9. At Tawba (The Repentance)

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Late Madinan, the last complete surah to be revealed in 9 AH, around 1 year before death of Prophet Muhammad . Revealed after the breaking of the treaty of Hudaibiyah, which promised 10 years of peace between the Makkans and the Muslims. Also, after the battle of Tabuk in which there were 30,000 Muslims. Only time Hajj performed by muslims and non muslims together

The only surah that starts without basmallah. It speaks of categories of people we should not associate with, namely the disbelievers (kafir) and the hypocrites (munafiqun). It is considered a continuation of the previous surah and opens by terminating treaties not fully respected  by the polytheists, tantamount to a declaration of war. Therefore the basmallah is not mentioned.

A final warning for the polytheists as the new Muslim ummah was stronger and would soon be widespread: “You cannot remain in this land as a polytheist.”


  • Consolidation of Muslim community.
  • Military issues: lots of hypocrites joined the war at Tabuk after the Prophet gave orders for every man to join, and made excuses not to join.
  • Treaties and alliances with Jewish and Christian tribes in the context of the soon to be Muslim ummah within Arabia.
  • Acceptance of repentance.
  • Describes hypocrites, disbelievers and believers.

Selected Verses

1-15: Discharge of treaties made with those polytheists that fail to keep them. They were given 4 months to travel freely in the land until 10th Dhul Hijjah (Hajj). After this, they would have no escape from Allah SWT, except those who repent.

Once the sacred months have passed, kill the polytheists who violated their treaties wherever you find them. Capture them, besiege them and lie in wait for them on every way. This ayah is quoted and taken out of context by extremist groups. The ayah was meant as an ultimatum but in fact was never implemented. If the polytheists repent, perform prayers and pay alms-tax, then set them free. If they ask for protection grant them such, so that the can hear the Word of Allah SWT.

Allah SWT will help the Muslims fight and overcome them for breaking their oaths and conspiring to expel the Prophet from Mecca. The order to fight helped remove the rage from the hearts of the believers at the sense of injustice created by the pagans breaking their treaties.

16: We will all be tested in this life so Allah SWT can identify who will strive for His cause.

17-18: The masjids of Allah SWT should not be maintained by the polytheists. Rather, by those who believe in Allah SWT and the Last Day, establish prayer, pay zakat and fear none but Allah SWT.

20-22: Those who have believed, emigrated and strived in Allah SWT’s cause with their wealth and lives are greater in rank in the sight of Allah SWT and will triumph in Jannah.

24: If your family, wealth, business and possessions are more beloved to you than Allah SWT and His Messenger ﷺ then wait until Allah SWT brings about His Will. The most severe verse in the Quran, what kind of punishment will Allah SWT decree? Get your priorities in order. Complete dedication to Allah SWT and His Messenger is the priority, not this world. If this world is more beloved to you then just wait and see what happens.

25: The battle of Hunain. The Muslims had the largest army to date of around 12,000 men and became arrogant, thinking they would never be defeated. They were ambushed on the way and many fled, but they managed to regroup and win the battle. A reminder not to be proud or self assured.

34-35: A painful torment for those who hoard money and do not spend in Allah SWT’s cause. Their treasure will be heated in the Fire of Hell and their foreheads, sides and backs branded with it: This is the treasure you hoarded for yourselves. Now taste what you hoarded!

36: Allah SWT decreed in the Preserved Tablet that there would be 12 months in a year. Four of these are sacred wherein fighting is prohibited.

38-41: Clinging to this life. Addressing the believers when asked to march to battle against the Romans at Tabuk: Do you prefer this world over the life to come? When you are helping the religion you are helping no one other than yourself. Allah SWT does not need your help. He can take care of matters Himself if He wishes. Striving with ones wealth and lives in the cause of Allah SWT is the best course of action.

42-49: Hypocrites making excuses not to go to battle. Allah SWT allowed then to stay behind as they would have caused discord amongst the Muslims.

50-59: Characteristics of hypocrites:

  • Grieving if a blessing befalls the Muslims.
  • Rejoicing if a disaster befalls them.
  • Attending prayer half-heartedly.
  • Giving charity resentfully (their donations will not be accepted).
  • Giving false oaths only out of fear.
  • Critical of the distribution of alms unless they are the recipients.

60: Beneficiaries of zakat:

  • Poor and needy.
  • Traveler.
  • Freeing debtors and slaves.
  • Winning hearts
  • Those employed to collect zakat.
  • In the cause of Allah SWT.

68: Never ending punishment in Jahannam for the hypocrites.

75-77: Some pledged they would give of their wealth when they had it, then when Allah SWT gave them wealth they broke their promises – hypocrisy, Generosity is not related to wealth but to your heart.

79: The hypocrites were critical of those who donated generously, claiming they were showing off and mocked those believers who gave small amounts of charity, whilst they gave none. “Armchair critics,” who sit and do nothing, mocking and criticising others.

80: Allah SWT will never forgive the hypocrites because they have lost faith in Allah SWT and His Messenger. Allah SWT does not guide the rebellious.

84: Do not offer funeral prayers or stand by the graves of the hypocrites for they have died rebellious.

91-92: Those with valid excuses not to participate in war (the sick, the weak, and those lacking the means, for example an animal to travel upon), were crying with grief because they had nothing to contribute. However, they will still gain all the rewards. Therefore, we should aim high, have a goal and have sincerity in our actions/intentions and we may achieve our goals and/or gain rewards if we cannot.

93-96: Those with invalid excuses who have the means to help and contribute but stay behind with the helpless will be returned to the Knower of the seen and unseen. Jahannam will be their reward.

100: The foremost are the Muhajirun (Emigrants), the Ansar (Helpers at Madinah, the converted Muslims) and those who follow them. Allah SWT is pleased with them and they with Him. They have achieved the ultimate triumph of Jannah.

101: Master hypocrites, not known to the Muslims but known to Allah SWT. They will be punished twice in this world and then suffer a tremendous punishment in the Akhira.

102: A category of people who have acknowledged their sins and mixed good with evil. It is right to hope that Allah SWT will forgive them. The most optimistic ayah in the Quran.

104: Allah SWT alone is the Acceptor of Repentance, the Most Merciful.

107-110: Hypocrites trying to draw others away from the Prophet Muhammad by opening another masjid. Claiming a good intention but really intending to cause disunity amongst the believers. Allah SWT revealed this verse to show the truth, forbidding the Prophet to pray there. Example of people using religion for their own agendas.

111: Allah SWT has purchased from the believers their lives and wealth in exchange for Jannah. A true promise binding on Him made in the Torah, Gospel and Quran. This is the supreme triumph. Rejoice in the exchange made with Him.

112: It is the believers who:

  • Repent.
  • Are devoted to worship.
  • Praise Allah SWT.
  • Fast.
  • Bow down and prostrate.
  • Encourage good.
  • Forbid evil.
  • Observe the limits set by Allah SWT.

118: Refers to three persons who pled guilty of making excuses not to go to the battle of Tabuk (compared with other hypocrites who made excuses and continued to insist on these excuses). They were shunned by the Muslims for 50 days until Allah SWT forgave them. They felt as if the whole earth seemed to close in on them and felt the torment of their souls. There is no running away from Allah SWT, rather we should turn towards Allah SWT. Their honesty saved them.

122: The importance of knowledge/specialisation. Do not send everyone out for battle. Some should remain to seek knowledge to teach and warn others, when they return. There should be a group of scholars in each community. Islamic scholarship is the backbone of the ummah.

128-129: Allah SWT’s description of the Messenger . He dedicated his entire life for his ummah, was concerned and willing to sacrifice for us. If people refuse to follow, say I put my trust in Allah SWT the Lord of the Mighty Throne.

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