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Life nowadays is very busy and hectic and many of us get stuck in a routine which leaves little time for much else. Increasing ones religious knowledge and understanding often gets overlooked as we attend to our daily commitments.

The worldly affairs are a neverending distraction from the real purpose of our lives, namely to obtain the pleasure of Allah SWT. In fact, increasing ones connection with Him allows us to reprioritise our goals and leads to increased peace and tranquility in our lives.

Beneficial Knowledge aims to provide essential information to help increase ones iman (faith) and improve ones practice of Islam. The articles are intended to be read in order according to the links at the bottom of the pages. However, each section stands alone. Insha Allah additional articles will be added over time.

I pray that Allah SWT makes this website beneficial to you, inspires you to deepen your beneficial knowledge and enhances your connection with Him. He is the Creator to Whom we will all return.


The sources of information used to create this learning resource include the Quran, the hadith, various Islamic books, online lecturers and Islamic websites. Wherever possible, references to the Quran [chapter:verse] and hadith [book of hadith] have been provided. Quranic translations are mainly from The Clear Quran, Dr Mustapha Khattab.

The articles provide a level of information ranging from intermediate to in depth. The hadith section has been formatted for easy reading, omitting parts of the full narrations without detracting from the message. The Quranic surah explanations are a summary of selected ayats. This is no way infers that the omitted ayats are not of importance, rather this section is intended to inspire one to read the Quran in its entirety and hopefully to delve into more detailed Quranic tafsirs (exegeses).

Islamic honourifics used throughout are:

  • SWT – Subhana wa ta’ala (Glorious and Exalted is He).
  • ﷺ‎ – Sallallahu alayhi wasalam (May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him).
  • AS – Alaihis Salam (Peace be upon him).
  • RA – RadiAllahu anhu/RadiAllahu anha (May Allah be pleased with him/her).


I thank Allah SWT for guiding me to this knowledge and helping me create this site. I thank all the authors of the books and website articles I have read and the video lectures I have viewed. May Allah SWT bless them all, increase their knowledge and grant them Jannah.

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