3. Al E Imran (The Family of Imran)

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Imran was the father of Maryam AS, the grandfather of Isa AS. There is no other mention of him in the Quran. The family members mentioned in the Quran are Maryam AS, Isa AS and the mother of Maryam.

As surah Baqarah deals with issues pertaining to the Jews, surah Imran deals with issues pertaining to the Christians. The surah was revealed in the 4th yr Hijrah in Madinah when a Christian delegation from Najran came to stay at Madinah. It challenges the Christian perception of Isa AS and invites them to believe in the Quran.

The first half deals with Christianity. The second half encourages the believers at a time of despondency, having had two recent battles with the polytheists of Makkah. In the 2nd yr after Hijrah was the Battle of Badr and in the 3rd yr, the Battle of Uhud. The first was a victory and the second a partial defeat.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would recite the end of this surah when waking up for Tahajjud. It contains similar verses to Al Baqarah covering topics on Ibrahim AS, Kabba, charity, good deeds, tawheed and steadfastness on principles and faith.


  • 1-9: Tawheed. Quran is the word and command of Allah SWT.
  • 13-32: Post Badr.
  • 33-63: Christians of Najran.
  • 64-78: People of the Book.
  • 79-84: Prophets of Islam.
  • 85-91: Deviating from the right path.
  • 102-120: Warning for disbelievers and hypocrites.
  • 121-189: Post Uhud.

Selected Verses

3-4: Speaks about the previous revealed Scriptures, the Torah and the Bible, and Al Farqan (the Standard, another name of Quran) as a guidance for mankind.

7: The Quran describes its ayats as those that are crystal clear forming the backbone of the book and others that are ambiguous or elusive. The full meaning of these elusive verses are known only to Allah SWT and include the Muqattaʿāt, the letters at the beginning of several surahs. Some people ignore the clear verses and interpret the ambiguous verses according to their own agenda, twisting the meanings. The people of knowledge believe in all verses.

10-11: Worldly gains will not benefit the disbelievers against Allah SWT, their fate will be Hell.

14: The love of worldly desires (women, men, children, wealth, land, cattle) has been made alluring for us. The joys of this life act as obstacles to our worship of Allah SWT.

15-17: Everlasting delight is better than all the worldly pleasures, for those who are:

  • Mindful of Allah SWT and believe.
  • Patient.
  • Sincere.
  • Obedient.
  • Charitable.
  • Praying for forgiveness before dawn (Tahajjud).

18: Allah Himself is a Witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Him. And so are the angels and people of knowledge. He is the Maintainer of justice. There is  no god worthy of worship except Him, the Almighty, the Wise.

23-24: Some of the Jews rejected Allah’s SWT Judgement, turning away from the Quran claiming, “We will only be in the Fire for a few days.”

26-27: Allah SWT’s infinite power. He gives and removes authority, honour, life and provision. He is Omnipotent.

29: Allah SWT’s infinite knowledge of all in the heavens and the earth and whatever is in concealed in our hearts.

32: Obey Allah and the Messenger ﷺ that is, follow the Quran and Sunnah. Primarily directed at the Christians.

33: Some were chosen above all people: Adam, Nuh, family of Ibrahim and family of Imran (peace be upon them all).

35-63: The story of Isa AS. Maryam’s mother made dua to Allah SWT to make her child righteous. She wanted a male child who would be raised in the temple and become a rabbi and an elite scholar. Maryam AS was constantly worshiping in the temple. Zachariah AS, Maryam’s elderly uncle on her mothers side, used to bring her food but saw that she was always provided for by Allah SWT. He saw her piety and felt inspired to ask Allah SWT for a son. He was given Yahya AS (John the Baptist), who was the cousin of Isa AS. Allah SWT chose Maryam AS above all other females. The angels gave her news of a son, the Messiah, who would be one of those nearest to Allah SWT.

Knowledge of the unseen was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. There was no knowledge of the Torah or Bible as it was not translated into Arabic. Yet the Quran is telling the Arabs about Jewish and Christian traditions.

The miracles Allah SWT gifted Isa AS with included creating a real bird from clay, healing the blind and the leper and raising the dead to life. He gave confirmation of the Torah and legalised previous prohibitions. Allah SWT countered those plotting against ISA as by raising him up to the heavens, indicating he is alive. 

The example of Isa AS is the same as Adam AS. Both were created from dust/clay. Allah SWT simply said, “Be” and they were. If being born without a father is a sign of divinity, then what about Adam AS, born without a mother and father?

65-71, 78: Ibrahim AS was neither a Jew or a Christian but one who submitted. That is, he was a Muslim. People of the Book distorting the truth and mixing truth with falsehood.

73-74: All bounty is from Allah SWT. He grants to whoever He wills. He grants mercy to whoever He wills.

75: There are some People of the Book who are trustworthy and some who are not. Piety can exist in non Muslims but Islam is the only religion accepted by Allah SWT.

77: Those who break Allah SWT’s covenant and their oaths will have a painful punishment. Allah SWT will not speak or look at them on the Day of Judgement.

79-81: Prophets never claim divinity and affirm their belief in Muhammad ﷺ.

83: All in the heavens and the earth submit to Allah SWT’s Will, willingly or unwillingly. To Him they will all return.

84: No distinction between any of the Prophets who all received the same message from Allah SWT and fully submit to Him.

85: Allah SWT will not accept whoever chooses other than Islam.

86-91: Those who deviate from the truth, who believed but then die as disbelievers will never be forgiven. They will be condemned for eternity.

92: You will never achieve righteousness until you donate some of what you cherish.

97: Pilgrimage an obligation on those who are physically and financially able.

98: People of Book: why do you reject the truth after it has been revealed to you and strive to turn believers away from the path of Allah SWT?

102-103: Believers, be mindful of Allah SWT, die in full submission to Him and hold firmly to the rope of Allah SWT.

110: The Muslim nation is the best community ever raised for mankind. They encourage good, forbid evil and believe in Allah SWT.

113-115, 199: Some of the People of the Book are righteous and believe in Allah SWT. They pray and do good deeds and will be rewarded accordingly.

117: The good deeds of disbelievers will be destroyed.

118-120: Do not associate closely with hypocrites who outwardly say they believe but secretly wish you harm.

123-127: Help at the Battle of Badr was provided by thousands of angels, for those mindful of and trusting in Allah SWT.

130: Do not consume riba.

133-136: The reward of Jannah is for the righteous, those who:

  • Are mindful of Allah SWT.
  • Donate in prosperity and adversity.
  • Control their anger.
  • Pardon others.
  • Seek forgiveness.
  • Refrain from repeating sin.

Anger is a burning coal. Don’t you see your eyebrows wide and eyes reddish? So when you feel angry, sit down if standing and lie down if sitting [Abu Dawud]

139-142: Victory and defeat is alternated so that the true believer is revealed and martyrs are chosen. The one who struggles for Allah SWT’s cause and endures patiently will be the winners. That is, have optimism and belief in Allah SWT during the good and bad times.

144: Muhammad ﷺ is just a messenger. This ayah was recited by Abu Bakr on the day of the Prophet’s ﷺ death.

145: Each persons death is predestined according to Allah SWT’s will.

152: Failure at Uhud because of bickering and disputing the command. Failure when your resolve is weak and you don’t follow Allah SWT.

Success at Badr: Fear of Allah SWT, obeying Prophet ﷺ, detachment from worldly pleasure.

Defeat at Uhud: Abandoning position, not obeying Prophet ﷺ, attachment to this world (war booty).

154, 156, 168: Allah SWT gives life and death. There is nothing anyone can do to avoid it.

157: For those martyred in the cause of Allah SWT, His forgiveness and mercy are far better than what has been left behind in this world.

159: Principles of good leadership:

  • Have gentle approach.
  • Pardon people.
  • Ask for their forgiveness.
  • Consult people.
  • Be decisive and place your trust in Allah SWT.

160: If Allah SWT helps you, none can defeat you. But if He denies you, who else can help you?

164: The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was sent as a blessing to the believers, who were previously clearly astray.

167: Saying one thing and believing another (being hypocritical) is closer to disbelief than belief.

169-170: The martyrs are alive with Allah SWT and rejoicing in His bounty.

173: Allah SWT is sufficient for you and He is the best Protector.

180-181: Warning against miserliness and the love of wealth. Whatever they withhold will be hung around their necks on the Day of Judgement. Some of the Jews used to mock, “Allah is poor”, when asked to give to the needy.

185: Death is inevitable and the life of this world is nothing but a delusion of enjoyment.

186: Patience in being tested with loss in this life (wealth, sickness, life).

191-194: End of surah powerful dua:

  • Our Lord! You have not created all this without purpose..
  • Protect us from the torment of the Fire.
  • The wrongdoers will have no helper and be completely disgraced.
  • We have believed, forgive us our sins.
  • Cause us to die amongst the righteous as Muslims.
  • Do not shame us on the Day of Judgement.

195: Allah SWT’s response: “I shall not cause the good deeds of any of you, male or female to go to waste. Both are equal in reward.” This revelation was in response to Umma Salama RA, the wife of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ who asked, “Why are men only mentioned in the Quran – we too have migrated and sacrificed.” The ayah explicitly describes gender equality.

200: Advice for success:

  • Patience.
  • Perseverance.
  • Guarding ones prayers.
  • Taqwa of Allah SWT.

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