12. Yusuf (Joseph)

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    Late Meccan surah with 111 ayats. Revealed during the Year of Sorrow to console and encourage the Prophet . Described as the best of stories in the Quran, it is the only story mentioned in detail, from beginning to end and the only surah that mentions Yusuf AS. It incorporates all the different scenarios anyone can go through:

    • Trial and misfortune.
    • Hate and forgiveness
    • Love and sexual temptation.
    • Plotting.
    • Patience.
    • Envy.

    The Story of Yusuf

    The Dream

    Yusuf AS was one of twelve brothers, having one full brother Benjamin and ten half brothers. He was the son of Yaqub AS (Jacob) and was his fathers most beloved child. Yusuf AS told his father about his dream where he saw eleven planets, the sun and the moon prostrating to him. Yaqub AS warned him about revealing this to his brothers, lest they should scheme against him.

    The Plot

    His half brothers were jealous of him and plotted to kill him in order to regain their fathers attention. After this deed, they would become “decent” people. However one of them suggested to throw him down a well.

    Yaqub AS was wary of his sons taking Yusuf AS with them to play but finally gave in to their requests. They returned in the evening having thrown Yusuf AS down a well and claimed that a wolf had eaten him, producing his shirt blood stained as evidence. Yaqub AS was upset and wary at their claims but put his trust in Allah SWT, demonstrating beautiful patience.

    The Egyptian Wife

    Yusuf AS was found by a travelling caravan and sold to an Egyptian minister. When Yusuf As had matured, the minister’s wife tried to seduce him. He was also tempted but was saved from any sin by Allah SWT. As he raced to the door to escape, the minister came in. The wife claimed Yusuf AS was trying to dishonour her but he protested his innocence.

    One of the household members advised that if Yusuf’s AS shirt was torn from the front then the wife was telling the truth and if from the back then Yusuf AS was telling the truth. The latter was found to be the case and the minister admonished his wife.

    The women in the town were gossiping about the wife, that she was in love with Yusuf AS. So she invited them all round for food, gave them each a knife and called for Yusuf AS to appear before them. The women were all stunned by his beauty and cut themselves with the knife, transfixed on Yusuf AS.

    The wife demanded that Yusuf AS succumb to her wishes, or she would have him imprisoned. He asked Allah SWT for help, preferring prison to save his honour. He was thus sent to prison despite being innocent of any wrongdoing.

    The Prison

    Two prisoners who entered with Yusuf AS asked him to interpret their dreams. One of them said, “I see myself pressing wine.” The other said, “I see myself carrying bread on my head, from which the birds are eating.

    Yusuf AS took the opportunity to educate them about Allah SWT and not associating any partners with Him. He informed them of the meanings of their dreams. One will serve his master wine. The other will be crucified and the birds will eat from his head. He asked the one who would be released to mention him to him master. But shaytan made the released prisoner forget and Yusuf AS remained in prison for several years.

    The King

    The king had a dream which none of his people could interpret. He saw seven fat cows being eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green spikes and seven others dried up. The released prisoner remembered about Yusuf AS and went to ask him about the meaning.

    Yusuf AS told him that they will farm for seven consecutive years and to store the harvest, except for a little amount to eat. After that will come seven difficult years which will consume their stores. Then after that will come a year of relief to the people.

    The king asked for Yusuf AS to be released but he wanted to clear his name first. The king asked the women who accused Yusuf AS what happened and finally the ministers wife admitted she was to blame and Yusuf AS was truthful. Yusuf AS was thus appointed in a high ministerial position, in charge of the grain stores.

    The Brothers

    Yusuf’s AS brothers came to Egypt looking for provisions during the drought but did not recognise him. Yusuf AS provided them with grain and asked them to bring back Benjamin otherwise they would not get any more provision.

    The brothers returned and asked Yaqub AS to allow Benjamin to come with them. He was wary due to what happened years ago with Yusuf AS. The brothers saw that their merchandise had been returned to them by Yusuf AS and were keen to return and gain more provisions. Yaqub AS made them swear an oath by Allah SWT that they would look after Benjamin. He gave them some advice and put his trust in Allah SWT.

    The Trick

    On their return to Egypt, Yusuf AS informed Benjamin who he was. He placed the royal cup in Benjamins bag resulting in the brothers being accused of stealing. They protested their innocence and declared that if the cup was found in their possession, the punishment would be the enslavement of the perpetrator.

    Yusuf AS searched the bags and found the cup. The brothers claimed that if Benjamin had stolen the cup, his full brother had also stolen before. Despite his anger at this Yusuf AS remained calm. The brothers pleaded with Yusuf AS to release Benjamin. When this failed, one of them pledged to stay behind until his father allowed him to return.

    Yaqub’s AS Grief

    On hearing the news, Yaqub AS cried, “I am left with nothing but beautiful patience.” His eyes turned white out of grief and he remembered Yusuf AS. “I complain of my anguish and sorrow only to Allah and I know from Allah what you do not know.” He told his sons to go back and search for Yusuf AS and Benjamin.

    The Reveal

    When the brothers came back to Yusuf AS, he revealed who he was to them. The brothers apologised and Yusuf AS forgave them saying, “There is no blame on you today. May Allah forgive you. He is the Most Merciful of the merciful.” He gave them his shirt and asked them to place it over his father eyes, so his sight would return.

    Yaqub AS sensed the smell of Yusuf AS prior to the brothers returning with his shirt. When placed over his eyes, his sight returned. They asked their father to pray for their forgiveness.

    Fulfillment of the Dream

    The brothers returned to Egypt with their whole family. Yusuf AS put his parents on the Throne and all his family prostrated to him, fulfilling his dream as a child.

    “My Lord! You have surely granted me authority and taught me the interpretation of dreams O Originator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Guardian in this world and the Hereafter. Allow me to die as the one who submits (Muslim) and join me with the righteous.”


    • Quranic stories are the best of all stories.
    • Believers should be concerned for one’s offspring (Yaqub AS was concerned for Yusuf AS if his brothers found out about his dream).
    • Dreams are from Allah SWT (positive and true), shaytan (negative, evil, sexual) and from oneself (what the individual desires). Dream interpretation is a gift from Allah SWT to some.
    • Wise people do not flaunt their blessings to the best extent possible.
    • When Allah SWT blesses someone, He blesses them with knowledge (for example, the family of Isaac and Yaqub).
    • Generally speaking piety is transferred to the next generation.
    • Shaytan is eager to cause problems between Muslims and particularly families.
    • Importance of being fair and just between all persons of one category, for example, children.
    • Jealousy drives people insane. It is destructive and consuming causing one to act stupidly and foolishly.
    • Repentance done before the deed is not repentance (brothers plotting to kill Yusuf AS or drive him from the land and then repent and become righteous).
    • The intuition of the believer is true (Yaqub AS was uneasy about Yusuf AS brothers taking him with them).
    • Permissible to use secondary evidence to assess for truth (blood stained shirt was still intact and not shredded as it would have been if a wolf had eaten Yusuf AS).
    • The first crime committed is against Allah SWT because we have accountability to Allah SWT.
    • Beautiful patience (sabrun jameel) is to keep what is within you hidden, only to reveal to Allah SWT and not to seek pity or sympathy.
    • Protect your religiousity (eg faith and chastity) in your youth. Allah SWT will bless you to maintain it in later life.
    • Take precautions when alone with the other gender to prevent temptation from developing.
    • To desire a sin is not a sin, only to act upon it is. Control the urge.
    • Turn to Allah SWT in order to control our desires. Make dua at such times.
    • Evils of gossip. Avoid spreading scandals.
    • Evils of ego. Actions based upon what others’ opinions are.
    • Evils of lust and unlawful sexual desires.
    • Appreciate the blessings of Allah SWT in what we have and what we do not have, for example, beauty, wealth. These blessings may be too much for the person to bear and cause them to go astray. We have the potential to earn Jannah with whatever we have been given.
    • Inner beauty (Iman and taqwa) earns the respect of others.
    • True justice is in the Akhira.
    • Piety shows through and is recognised by others.
    • Dawah (spreading knowledge of the religion) should only performed in a comfortable environment, that is, when others are ready to hear it.
    • Necessity to use the means to get to the goals (Yusuf AS asking the released prisoner to ask for his release).
    • Hastiness does not bring about good. Patience brings great rewards (Yusuf AS staying in jail until his name was cleared. He gained the the respect of the King and therefore was made a minister of finance).
    • Good manners wins respect – virtue, truthfulness, honesty.
    • Trials and tribulations to get to the desired endpoint.
    • Planning and participating in the laws of the land is permissible (Yusuf AS tricking his brothers by placing the cup in the bag of Benjamin and using the laws to get his dues).
    • The believer is always cautious.
    • Being generous changes hearts and minds (Yusuf AS gave his brothers their merchandise back).
    • The believer plans ahead.
    • Even evil persons have good in them (brothers change from murderers to righteous persons).
    • Never lose hope in Allah SWT.
    • Complaining to Allah SWT is a part of Iman (expressing our feelings and asking for mercy and help). The believer always ascribes good to Allah SWT and evil to shaytan.
    • The perfection of Iman is not to hurt the feelings of others (Yusuf AS forgiving his brothers without making them feel guilty).
    • Forgiving is a virtue, especially when in a position of power.
    • Always show respect to parents.
    • Allah SWT can bring hearts together (change in brothers attitudes towards Yusuf AS).
    • The only thing that matters is where you end up on your path towards Allah SWT. Have confidence in Allah SWT’s plans and do not fall into despair. Always have faith and trust in Allah SWT.

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