37. As Saffat (Those Lined up in Ranks)

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Early Makkan surah with powerful short verses. 182 ayats covering many different topics yet maintaining a beautiful rhythmic flow.


  • Day of Judgement.
  • Jahannam and Jannah.
  • Further details on Nuh AS, Ibrahim AS, Musa/Haroon AS, Ilyas AS, Lut AS, Yunus AS.
  • Submitting to Allah SWT in the absence of evident realities.

Selected Verses

1: The angels line up in rows – thus we line up like this in salah.

4-5: Surely your God is One! The Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in between and the Lord of all points of sunrise.

6-10: The lower heavens have been beautified with stars, which also protect against the devils eavesdropping on the angels. They are pelted from all sides, however if one does happen to eavesdrop, they are pursued by a piercing flame.

13-17: The deniers refusing to believe in the signs of resurrection, mocking.

19-33: The Resurrection. Only one Blast and they will realise it is the Day of Judgement, which they used to deny. The angels will be told to gather them all and whatever they used to worship and lead them into Hell. The misled will blame the misleaders for their predicament, who will claim they had no authority over them.

35: The disbelievers become arrogant when reminded of one God.

40-49: The chosen servants of Allah SWT will be honoured in the Gardens of Bliss, enjoying food, drink and companionship.

50-61: People of Jannah remembering those who used to make fun of them. They will have perfect memories and remember everyone they met. They will be shown their acquaintances in Jahannam.

62-68: The tree of Zaqqum will be the source of food for the wrongdoers, found in the depths of Hell with fruits like the heads of devils. They will fill their bellies and be given a boiling drink.

75-82: Nuh AS. Allah SWT responded to his pleas and delivered the believers within his family from the flood. His descendants were the sole survivors, all others were drowned. He was truly a faithful servant.

83-113: Ibrahim AS. He questioned his people regarding their worship of idols who are themselves created and cannot even help themselves. Following his destruction of the idols, his people cast him into a fire but Allah SWT protected him.

Ibrahim AS was blessed with a righteous son (Ishmail AS) and was asked to sacrifice him when he came of age. Having submitted to Allah SWT’s Will, a ram was sent in place of Ishmael AS. Ibrahim AS was blessed amongst the later generations, he was truly a faithful servant, and given good news of another son (Ishaq AS).

114-122: The blessings of Musa AS and Haroon AS. They and their people were delivered from Firuan , given the Scripture and guided to the Straight Path. They were blessed amongst the later generations and were truly faithful servants.

123-132: Ilyas AS. He called upon his people to reject idol worship, he was truly a faithful servant.

133-138: Lut AS. He and his family were delivered from the destruction of his people, except for his wife. The ruins of his people are clear for the Makkans to see. Will you not then understand?

138-144: Yunus AS. He abandoned his people by fleeing on a ship but was thrown overboard and swallowed by a whale. He was only saved because he made dua to Allah SWT and repented for abandoning his people with permission. He was cast ashore and sent back to his people, who were at least 100,000 in number and became believers.

149-160: Refuting the Arab pagan claims that the angels are the daughters of Allah SWT. Outrageous fabrications to claim Allah SWT has children. Glorified is Allah, far above what they claim!

164-166: The angels respond: There is not one of us without an assigned station of worship. We are indeed the ones lined up in ranks and we are indeed the ones constantly glorifying Him.

180-182: Supplication to Allah SWT: Glorified is you Lord – the Lord of Honour and Power – above what they claim! Peace be upon the messengers. And praise be to Allah – Lord of all the worlds.

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