victory over the disbelievers.” [2:286]


    These two blessed ayats were revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ during his Night Journey directly from Allah SWT. They came from beneath the Throne of Allah SWT in the Seven heavens, the highest point of creation. Even Jibril AS did not have permission to go there. They were revealed years apart from the opening ayats of the surah.

    They complete the journey of humankind. Adam AS was sent down from Jannah, beneath the Throne of Allah SWT and told to look out for guidance which will be sent to mankind. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the last of the prophets and the end of guidance, rose up to the Throne to receive the last two verses of surah Baqarah.


    The Messenger firmly believes in what has been revealed to him from His Lord and so do the believers. They all believe in Allah, His angels, His Books and His messengers.

    Allah SWT is speaking to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in the third person despite the Prophet ﷺ being directly in His presence. This is as a sign of honour, also in reference to the opening ayah of surah Baqarah: Alif Lam Meem. This is the Book! There is no doubt about it – a guide for the believers. Letters and a book have no meaning to an illiterate person. This ayah is a reminder that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ had no knowledge of the message of the Quran. When it was revealed to him he also had to believe and he ﷺ had firm belief.

    The ayah affirms Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ belief in the message and then also affirms the believer’s belief. The believers are mentioned in the highest place in the company of Allah SWT. This is such an honour and we should always remember the station Allah SWT has given the believers. We will never be as perfect as Prophet Muhammad ﷺ yet this ayah groups the Messenger ﷺ together with the believers: “They all believe.”

    They proclaim, “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.”

    The Quran came to restore the dignity and truth of the Prophets of the Jews and Christians to them. These are also the Messengers of the Muslims. Allah SWT is quoting the believers in the highest place. When Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was going through stress and difficulty Allah SWT revealed stories about other prophets, for example Yusuf AS and Musa AS. This provided comfort and faith in Allah SWT that his struggle will be successful.

    And they say, “We hear and obey, We seek Your forgiveness our Lord!

    We first have to hear, that is, increase our knowledge of revelation through education. Then follow and send the message to others. Contrast this with the Israelites who said, “We listen and we disobey” [2:93].

    And to You alone is the final return.

    To Allah SWT is our final return. On our journey to Allah SWT we make daily progress and are changed. Each person is different and has a different journey. Allah SWT appreciates and loves all our efforts however small.

    Allah does not require of any soul more than it can bear.

    Allah does not burden any soul more than it can bear. He will never tell us to do something we cannot do and will not give us the responsibilities or opportunities in our life if we cannot handle them. We all have different potentials. We have to identify them, make the most of them and strive for excellence in them.

    All good will be for its own benefit and all evil will be to its own loss.

    For the believers, obedience will be easy and disobedience difficult, a gift from Allah SWT. This is reversed for the disbelievers.

    The believers pray, “Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake.

    Forgive us if we forget. Forgetfulness referring to when we are busy with stuff that is less important, not constantly forgetting and making mistakes. If on occasion if we mess up, please forgive us.

    Our Lord! Do not place a burden on us like the one you placed on those before us.

    Do not burden us with that of previous nations When a disbelieving nation disobeys Allah SWT He destroys them. When a believing nations disobeys, He separates them into sects who fight each other and become rigid and extreme in beliefs. Islam is simple, it does not need to be complicated. The Prophets preached a simple message. There are many books on Torah and Quranic opinions. The Quran was sent to simplify the religion.

    Our Lord! Do not burden us with what we cannot bear.

    Allah SWT has made many concessions in our obligations around several matters. Islam places less burden on us than on previous nations. Our trials test us with faith and patience so that we may attain closeness to Allah SWT and be rewarded in the Akhira.

    Pardon us, forgive us and have mercy on us. You are our only Guardian. So grant us victory over the disbelievers.

    Pardon us, forgive and forget. Remove all anger or negative feelings and wipe the slate clean. Allah SWT is our Mawla, our Guardian, who showers His blessings upon us and keeps us under His protection. It is through these blessings of faith and righteousness that we will be victorious over the disbelievers.

    Whoever recites the two verses at the end of Suratul-Baqarah in the night, they will suffice him [Muslim]

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