Beneficial Knowledge

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    Our Journey in this Life

    Where did we come from? Why are we here? What happens when we die? What is the purpose of life?

    The answers to these questions are all linked to knowledge of the journey of the soul:

    • The history and reason for our creation.
    • The time in the Barzakh (grave).
    • The events of the Day of Judgement and what we will be held to account for.
    • The descriptions of Jannah and Jahannam and their associated rewards and punishments.

    Knowing where we originated from and what is awaiting us, will inform the purpose of our lives. All knowledge lies with Allah SWT, the All Knowing, the Knower of the Seen and Unseen. By His Mercy, He has revealed some of His knowledge to mankind, principally through the Quran and the Sunnah (the example of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ).

    These sources are our key to understanding the history of humanity, the reason for our being, the fate of nations that went astray and the path to happiness in this life and the Akhira (Hereafter).

    Call to Knowledge

    “Read! In the name of your Lord Who created – created humans from a clinging clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who taught by the pen – taught humanity what they did not know” [96:1-5]

    These were the first ayats (verses) of revelation from the Quran. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ made the pursuit of knowledge incumbent upon all Muslims. Allah SWT has endowed mankind with intellect. Multiple times in the Quran we are asked to ponder and reflect over the creation of the heavens and the earth and all within it. The scholars are the heirs of the prophets and knowledge is the inheritance of the prophets, so whoever acquires it has gained a great a share [Tirmidhi].

    Whoever travels a path to seek knowledge, Allah SWT will make easy for him a path to Paradise [Muslim].

    Beneficial Knowledge

    Of all of Allah’s servants, only the knowledgeable are truly in awe of Him [35:28].

    Beneficial knowledge is that which brings a believer closer to Allah SWT by increasing their love and worship of Him. This in turn increases their iman (faith) and their good deeds.

    Knowledge about Allah SWT inherently renders one in awe of His Majesty, Magnificence, Mercy and Love. Recognising how His all encompassing attributes are manifest in our life and appreciating all His Blessings and Favours, makes the heart tremble and the eyes weep with humility. This in turn leads to:

    • Glorifying and thanking Him.
    • Trusting and finding comfort in Him.
    • Fearing and having hope in Him.
    • Ultimately, desiring only to obtain His pleasure by focusing on those actions and deeds which He loves and avoiding those which He hates.

    Once embedded within the heart, beneficial knowledge leads to the development of a special, personal relationship with Allah SWT. We acquire patience to bear our trials and hardships. We become content with what has been decreed for us in this world. Our desire to prioritise the eternal life of the Akhira over the temporary, fleeting life of this world increases.

    Beneficial knowledge inspires an improvement in our worship of Allah SWT, securing our relationship with Him. It also improves our character, increasing our humility, kindness, forgiveness and forbearance thus benefitting our connection with humanity.

    Beneficial knowledge is the key to enlightening and nourishing our souls. It will help to motivate us and keep us focused on the Straight Path. Seeking the pleasure of Allah SWT for His sake alone is our ultimate goal. As a consequence of that, Insha Allah (by Allah SWT’s Will), to secure eternal bliss in Jannah.

    Allah will elevate those of you who are faithful and those gifted with knowledge in rank [58:11].

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