10. Yunus (Jonah)

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Surahs 10, 11 and 12 were revealed one after another. They are pedominantly stories of Prophets building up to Yusuf AS, the best of stories. Surah Yunus is late Makkan, the only surah where the people believed in the Messenger sent to them.


  • Belief in predestination.
  • Actions have consequences.
  • Acceptance of repentance.
  • Musa AS and Firoun, who repented right at the end of his life. Allah SWT saved his body but did not accept his repentance.

Selected Verses

3: Allah SWT created the heavens and the earth in six Days (periods of time), then established Himself on the Throne, conducting every affair.

5: Allah SWT made the sun a radiant source and the moon a reflected light, with precisely ordained phases, so that we may calculate time. The sun and moon are linked with time and mentioned several times in the Quran. How can we deny the design and power of the Creator? The sun and earth and moon are all travelling at such high speeds, yet we are able to derive our time from their movements with such accuracy.

6: Surely in the alteration of day and night and in all that Allah SWT has created in the heavens and the earth there are truly signs for those mindful of Him.

7-8: Those who do not expect to meet Allah SWT, who are content with this world and heedless of His signs, will reside in the Fire.

12: When a difficulty touches someone he cries out and prays to Allah SWT but forgets as soon as Allah SWT relieves him.

16: Prophet Muhammad was known to the Makkans for a lifetime and he was not known for these revelations. There is no doubt they are from Allah SWT.

31: Questions to the pagans:

  • Who provides from the heavens and the earth?
    Who owns your hearing and sight?
  • Who brings forth the dead from the living and living from the dead?
  • Who originates creation and then resurrects it?
  • Who guides to the truth?

36: Most follow nothing but assumptions, of no value against the Truth.

38: Challenge to the pagans to bring one surah like the Quran if you are in doubt. An impossible challenge.

45: Relative notion of time. On the Day they are gathered together, it will be as if they have been in this earth for a single hour. Do not waste your time in this world. Maximise your time for good deeds and obtaining knowledge. The same unit of time can be rewarded (or not) by different amounts according to the deeds performed.

55: Allah SWT’s promise is the truth, but most people are unaware.

57: The Quran is described as a healing/cure for the heart and guidance and mercy for believers. Advice has come that will stir your soul to the core.

61: The destiny of Allah SWT’s entire creation is written in the Preserved Tablet (Al Lawh Al Mahfuz). Not even an atoms weight is hidden from Allah SWT.

62-64: The wali (friend) of Allah SWT, the chosen, those who believe and have consciousness of Allah SWT: good news for them in this world and the next. They will not fear or grieve. They will have the supreme victory. The one who chooses Allah SWT will never be sad.

71-73: Nuh AS. His people rejected the message and they were therefore drowned.

75-92: Musa AS, Haroun AS, Firaun and the magicians. Only a few of the Israelites believed in Musa AS. They were brought across the sea and as Firaun was drowning he cried out that he believes in the God of the Children of Israel and submits: Now you believe? Today we shall save your corpse as a sign to all. (Firaun, likely Ramses 13, in Cairo museum).

98: The people of Yunus AS initially rejected the message then became remorseful after they were told they would be destroyed for their defiance. Allah SWT accepted their repentance and gave them blessings in this world and the next.

99-100: Had Allah SWT willed, all on earth would have believed. One cannot compel people to believe, it is by Allah SWT’s will that any soul believes.

104-109: Prophet, tell mankind if you are in doubt about this I will never worship any god you have taken in lieu of Allah SWT, know that Allah SWT will cause you to die.

Think why you are here. Death will come to us all. What will happen after that, where will you go? To Allah SWT we all return. Have patience, let Allah SWT judge.

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