Descriptions of Jannah

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    I have prepared for my righteous servant those blessings that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard and no heart has ever conceived of [Bukhari]

    The blessings of Jannah (Paradise) are unimaginable. A finite comparison is dipping your finger in the ocean and comparing what is on your finger with this world and what is left in the ocean with Jannah. Unlike life in this world, the Akhira is eternal.

    Anything we can say about Jannah can not even begin to describe its reality. We cannot even begin to comprehend its blessings. The realities will be completely different from what we know of in this world. Nothing in Jannah is similar to anything on this earth except for the name of whatever is being described. The fruits, palaces, drinks, rivers and so forth will all be beyond human imagination and comprehension.

    Your plot in Jannah is better than ALL the treasures of this world, better than the entire creation.

    No soul can imagine what delights are kept in store for them as a reward for what they used to do [32:17]

    Our Deeds Affect Our Rewards in Real Time

    Our deeds influence what is happening in Jannah. We have the opportunity to shape our houses and increase our land in Jannah through worship of Allah SWT and other good deeds, for example:

    Allah SWT will build a house for the one who:

    • Builds a masjid for the sake of Allah SWT.
    • Reads surah Iklas ten times daily.
    • Attends the masjid morning and evening.
    • Fills the gap in congregational prayers.
    • Avoids arguments even if in the right.
    • Prays 12 sunnah supererogatory rakahs daily (2 before Fajr, 4 before and 2 after Zohr, 2 after Maghrib, 2 after Isha).

    Trees will be planted for the one who praises Allah SWT:

    • During the Night Journey, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ met Nabi Ibrahim (AS) who conveyed his salaam to the Prophets ﷺ‎ ummah. He asked him‎ ﷺ‎ to tell them that Jannah is fertile but barren and that the seedlings of Jannah are the zikr of Allah SWT.

    Names of Jannah

    JannahGardenBeautiful gardens concealed from others (the letters jeem & noon denote something hidden eg Jinn)
    Dar us SalamThe Abode of Ultimate PeaceNo pain, suffering, anxiety, fear. People, angels, Allah SWT will greet everyone with salaam
    And peace! Will be the greeting from their Most Merciful Lord; [36:58]
    Dar ul MakamaThe Abode of Permanent ResidenceNo one will ever leave
    Dar ul AkhiraThe Abode of the Hereafter Contrast this world with the next
    Jannatul Mava The Abode of SafetySecurity and comfort, refuge of the angels
    Jannat al AdanThe Abode to Remain ForeverAdan = Eden
    “Jannah tin adanin”
    Dar al Hayawan The Abode of Real LifeThe ultimate life, the real essence of life
    Jannat ul FirdausThe Highest Levels of JannahFirdaus is linguistically related to Paradise
    Jannatul NaimThe Source of Continual and Comprehensive BlessingGarden of Bliss and Delight
    Maqamin AminThe Abode of Safety and SecurityElimination of all grief and worry
    Dar ul MutaqinThe Abode of the Righteous and PiousEveryone will be like this, never any issues or grief from anyone
    Al HusnaThe Realm of ExcellenceThe best of the best
    Maqadin SiddiqinThe Abode of TruthThe truth that Allah SWT promised, only those who believed in Jannah and lived life truthfully will enter
    Dar al JazzaThe Abode of RewardBecause of our good deeds

    The Boundaries of Jannah

    Sidrat al Muntaha

    The Sidrat al Muntaha is a blessed tree near to Jannah, adorned with objects of such resplendent beauty its splendor cannot be adequately described. Its roots lie within the sixth heaven and its branches extend up into the seventh heaven. Its fruits are like giant pitchers and its leaves as big as elephant ears, decorated with golden moths. It is shrouded with beautiful colours and infinite angels praising Allah SWT.

    Sidrat al Muntaha is also known as the Lote Tree of the Utmost Boundary, beyond which the angels cannot ascend. It is the boundary of all knowledge known to creation, what lies beyond is known only to Allah SWT and whomever He wills. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ is the only being ever to have passed beyond this boundary on the Night Journey.

    All deeds ascending from earth halt here before being taken from there. All knowledge passing down from Allah SWT halts there before descending to earth.

    And he certainly saw that angel descend a second time at the Lote Tree of the most extreme limit in the seventh heaven – near where is the Garden of Eternal Residence – while the Lote Tree was overwhelmed with heavenly splendours! The Prophet’s sight never wandered nor did it overreach. He certainly saw some of his Lord’s greatest signs [53:13-18]

    The Throne of Allah SWT

    The Throne (Arsh) of Allah SWT forms the ceiling of Jannah. It is the largest thing ever created. The seven heavens and the earth compared to the Chair (Kursi) of Allah SWT are likened to a ring thrown into the desert. The Chair is likened to the Throne in the same manner. Souls of martyrs reside in green birds perching from the chandeliers of the Throne.

    Allah SWT created the Throne as a sign of His Power. He exists without being confined to any place. It is carried by four angels, and on the Day of Judgment, it will be carried by eight. In describing one of these angels, the Prophet ﷺ‎ said the distance between his ear lobe and shoulder is the distance a fast-flying bird would cover in 700 years.

    He is the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then established Himself on the Throne. He knows whatever goes into the earth and what comes out of it, and whatever descends from the sky and whatever ascends into it. And He is with you wherever you are. For Allah is All-Seeing of what you do [57:4]

    Entering Jannah

    The Gates of Jannah

    Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ will be the first to arrive at the Gates, knock on the door and make Shafa’ah to Allah SWT to open the door. The gatekeeper will ask, “Who is there?” and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ will reply with his name. The gatekeeper will say, “I have been commanded not to open the doors for anyone other than you.” Another hadith says that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ has the key to Jannah, a metaphorical key, referring to either his name or the Tawheed, La illaha illala.

    The doors will be flung open when they arrive, in celebration, as part of a opening ceremony to honour the people. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ will be the first to enter Jannah, followed by Abu Bakr RA, then his ummah. Jibril AS came to the Prophet ﷺ‎, held his hand and showed him the gate by which he and his ummah will enter Jannah.

    There are 8 doors of Jannah for people to enter according to their deeds:

    1. Baab As-Salaat: For Muslims who are punctual and focused on prayer.
    2. Baab Al-Jihad: For those who took part in Jihad (died in defense of Islam).
    3. Baab As-Sadaqah: Jannah Doors opened to those who frequently gave to charity.
    4. Baab Ar-Rayyaan: For those who fasting (siyam).
    5. Baab Al-Hajj: For Muslims who participated in the Hajj (annual pilgrimage to Mecca)
    6. Baab Al-Kaazimeen Al-Ghaiz Wal Aafina Anin Naas: For those who controlled or withheld anger and practiced forgiving others.
    7. Baab Al-Iman: For those who had sincere faith.
    8. Baab Al-Dhikr: For those who showed zeal in remembering Allah.

    Abu Bakr asked the Prophet ﷺ‎, “Any of the doors to enter Jannah is good but will anyone be called from all 8 doors?” He ﷺ‎ replied, “Yes and I am confident you will be one of them.”

    Whoever perfects his wudu and recites the dua for wudu after it, all 8 doors will be opened for him [Muslim]. This reflects the one who is regularly praying and by extension doing good deeds. Whoever gives charity successively or in different causes, Allah SWT will ask the doors of Jannah to call out to them. Anyone who suffered the loss of a child or any other great tragedy or suffering and was patient, will be able to enter by any door.

    The Welcome

    A caller will say, “You will be eternally young, live healthily and never be sick and will always be happy. This is the Jannah you inherited for what you used to earn.” [Muslim]

    Some people will enter Jannah early, whilst the hisab is still going on for others. The foremost of the Muslims will enter without hisab. These are the elite of the believers who will be ahead of everyone. The poor people will enter before the wealthy by half a day (equivalent to 500 years) [Tirmidhi] as a reward for their trials and suffering. The wealthy will have to account for all they have earned and spent which will take more time. The blessings of entering first are separate from the blessings of the level attained in Jannah so people entering later could attain higher levels.

    There will be a welcoming committee of perfumed angles bringing greetings of salaam from every single door, welcoming people with announcements and increasing the sense of excitement. Specifically, angels will welcome people in their houses.

    Then Allah SWT will directly greet and welcome the people: 

    • “O people of Jannah.”
    • “We are answering your call O Allah happily and your happiness is what we desire. You are the Bestower of happiness.”
    • “Are you satisfied?” 
    • “How can we not be happy O Rabb. You have given us what no other creation has been given.”
    • “I will give you something even better. I will be eternally pleased with you and you will never earn My displeasure.” 

    And Peace will be their greeting from their Merciful Lord [36:58]

    The Blessings of Jannah


    Everyone in Jannah will be 33 years old. There will be perpetual peace, blessings and security. Loved ones, family and friends will be together. No ones rewards will be diminished. People will be raised to the rank of the family member with the highest level, an upgrade, a great blessing. The ummah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ will be doubly blessed compared to other ummahs with extra perks and blessings.

    The language used to describe Jannah is understood by us but will inherently fall short of the actual reality due to our limited comprehension. Nothing in Jannah resembles anything in the world except the name. For example, we will recognise apples as such but the reality of these will be beyond the reality of this world, in terms of size, smell, taste, texture and so forth. The highest levels will be completely incomprehensible to us, “Things the eyes have not seen, the ears have not heard, the nose has not smelt, the mind has not comprehended” [Bukhari].

    Some disbelievers may mock the descriptions of Jannah ascribing them to the desires of the desert population the Quran was revealed to. However the pleasures described are the exact pleasures people crave in this world. In fact Jannah will be more than just the food, drink, palaces, rivers, vegetation and companionship described in the Quran, anything an individual desires will be there.


    • Peoples hearts will be pure. There will be no evil, vulgarity, vain talk, maliciousness or bad will. We will remove whatever bitterness they had in their hearts and they will be reclining on couches facing each other [15:47].
    • People will be safe and secure. They will never get tired and will never leave [35:34-35].
    • Anything people desire will come to them, for example the fruits will be hanging close such that they can simply pluck them without having to move to get it.
    • There will be two categories of Jannah, two higher levels and two lower levels, described in surahs Al Waqiah and Ar Rahman.
    • People will be reclining upon elevated jeweled thrones, facing each other, inside or outside with beautiful servants serving delicious non intoxicating drinks. Their companions will be like beautiful pearls.
    • Palaces will be constructed with outer worldly materials. Bricks of gold and silver, plaster of musk, pebbles of pearls and corals, sand of saffron, fine granular white soil of musk.
    • Trees so large such that a person travelling for 100 years will still be in the shade of one tree.
    • Fragrances of Jannah will be sweet and powerful and will be smelt from a distance of more than 100 years journey.
    • The ambience will be of perfect temperature and always bright with perpetual light coming from under the Throne of Allah SWT. There will be no day or night as there will be no need for rest. There will be no sun or moon. The subtle change in hue of the light may indicate different times of the day.
    • There will be eternally increasing beauty. A wind will blow in the bazaars (unlimited shopping!) which will make people more beautiful. The people at home will also become more beautiful.
    • Food will not be required for nourishment, simply for pleasure. There will be no excretion from the body and no fear of getting fat, unlimited eating!
    • No salah, every Jummah will be for shopping and other pleasures.
    • There will be constant subconscious praise of Allah SWT, akin to breathing. Everything begins with salaam and Subhan Allah and ends in Alhamdulillah.
    • There will be delectable meats from any animal. Birds will be as large as camels with long necks, flying around the banks of the river Kauther.

    Surely those who believe and do good, their Lord will guide them (to Paradise) through their faith, rivers will flow under their feet in the Gardens of Bliss, in which their prayer will be “Glory be to You O Allah!” and their greeting will be “Peace!” and their closing prayer will be “All praise is for Allah – Lord of all the worlds!” [10:9-11]

    Rivers and Fountains of Jannah

    All the Rivers of Jannah emanate from the base of Sidrat al Muntaha. During his Night Journey, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ was shown four rivers, two apparent and two hidden [Bukhari]. Four rivers in Jannah are linked to this world [Muslim]:

    • Euphrates, the longest river in Western Asia.
    • Nile, the longest and most historic river in human history.
    • Oxus/Amu Darya (Jayhan) river between Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and China demarcating the Middle World from the Far East.
    • Sayhan, in Turkey.

    The greatest civilisations in human history were built around these rivers. Interpretation of the hadiths:

    • These rivers have their origins in Jannah and are brought down to this world.
    • They are heavenly/blessed rivers, a gift from Allah SWT, named after rivers in Jannah with similar characteristics.
    • One of the hidden rivers is Al Kawthar, the river gifted to the Prophet ﷺ‎ by Allah SWT. The Prophet’s ﷺ‎ son Abdullah passed away at the age of 2 and the Quraysh celebrated, mocking and gloating him. Allah SWT revealed Surah Al Kawthar, gifting the Prophet ﷺ‎ the most precious river in Jannah.

    Al Kawthar

    There are numerous ayats in the Quran describing the rivers in Jannah: “Jannahtin tajeri min tathihal anhar” meaning “Gardens under which rivers flow.”

    Al Kawthar is the copious source of all the other rivers in Jannah, its tributaries permeating throughout all levels, supplying every single person in their abode. The Kawthar will supply the Howd, the fountain of the Prophet ﷺ‎ located on the plains of the Mawkif.

    Its river bank is made from gold and the river bed and surrounding pebbles from precious gems. The dust around the river is like musk. Its water is whiter than milk, colder than ice and sweeter than honey. Tents made from hollowed pearls line its banks. Beautiful large birds with long necks will be flying around overhead.

    Other Rivers and Springs

    • There will be different types of rivers throughout Jannah, composed of water that never stagnates, milk that never changes in taste, wine delicious to drink and rivers of pure honey [47:15].
    • Al Baydakh, the first river of Jannah, from which martyrs will be bathed and healed [Ahmad]. Other narrations describe domes made from rubies on its banks, under which the Hoor (companions of Jannah) germinate.
    • Naharahma (merciful river).
    • Ouyoun (springs/lakes), all throughout Jannah within everyone’s plots. Within the higher levels these will be gushing outwards and in the lower levels bubbling but not flowing out.
    • The 3 primary springs of Jannah: Aynan Kaafur (camphor) [76:5], Aynan Tasneem (fountain of Paradise) [83:27], Aynan Salsabeel (ginger) [76:18]. Used to flavour the drinks of Jannah.

    Drinks in Jannah

    The servants of Jannah will be eternal youths, with a complexion like pearls. They will prepare cocktails, possibly only for the elite of Jannah, mixing together all the types of waters and serving in vessels of silver and goblets of crystal.

    The virtuous will forever be in a blessed state reclining on canopied couches, faces glowing with delight, given given sealed cannisters of purest wines, akin to uncorking of the most expensive wines in this world. The drinks will smell of musk and be flavoured with Tasneem and Kaafur (camphor). The very last drop will be the sweetest, better than all the drinks in this world combined.

    Alcoholic drinks (khamer) are used by Shaytan to destroy us in this world. Whilst there is some benefit in these, the overall harm is greater, leading to intoxication, headaches, vomiting, excessive urination and liver disease. They are one of the most damaging substances causing significant morbidity and death. In the Akhira, these drinks will be crystal white, pleasant to smell and delicious to drink with all of the benefits and none of the harm [37:46-47].

    Food in Jannah

    Food will be entirely for pleasure. The quantity, quality and variety of offerings will be inconceivable. Served upon platters of gold, food will be brought to the person. One will never get full and will never get fat! There will be no cooking or cleaning! Whatever food anyone desires will immediately be placed in front of them, prepared and cooked, presented perfectly in proportioned amounts.

    There will be no need to excrete food from the body. Instead it will be removed through sweating and burping, which will have the fragrance of musk.

    Abodes of Jannah

    Everyone will intrinsically know their place better than they know it in this world. Each person will have massive kingdoms with multiple properties/abodes, pure and clean, made from the finest materials of gold, silver and pearls. The lowest person in Jannah will have 10 times the worth of this world.

    Palaces. Allah SWT will build palaces for those who build masjids, who read the extra 12 rakaats daily and for those who are patient during calamities. Houses will be built in the periphery of Jannah for those who do not argue, in the centre of Jannah for those who do not lie and in the highest levels of Jannah for those with perfect manners.

    Ghuruf [39:20]. Akin to 5 star luxurious apartments in the highest levels of Jannah, the “VIP section.” Gleaming palaces that look like stars to people of the lower levels, palaces upon palaces (multi layered) with angels welcoming them. These are for those who [25:63-76]:

    • Have taqwa (remembrance/consciousness) of Allah SWT.
    • Believe in Allah SWT and do good deeds – read Tahajjad (the primary key for the higher levels), pray the 12 extra sunnah rakaats, fund/build masjids, recite Quran (Surah Iklas 10 times daily), saying kalimah and extra zikr.
    • Are humble, dignified, truthful, peaceful, patient, give up lying and arguing, have good manners and are sincerely repentant.

    Kiyaam. Tents/pavilions for everyone like huge spheres made from carved pearl, 30 miles high and 60 miles long, next to rivers, surrounded by beautiful scenery.

    Meeting Others

    A person would be along with one whom he loves. [Muslim]

    Friends and family will meet and visit each other. The technicalities of this are unknown. Perhaps the higher levels will be able to come down and greet the lower levels. Perhaps people will be able to meet but will only experience pleasure according to their assigned rank. The shafa’ah of every righteous person may raise individuals to higher levels.

    Conversations will be between friends and families, on reclined couches, facing each other. Memories will be perfect, whereby one would remember everything in this world and every person we met or conversed with. It will even possible to have conversations with friends or acquaintances in Jahannam.

    In sha Allah every Muslim will be able to meet and interact with Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎, the Messengers of Islam and the Companions.

    And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger will be in the company of those blessed by Allah: the prophets, the people of truth, the martyrs and the righteous – what honourable company! [4:69]

    Companions of Jannah

    Different cultures have different views on sex and sexuality. An extremely promiscuous society promotes blatant, public depravation where anything goes, for example Ancient Rome. Western culture is now embracing this more openly. Conversely, a repressive society considers sexual desire as the roots of evil, something to be ashamed of and only for purpose of procreation, for example some forms of Christianity.

    The Islamic paradigm is that sexual desire is a normal human instinct, a component of the soul. These inner urges however should be satisfied within a permissible manner and intimacy is encouraged within the framework of marriage. Men and women have been created differently with different desires and both will be completely satisfied in Jannah.

    There you will have whatever your souls desire and there you will have whatever you ask for: an accommodation from the All Forgiving, Most Merciful Lord [41:31-32]

    The Hoor al iyn are a creation of Allah SWT, partners for the men in Jannah, a blessing and a reward. They are pure and fair skinned, like pearls without blemish. Their eyes are wide and beautiful eyes with intensely white sclera’s and deep black irises. Residing in their tents, they will not being seen by anyone other than their partner, their love and desire restricted to him alone. Every man will have at least 2 and as many as 70.

    By contrast, the women of Jannah are far more superior than the Hoor al iyn, having being blessed with Jannah through their righteous deeds rather than being a creation and enjoyment of Jannah. They will be infinitely more beautiful, like a Queen compared to a servant.

    If a woman of the people of Paradise were to look upon the people of earth, the space between them would be illuminated and filled with fragrance, and the cloth on her head is better than this world and everything in it [Bukhari]

    Believing spouses in this world will be together in Jannah. They will be purified, happy and content with each other without any of the worldly issues. There will be no issues of jealousy and both genders will be fully satisfied. No person will be unmarried in Jannah. Living happily ever after will be a reality in Jannah.

    Bazaars of Jannah

    Every Friday people will attend the markets of Jannah, to experience things the eyes have not seen, the ears have not heard and the minds not conceived.

    The bazaars are surrounded by sand dunes of musk, sprinkled onto people by a northerly wind, increasing their beauty. Whatsoever a person desires will be there. Merchandise will be custom made to a persons specifications, appearing and available instantly, to take without payment.

    Levels in Jannah 

    There are multiple levels in Jannah. Some hadith state 100 levels [Tirmidhi], some indicate more. For every verse a person recites of the Quran he will rise one level [Abu Dawud]. There are over 6000 verses in Quran. It is likely there are levels within levels. For example Al Waseela is within Al Firdaus, the highest level reserved for Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ alone.

    The distance between each level is like the distance between earth and the heavens. Each level is enough to fill all inhabitants of the earth. People in the lower levels will see those in the highest levels like they see stars in the sky.

    The highest level is Al Firdous, beneath the Throne of Allah SWT, from where all the rivers flow. This is for those closest to Allah SWT. The foremost of people, the elite with the best food, drinks, clothes, amenities and so forth [56:11-26]. The people of the right will be in the lower levels, not as luxurious but no one will feel any regret or jealousy [56:27-40]

    Those who stay at home – except with valid excuses (eg women, elderly, sick) – are not equal to those who strive in the cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has elevated in rank those who strive with their wealth and their lives above those who stay behind. Allah has promised each a fine reward but those who strive will receive a far better reward than others – far superior ranks, forgiveness and mercy from Him. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful [4:95-96]

    Surah Ar Rahman

    Mishary Rashid Alafasy: Surah Ar Rahman

    Surah Ar Rahman [55] is one of the most beautiful in the Quran. It describes and challenges us to recognise the blessings of this world and to give thanks to Allah SWT. The ayats 46-78 subtly describe and contrast the blessings of the two higher and two lower levels of Jannah:

    Reward of the foremost of believers
    (higher levels)
    Reward of the people of the right
    (lower levels)
    46. And whoever is in awe of standing before their Lord will have two Gardens 62. And below these two Gardens will be two others
    47. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny? (men and jinn) 63. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?
    48. Both will be with lush spreading branches64. Both will be dark green
    49. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?65. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?
    50. In each Garden will be two flowing springs66. In each will be two gushing/bubbling springs
    51. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?67. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?
    52. In each will be two types of every fruit68. In both will be fruit, palm trees and pomegranates
    53. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?69. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?
    54. Those believers will recline on furnishing lined with rich brocade. And the fruit of both Gardens will hang within reach70. In all Gardens will be noble, pleasant mates
    55. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?71. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?
    56. In both Gardens will be maidens of modest gaze (eyes lowered), who no human or jinn has touched before72. They will be maidens with gorgeous eyes, reserved in pavilions
    57. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?73. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?
    58. As elegant as rubies and corals74. No humans or jinn has ever touched these maidens before
    59. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?75. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?
    60. Is there any reward for goodness except goodness?76. All believers will be reclining on green cushions and splendid carpets
    61. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?77. Then which of your Lords favours will you both deny?
    78. Blessed is the Name of your Lord, full of Majesty and Honour

    Both Gardens are beautiful and filled with untold pleasures but the higher levels are described in greater detail with finer rewards than the lower levels:

    • Meeting Allah SWT: Whoever is in awe of meeting their Lord will have “2 gardens.” Often the Quran uses duality to describe plurality, it is likely there will be more than 2 gardens. This is contrasted simply with “gardens below” for those in the lower levels of Jannah, with lesser Iman or no fear of meeting Allah.
    • Vegetation: Lush spreading branches, a subtle reference to the number of trees and what is on the branches contrasted with no reference.
    • Water: Springs which are running and flowing contrasted with bubbling/gushing.
    • Fruits: Every type of fruit imaginable contrasted with specific listed fruits. The fruits will be hanging near and ready to pick for those in the higher levels of Jannah.
    • Furnishings: The fanciest silk contrasted with green cushions and splendid carpets.
    • Companions: As elegant as rubies and pearls with “eyes are lowered” contrasted simply with “reserved in pavilions.” For the higher levels, the maidens will be of increased beauty and lower their own gaze out of increased love and virtue rather than simply being referred to as hidden away. In reality all the maidens will be hidden from others in pavilions.

    The Face of Allah SWT

    • The people will enter Jannah and Allah SWT will say, “Are you happy, would you like more?”
    • They will reply, “What more could you give us?”
    • Then Allah SWT will lift His veil and the people will gaze upon His Face and He will speak directly with every person.

    Everyone will meet with Allah SWT. To gaze upon the Face of Allah SWT and hear His Speech will be the highest and greatest blessing of Jannah.

    This will be a minimum weekly event, every Friday, before visiting the bazaars. Everyone will know their place at this event. For those in the higher levels, this blessing could be several times a week or a daily occurrence.

    Those who do good will have the finest reward and even more [10:26]


    The blessings of Jannah will be bountiful and unimaginable. No one will be unhappy or unsatisfied. There will be no jealousy or envy.

    Those who believe, who do the basics and perform the 5 pillars will be in the lower levels. But the rewards will be greater for the more righteous and God conscious who spend and strive in the way of Allah, pray tahajjud, memorise Quran and so forth. They will reside in the higher elite levels with extra perks, being closer to Allah SWT and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎.

    Successful indeed are the believers: those who humble themselves in prayer; those who avoid idle talk; those who pay zakat; those who guard their chastity except with their wives or those bondswomen in their possession, for then they are free from blame, but whoever seeks beyond that are the transgressors; those who are true to their trusts and covenants; and those who are properly observant of their prayers. These are the ones who will be awarded Paradise as their own. They will be there forever [23:1-11]

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