11. Hud (Hud)

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Late Makkan, revealed during the Year of Sorrow, one of the toughest periods in the Prophet’s life. This year was a time of persecution by the pagans and saw the passing of his first wife Khadija RA and uncle Abu Talib as well as the rejection and stoning from the people of Taif.


  • Allah SWT is the provider and sustainer.
  • Freedom of choice.
  • Good deeds wiping out bad.
  • Remaining steadfast on the truth, rather than losing hope, accepting the status quo or turning to violence.
  • Two thirds of surah are stories of Prophets Nuh AS, Hud AS, Salih AS, Lut AS and Shuaib AS, to console the Prophet Muhammed that previous prophets had gone through his trials.

Hadith – my hair has grown white because of surah Hud and the sisters of Hud (other surahs similar) – the concerns and contemplation of the surah has caused my hair to turn white

Selected Verses

12: Asking for a miracle to help prove the religion. Allah SWT saying that the Quran is enough, the signs around are enough .

15: This life vs Akhira. Whoever desires only this life and its luxuries will be repaid in full for their deeds in this life but they will have nothing in the Hereafter except the Fire. Their efforts in this life will be fruitless and their deeds useless.

18-22: The worst amongst the losers in the Akhira will be those who fabricate lies against Allah SWT and hinder others from His path.

23: Those who believe, do good deeds and humble themseleves before Allah SWT will reside in Jannah forever.

26-48: Detailed story of Nuh AS. The rich and elite people rejected the message: The people following you are the lowest of classes. Never criticise others on socioeconomic grounds; piety and taqwa is in the heart. No matter how hard I try, my advice will not benefit you if Allah SWT wishes for you to stray.

The decree had been passed and Nuh AS was told to build the ark and take a pair of every species with him along with the believers. The believers praised Allah SWT when they entered the boat, when the rode and when they disembarked. Thus, one should mention and praise Allah SWT at all points in ones journey.

The son of Nuh AS disbelieved despite Nuh AS pleading with him. He tried to escape the flood by climbing the mountain but waves as high as mountains drowned him. No one can escape Allah SWT unless they turn to Him. Nuh AS pleaded with Allah SWT for his son but was told he is not of the righteous and not to ask about what he has no knowledge of.

Allah SWT said to Nuh AS, Peace and blessings be upon you and some of the decendants of those with you – as for the others, We will allow them a brief enjoyment before they will be punished.

49: The future belongs to those who are God conscious.

50-60: Hud AS was teaching the people of ‘Ad to repent to Allah SWT. Istigfar (seeking forgiveness) brings Allah SWT’s blessings in this world, therefore increase our asking for forgiveness. The people of ‘Ad denied Allah SWT’s signs, disobeyed their messengers and followed their tyrants’ commands. They were punished with a harsh torment.

61-68: The people of Thamud turned on Salih AS saying they had high hopes for him before he started to preach. They rejected him for turning to Allah SWT and killed His she camel. Thus they were destroyed by a mighty blast.

69-76: Ibrahim AS was visited by messenger-angels and given good news of children/grandchildren. Both Ibrahim AS and his wife Sarah were very elderly. We should never give up hope for what we want if we continue to ask. Making dua will bring about some blessing. The messenger-angels also told Ibrahim AS of the destruction of the people of Lut AS.

77-83: The messenger-angels came to Lut AS who feared for them from his people, as they appeared as handsome men. His wife was helping the people to commit transgressions, telling them about the 3 young men (angels). The people came to his house and Lut AS pleaded with them not to disrespect his guests. He offered them to marry young women from the community but the men replied that they they have no need for women and “you know what we desire.”

The messengers told Lut AS to leave the city with his family except his wife. Even if someone doesn’t commit the crime but assists/supports, they will be punished. The cities were completely destroyed by a shower of stones and baked clay.

84-95: The people of Midian were warned by Shuaib AS to refrain from highway robbery and defrauding of the caravans passing through Midian. There is no blessing through earning through haram means. They accused him of wanting to do what he was asking them to refrain from. A mighty blast overtook them all and they perished.

96-99: Musa AS was sent to Firoun who rejected Allah’s SWT signs. He will lead his people into Hellfire just as he led his people in this world.

100-102: Allah SWT did not wrong the destoyed cities, rather they wronged themselves and their gods were of no help to them when Allah’s SWT command came. Such is the way He seizes those societies entrenched in wrongdoing.

103-105: Judgement Day, when all of humanity will be gathered to witness it. It is delayed only for a fixed term. On that Day, no one will dare speak except with Allah’s SWT permission.

111-114: Everybody will be repaid in full for their deeds. Allah SWT is well aware of what you do. Keep to the right course as you have been commanded. Do not overstep the limits. Allah SWT sees all you do. Do not sympathise with wrongdoers/oppressors. Good deeds cause bad to be removed. Be patient, the rewards of the righteous will not go to vain.

118: Diversity. Allah SWT could have made us all one community of believers but mankind will always choose to differ and was thus created so, to choose freely.

120: The stories of the Prophets were revealed to reassure Prophet Muhammad . This surah brings the truth, a warning to the disbelievers and a reminder to the believers.

123: To Allah SWT alone belongs the knowledge of what is hidden in the heavens and the earth. To Him all matters are returned. So worship Him and put your trust in Him. He is never unaware of what you do.

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