Selected Hadith on Fasting, Charity and Hajj

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    When Ramadan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are chained. Muslim

    The first (ten days) of the month of Ramadan is mercy, the middle (ten days) is forgiveness, and the last (ten days) is salvation from the fire. Bukhari

    Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan due to faith and seeking reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. Whoever stands in prayer during the Night of Decree due to faith and seeking reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. Bukhari

    The Prophet ﷺ‎ was asked about fasting the day of Arafat. He ﷺ‎ said: “It will expiate the sins of the previous and upcoming years.” Then he was asked about fasting the day of Ashura. He ﷺ said: “It will expiate the sins of the year.” Muslim

    Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan and then follows it with six days of fasting during the month of Shawwal will be as if he fasted for the year. Muslim

    The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was asked about fasting on Monday. “That is the day I was born and the day I was sent with revelation. Fasting three days of every month and Ramadan is like fasting for a lifetime.” Muslim

    The deeds are presented on Monday and Thursday. Thus, I love for my deeds to be presented while I am fasting. Tirmidhi

    Verily, the most beloved fasting to Allah is the fasting of David and the most beloved prayer to Allah is the prayer of David, upon him be peace. He would sleep half of the night and stand in prayer for a third of it and then sleep for a sixth of it. He would fast every other day. Bukhari

    Allah Almighty said, Every deed of the son of Adam is for him, except for fasting. It is for Me and I will reward it. Fasting is a shield, so when one of you fasts, he may not be obscene or boisterous. If someone insults him or fights him, let him say: “Indeed, “I am fasting.”

    By the One in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, the breath coming from the mouth of a fasting person is more pleasant to Allah than the scent of musk. The fasting person has two moments of relief he enjoys: when he breaks his fast he is joyful, and when he meets his Lord he is joyful for his fasting. Bukhari HADITH QUDSI

    Allah Almighty said, He abandons his food, drink, and desires for My sake. Fasting is for Me and I will reward it, a single good deed up to ten times the like of it. Bukhari HADITH QUDSI

    Every deed of the son of Adam is multiplied, a single deed as ten times the like of it up to seven hundred times. Allah Almighty said, “Except for fasting, as it is for Me and I will reward it. He leaves his desires and his food for My sake.” Muslim HADITH QUDSI

    There is a gate in Paradise called Ar-Rayan, and those who observe Saum (fasts) will enter through it on the Day of Resurrection and none except them will enter through it. It will be said, “Where are those who used to observe Saum (fasts)?” They will get up, and none except them will enter through it. After their entry the
    gate will be closed and nobody will enter through it. Bukhari

    Allah SWT said, “The most beloved of my servants are those who are quickest to
    break their fasts.” Tirmidhi HADITH QUDSI

    There are three whose dua is not rejected: a just ruler, the fasting person when he breaks his fast and the prayer of the oppressed person. It rises above the clouds and the gates of heaven are opened for it, and the Lord, may He be glorified, says, “By My Glory I will answer you even if it is after a while.” Tirmidhi

    The person who deprives himself of the blessings of Laylatul Qadar indeed has deprived himself of all good and none other than an ignorant person is deprived of such good. Ibn Majah

    Allah’s Messenger ﷺ used to practice Itikaaf in the last ten nights and say: “Seek out Laylatul-Qadr in the (odd nights) of the last ten days of Ramadan.” Muslim

    (On Laylatul Qadr) All those angels who are stationed by the Sidratul Muntaha (lote tree of the utmost boundary beyond which none can pass) descend with the angel Jibril (AS) to the earth and there remain no male or female believers whom they do not convey salaams to, exempting the person who drinks liquor or consumes pork. Bukhari

    Umrah in Ramadan is equal to a Hajj with me. Bukhari


    Every joint of a person must perform a charity each day that the sun rises. To judge justly between two people is a charity. To help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it, is a charity. And the good word is a charity. And every step that you take towards the prayer is a charity. And removing a harmful object from the road is a charity. Muslim

    Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity. Tirmidhi

    No people ever withhold the Zakah of their wealth but rain is withheld from the sky. Ibn Majah

    Spend in charity, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you. Bukhari HADITH QUDSI

    Charity given in secret extinguishes the wrath of The Lord. Tirmidhi

    Every day two angels come down from Heaven and one of them says, “O Allah! Compensate every person who spends in Your Cause,” and the other angel says, “O Allah! Destroy every miser.” Bukhari

    By Allah, except Whom none has the right to be worshipped, whoever had camels or cows or sheep and did not pay their Zakat, those animals will be brought on the Day of Resurrection far bigger and fatter than before and they will tread him under their hooves, and will butt him with their horns.

    (Those animals will come in a circle): When the last does its turn, the first will start again, and this punishment will go on till Allah has finished the judgments amongst the people. Bukhari

    When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him. Muslim

    The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity. Tirmidhi

    Protect yourself from hell-fire even by giving a piece of date as charity. Bukhari

    A crafty one, a miser, and one who keeps reminding people of what he has given, will not enter Paradise. Tirmidhi

    Do not show lethargy or negligence in giving alms and charity till your last breath. Muslim

    Every Muslim has to give in charity. The people asked, “O Allah’s Prophet! If someone has nothing to give, what will he do?” He ﷺ said, “He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns).”

    The people further asked, “If he cannot find even that?” He ﷺ replied, “He should help the needy who appeal for help.” Then the people asked, “If he cannot do that?” He ﷺ replied, “Then he should perform good deeds and keep away from evil deeds and this will be regarded as charitable deeds.” Bukhari

    Whoever gives away charity the size of a date, which is earned lawfully, since Allah only accepts the good lawful things, Allah will indeed take it with His right Hand and cause it to grow for its owner, just as one of you raises up his colt, to the point that the charity will become like the size of a mountain. Bukhari

    The best charity is that which is practiced by a wealthy person. And start giving first to your dependents. Bukhari

    There is no envy except in two: a person whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it in the right way, and a person whom Allah has given wisdom (i.e. religious knowledge) and he gives his decisions accordingly and teaches it to the others. Bukhari

    Charity extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire. Tirmidhi

    A good word is charity. Bukhari

    Your smile for your brother is charity. Tirmidhi

    The best charity is giving water to drink. Ahmad


    (First 10 days of Dhul Hijjah): There are no days in which deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days. Bukhari

    O people, Allah has made Hajj obligatory for you, so perform Hajj. Muslim

    Whoever performs Hajj for Allah’s sake and does not speak obscenely, nor commits acts of impiety, he returns home free of sin like the day his mother gave birth to him. Bukhari

    Alternate between Hajj and Umrah (regularly), for these two remove poverty and sins just as the blacksmith’s bellows removes all impurities from iron, gold and silver. There is no reward for an accepted Hajj (Hajj Mabrur) except Paradise. Tirmidhi

    All sins committed in between the performance of one Umrah and another are expiated and erased. And there is no reward for a Hajj Mabrur except paradise. Bukhari

    The Prophet ﷺ was asked: “What is the best deed?” He ﷺ replied: “To have faith in Allah and His Messenger.” The enquirer asked: “What next?” The Prophet ﷺ said: “To strive in the cause of Allah.” He ﷺ was then asked: “What is the next best thing?” He ﷺ replied: “To perform Hajj Mabrur”. Bukhari

    “O Prophet of Allah! Jihad (striving or fighting in the cause of Allah) is the best deed. Should we (women) then, not actively participate in it?” The Prophet ﷺ replied: “The best Jihad for you is Hajj Mabrur.” Bukhari

    The guests of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, are three: The warrior, the pilgrim performing Hajj and the pilgrim performing Umrah. An Nisai

    Pilgrims are the guests of Allah; should they supplicate, Allah will answer their supplications; should they seek forgiveness, Allah will forgive them. Ibn Majah

    When any Muslim utters talbiyah (Labbaika Allahumma Labbaikh), everything – every stone or every tree or every pebble – on his right side and on his left side responds with a (similar) talbiyah, until the whole earth resounds with it. Ibn Majah

    The Messenger of Allah ﷺ went round the House (the Kaaba) wearing a green Yamani mantle under his right armpit with the end over his left shoulder. Abu Dawud

    Whoever circles the Ka’bah seven times and prays two rakats will have a reward as if he has freed a slave. A man does not raise his foot and bring it back down except that ten good deeds will be written for him, ten bad deeds will be erased, and he will be raised by ten degrees. Ibn Majah

    Allah’s Messenger ﷺ flung pebbles at Jamarat on the Day of Nahr after sunrise and after that (i.e. on the 11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul Hijjah) when the sun had declined. Muslim

    A human does no action from the actions on the day of Nahr more beloved to Allah than spilling blood. On the Day of Judgement, it will appear with its horns, and hair, and hooves, and indeed the blood will be accepted by Allah from where it is received before it even falls upon earth, so let your heart delight in it. Tirmidhi

    All of Mina is a place of sacrifice. Every road of Makkah is a thoroughfare and a place of sacrifice. All of Arafat is the place of standing, and all of Muzdalifah is a place of standing. Abu Dawud

    The Prophet ﷺ said: “O Allah! Forgive those who get their heads shaved.” The people asked: “Also those who get their hair cut short?” The Prophet ﷺ said, “O Allah! Forgive those who have their heads shaved.”

    The people said, “Also those who get their hair cut short?” The Prophet invoked Allah for those who have their heads shaved and at the third time said, “Also (forgive) those who get their hair cut short.” Buhkari

    The days of Tashreeq are the days of eating and drinking. Muslim

    120 mercies descend daily upon the House of Allah, 60 of which are for those who are performing Tawaf, 40 for those performing salah and 20 for those who gaze at the House of Allah. Tabarini

    Then I was shown the Bayt al Ma’mur. I asked Jibril about it and he said, “This is the Bayt al Ma’mur where 70 000 angels enter it daily [for ibadah] and when they leave they never return to it.” Bukhari

    The Black Stone descended from Paradise and it was whiter than milk, then it was blackened by the sins of the children of Adam. Tirmidhi

    The water of zam zam is [suitable] for whatever purpose it is drank for. Ibn Majah

    The best water on the face of the earth is Zamzam water. In it is food for nourishment and healing for illness. Al-Mujam al-Kabir

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