Signs of The Day of Judgement

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    The Hadith of Jibril AS narrates that he came to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and asked‎, “When is the Day of Judgement?” The Prophet ﷺ‎ replied, “I do not know nor does the questioner.” Then Jibril AS asked, “What are the signs of the Day of Judgement?” [Muslim].

    Allah SWT asked these questions through Jibril AS to teach us about our religion. Every question asked referred to a fundamental aspect of Islam. Belief in the Day of Judgement (Qiyamah) is at the core of the religion.

    One day the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ gave a full day of lectures from Fajr until Maghrib about the signs of Judgement Day. Allah SWT mentions that the Day of Judgement is very close. The signs have already begun. The hadiths about the signs are often cryptic and difficult to accurately decipher until the sign occurs.

    The benefits of knowing these signs are twofold. They increase our iman by knowing that the predictions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ (through Allah SWT) are coming true. They also increase our level of concern and therefore our preparedness for meeting Allah SWT.

    The Signs

    There are Minor and Major signs of the Day of Judgement. The Minor signs can be specific events or general trends. There are 10 Major signs, specific events before which Qiyamah will not occur:

    • The Dajjal, the Antichrist.
    • The coming of Isa AS (Jesus).
    • Yahjuj and Mahjuj, the tribes of Gog and Magog.
    • The Dukhan, an engulfing smoke.
    • 3 major earthquakes, each bigger than the last.
    • The rising of the sun from the west.
    • The Dabbah, the beast of the earth.
    • A Great Fire, arising from Yemen forcing people to gather in one place.

    Once any of the Major signs appear the rest will appear quickly one after another. The first major sign is the appearance of the Dajjal. This follows immediately after the last of the minor signs, the coming of Imam Mahdi.

    Are they only waiting for the Hour to take them by surprise? Yet some of its signs have already come. Once it actually befalls them, will it not be too late to be mindful? [47:18]

    Minor signs

    Specific Signs

    Not a fully comprehensive list, but some of the more significant of the minor signs include:

    • The birth, message and death of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎. I have been sent with Judgement Day and the difference between us is the difference between my two fingers (placed side by side) [Tirmidhi].
    • Predicting the deaths of Umar RA and Uthman RA as martyrs. The Prophet ﷺ‎, Abu Bakr RA, Umar RA and Uthman RA were walking on the mountain of Uhud when it began to tremble and shake. The Prophet ﷺ‎ said, “Be still, Uhud! It is only a Prophet, a truthful man, and two martyrs upon you” [Bukhari].
    • Prediction of Islamic civil wars.
    1. The Sahaba (companions of the Prophet ﷺ‎) would fight amongst themselves. Once started, fighting will continue until the end of times. The Prophet ﷺ‎ asked Allah SWT for three things: For his ummah never to be destroyed like previous nations; for his ummah never to be triumphed over by an external enemy; and for his ummah never to be split into warring sects. The first two wishes were granted, the third denied [Bukhari].
    2. The battle of the camel. Aisha RA vs Ali RA, so called because Aisha RA was in her tent on the camel in the battlefield. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ told Ali RA that there will be a disagreement between him and Aisha RA and when this happens to return her safely to Madinah [Ahmad]. 
    3. The battle of Siffin. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎ revealed to Ali RA knowledge of a deformity of the leader of Kharajites.
    • Prediction of peace and security within Arabia. This was at the time of persecution of the early Muslims.
    • Ottoman Empire. The rise of a race considered to be a backward race who would become dominant and conquer the Arabs. Known as the Atraak, these were a group of races around Mongolia and Turkey. The Mongols and Turks share the same ancestry. The Ottoman Empire ruled from around 1500- 1927 becoming the Khalifa of the Islamic state taking over from the Arabs. The conquest of Constantinople in 1453 was at the time unthinkable. It was the greatest city in Western civilisation for around 1300 years, the capital of the Roman Empire. The conquest of Constantinople, becoming Istanbul, changed the course of human history and signified the end of Roman Empire.
    • Prediction of skyscrapers in the Arabian peninsula. And you will see barefoot, naked, poor shepherds competing with one another in the construction of buildings [Muslim]. At the time of the emergence of Islam the Arabs were tribal, undeveloped with no government or unified language. There were no tall structures in the land. The fathers of the current Arabian rulers were all born in poverty. The region has only developed in the past several decades since the discovery of oil.

    “Qiyamah will not happen until:”

    1. My death (Prophet ﷺ‎).
    2. Conquest of Baytl Maqdis (Al Aqsa, Jerusalem) by Muslims.
    3. A plague which will destroy your children and property, thought to have occurred in early Islam.
    4. Wealth will be distributed greatly. 
    5. A fitnah (trial/tribulation) that will touch every household (Covid?).
    6. A treaty between Muslims and Romans (the West) to fight against another enemy.
    7. The coming of Imam Mahdi, Mohammad ibn Abdullah, a descendant of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎. This is the last of the minor signs. It signals the first of the major signs which will follow very soon afterwards.

    Surah Isra, another sign?

    And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, “You will certainly cause corruption (fasaad) in the land twice and you will become extremely arrogant.” When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled. Then after your repentance We would give you the upper hand over them and aid you with wealth and offspring, causing you to outnumber them. If you act rightly it is for your own good but if you do wrong it is to your own loss. And when the second warning would come to pass, your enemies would be left to totally disgrace you and enter the temple of Jerusalem as they entered it the first time and utterly destroy whatever would fall into their hands. Perhaps your Lord will have mercy on you if you repent but if you return to sin We will return to punishment. And We have made Hell as permanent confinement for the disbelievers. [17:4-8]

    Interpretation of these verses: The Jews will come to power twice in this world. Both times causing great fasaad (corruption, killing, oppression), reaching a degree of great haughtiness. The first time, Allah SWT sent an army against them. Then He gave them a second chance to rise up again and become a mighty nation.

    70 yrs ago, the political landscape was very different. No one would have predicted the rise of Israel with the Jews scattered amongst the world. Historically these ayats were interpreted as already having occurred. Two such interpretations were:

    1. The first time the Jews fell from power was during the Syrian exile in 722 BC. They were removed from the Kingdom of Israel, founded by David, by the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The second time was during the Babylonian exile in 597 BC. The Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple of Sulaiman and massacred many Jews. The First Temple was built by Jinn and was the most magnificent icon in the world at the time.
    2. The first fall from power was 597 BC when the First Temple was destroyed. A Second Temple was built by King Herod and destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE, the second fall from power. The wailing wall is the remnant of this Second Temple.

    However these Quranic ayats, revealed around 622 CE, state that only one of these corruptions has taken place. The second has not yet taken place. Therefore the first would be the destruction of the Kingdom in 727 BC. The second rise to power is the creation of Israel. In this context, “We helped you” would refer to Western Superpower aid for Israel. Another group are yet to come, who previously conquered Jerusalem and wants to conquer it again. This may refer to the Muslims at time of Imam Mahdi. Allah SWT knows best.

    General Trends

    • Excess of wealth for our ummah. Today, even the “poor” Muslim lands have vast riches in natural resources. Indeed there is a fitnah for every Ummah, and the Fitnah for my Ummah is wealth [Tirmidhi]. By Allah, I do not fear that you will associate others with Allah after I am gone, but I fear that you will compete with one another for the worldly treasures [Bukhari].
    • Loss of trust, such that the one telling the truth will be considered a liar and the one lying will be considered truthful.
    • Rise of corrupt and evil rulers.
    • Plenty of bloodshed and fighting within the ummah.
    • Rise of senseless murder, a recent phenomenon. By Him in Whose hand is my soul, a time would come upon the people when the killer would not know why he killed and the victim would not know why he was killed [Muslim].
    • Zinah (extramarital relations), casual dating, flirtation and nudity will become the norm. This is apparent today and has only increased in prevalence in the past generation. Women will be clothed yet appear naked [Muslim].
    • Proliferation of intoxication and music will become the norm.
    • Time will pass quickly.
    • The building of magnificent masjids that will be empty. There are many in Arabia, for example the Sheikh Zahed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, costing £500 million!
    • The slave girl shall give birth to her own master [Muslim]. A metaphor for children becoming dominant and bossy over their parents and disrespectful.
    • Proliferation of markets/bazaars. These are not considered the most beloved of places because of materialism, cheating, lying, interest, stealing and robberies. Generally, a place to hang out and socialise. All of this leads to love of this world and turning away from Allah SWT.
    • Obesity will be rampant. Even a few generations ago, obesity was very rare.
    • Increase of natural calamities and particularly earthquakes.
    • Al Ruh (Romans) are the dominant civilisation, referring to western civilisation. Europe was nothing but barbarians at the time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ‎.
    • Prevalence of writing and literacy. At the the time of Prophet ﷺ‎ illiteracy was the norm.
    • Ignorance will prevail, a lack of knowledge between right and wrong, a lack of common sense.

    The Wars at the End of Times

    Towards the end of times, before the emergence of the Major signs, there will be many wars. The details of these have been narrated in several hadiths.

    Civil War Between Muslims

    There will be a 3 way civil war between the ummah, with armies in Sham (Syria), Iraq and Yemen. Three sons of caliphs will fight one another over a treasure and none will be victorious. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ advised to be in the army of Syria and if that was not possible, the army of Yemen. Eventually the fighting will reach Arabia.

    A person will flee Madinah to Makkah pursued by one of these armies who will try to kill him. The army will be destroyed, swallowed up by the earth outside of Makkah. The person will be recognised as Imam Mahdi and will unify the ummah and establish the Caliphate. In 1979 multiple insurgents “acting out” this hadith, held the Kaaba under siege for 2 weeks. They claimed their leader was the Mahdi.

    Major Wars Between Muslims and Non-Muslims

    The Muslims and the Romans (the West) will form an alliance against a common enemy, perhaps Russia or China. This may occur before all the major wars. This alliance will be victorious but then the truce will be broken. One of the Romans will raise the cross and attribute victory to this. A Muslim will destroy the cross saying the victory is due to Allah SWT.


    The Romans will then march against the Muslims under 80 banners with 12000 people under each banner, 1 million people. Referred to as Malhama Al Kubra, the Greatest Battle, it is prophesised to be the most brutal battle in human history. It will take place at Dabiq in Syria and corresponds to Armageddon in the Christian tradition. This prophecy was used by ISIS who captured this city to justify their claims. Another example of extremists “acting out” hadiths.

    There will be 4 days of battles during the Malhama Al Kubra. For the first 3 days the battlegroups of both armies will all be slaughtered. On the 4th day, Allah SWT will grant the Muslims the victory. The battle will be so fierce that only 1 out of 100 soldiers will survive. “If a bird was to fly over the battlefield it would fall down dead.” People will not be able to divide their inheritances due to the excessive deaths.

    Conquest of constantinople

    Imam Mahdi will unite the Muslims. There will be a large group of converts fighting for the Muslims. Hadiths refer to the conquest of Constantinople at the time of the Dajjal. Istanbul will thus fall into non Muslim hands and then be reconquered. 70000 of Bani Isaac (Roman converts) will reconquer the city without bloodshed through the zikr of Allah SWT. They will recite Allahu Akbar and Subhan Allah causing the walls of the city will collapse.

    In this timeframe, people will realise it is the end of times. There will be many rumours of the coming of the Dajjal. Someone will cry out, “The Dajjal has come to the land where your families are.” The Mahdi will send his “10 fastest horsemen” to check this out and the army will rush back but it will be false news. Then the Dajjal will really appear signaling the Major Signs. Events will progress to The Great War between the forces of Dajjal and Isa AS.

    Major signs

    The Coming of Dajjal


    There are more than 40 hadith relating to Al Masih Al Dajjal, the False Messiah. Dajjal means to mix up and deceive. He will mix the worst evil with the truth. He will be able to perform miracles, first claiming God inspires him and then, that he is God. His coming will be the greatest fitnah for Muslims. He will come in the same timeframe as Imam Mahdi and Isa AS.

    Every single messenger from the time of Nuh AS has warned their ummah about the Dajjal. In the Christian tradition he is known as the Antichrist. Orthodox Jewish tradition has a concept of a false David. Nowadays Reformed Jews constitute the majority of Jews, having no belief in most of the Jewish traditions or laws. Next are conservative Jews with Orthodox Jews in the minority.

    Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said there will be 30 mini-dajjals after him, each claiming they are prophets. For example, Elijah Mohammad, the leader of the Nation of Islam in the USA during the mid 1900’s, claimed he was the Messenger of Allah SWT. At the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ there was a sorcerer, a young boy named Safi ibn Sayad, who called out to the Jinn and claimed he could foretell the future.

    Appearance of Dajjal

    The Dajjal will be a disbeliever, born to righteous parents who have been making dua for years for a child. He will have no children. He will be from the Bani Israel and come from an Eastern land from a city called Isfahan, in Iran. Something will happen to make him angry and he will become Dajjal.

    He will be short, whitish, broad chested with curly hair and will walk with bowed legs. One of his eyes will be deformed, protruding like a rotten grape, the other covered by thick skin. Every Muslim with Iman will recognise the word kafir written on his forehead.

    The Dajjal has one blind eye, with a layer of thick skin over it, and between his eyes is written “disbeliever,” which every believer will read, whether he is literate or illiterate [Muslim]

    Fitnah of Dhajjal

    The Dajjal will be on earth for 40 days. The first day would be like a year, the second like a month, the third like a week and the remaining like normal days. He will come at a time of great hunger, war and bloodshed. 70,000 Jews and people with faces “flat like a hammered shield” will follow him.

    He will appear powerful, able to perform miracles, granting people safety and security if they believe in him. Lots of women will follow him for this reason. Jinn will be loyal to him which may explain some of his powers. Allah SWT will give him some powers.

    His fitnah will be a severe test of Iman:

    • He will command the sky to rain and vegetation to sprout forth from barren land.
    • He will be able to travel as quickly as the clouds.
    • He will travel from city to city killing those who don’t believe in him, killing their cattle and destroying their harvest. Conversely, he will provide his followers with food and water and make their cattle and crops bountiful.
    • The only cities he will not be able to enter are Makkah and Madinah, guarded by angels. He will also be unable to enter Masjid Al Aqsa.
    • He will kill a Muslim outside Madinah, cutting him in half with his sword. Then he will resurrect him to prove to his followers he has divine powers.
    • He will ask a Bedouin, “Will you believe in me if I resurrect your parents?” The jinn will be commanded to take the form of his parents who will urge the man to follow him.
    • He will have with him a Paradise and a Hell, blessings and punishments. His blessings are really torture and vice versa.
    • He will cause Madinah to tremble 3 times. All the hypocrites will flee and only the pure believers who will follow Imam Mahdi will remain. Madinah is like a furnace, it expels out the impurities (bad persons) and selects the good ones and makes them perfect [Bukhari].

    I know what the Dajjal will have with him. He will have two flowing rivers, one that appears to the eye to be clear water, and one that appears to the eye to be flaming fire. If anyone sees that, let him go to the river which he thinks is fire and close his eyes, then lower his head and drink from it, for it is cool water [Muslim]

    Protection Against the Dajjal

    • Complete iman in Allah SWT, knowing that the Dajjal is a deformed man. Know that we will never see our Lord in this world.
    • Ask for protection through dua in our salah. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to pray: O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the torment of Hell, from the torment of the grave, from the trials of life and death, and from the evil of the fitnah of the Dajjal [Muslim].
    • Reciting the first ten ayats of Surah Al Kahf (or last ten according to other hadiths).
    • Fleeing from him and living in Makkah or Madinah. Whoever hears of the Dajjal, let him keep far away from him, for a man will come to him and think that he is telling the truth because of the wonders that are sent with him [Abu Dawud].

    Is the Dajjal Here?

    There is a well know hadith of Tamim Ad Dari and the island of Dajjal. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is narrating to his congregation what Ad Dari had told him. His group was lost at sea in a storm for 30 days and eventually landed upon an island. Here they met a large man tied up in a cave who claimed to be the Dajjal.

    It is unclear whether this refers to real events or a dream. This hadith doesn’t reconcile with other hadiths. There is only one recorded narration despite being narrated to the whole mosque. Allah SWT knows best.

    The Coming of Isa AS

    After being denied entry at Madinah, the Dajjal and his followers will camp on the outskirts. He will point out the Masjid Haram: “That white house is the masjid of Ahmad.” Today, the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Masjid gleams white when viewed from afar.

    The Dajjal’s armies and the Muslims will fight several battles. Victories will be shared but the Dajjal will not be harmed by Imam Mahdi and his army. The world will be divided for or against the Dajjal.

    The Dajjal will go to Jerusalem to prepare to battle the Muslims. Isa AS will then descend from heaven, holding on to the wings of two angels. He will arrive at the white minaret in Damascus at Fajr time. Imam Mahdi will ask him to lead the salah but Isa AS will tell him to lead.

    Immediately after prayer the Muslim army head out to meet Dajjal. On seeing Isa AS, Dajjal will begin to dissolve like salt in water. Isa AS will kill him at the Gate of Ludd, in Israel. The Muslims will then kill all of his followers. They will be unable to hide as the rocks and trees will call them out.

    The Coming of Yahjuj and Mahjuj

    Quranic Narrative

    Surah Al Kahf

    Dhul Karnayn travelled to a far flung land where Yahjuj and Mahjuj were wreaking havoc on the people. He built a wall of iron and copper to block them in a valley between two mountains. They cannot climb over it, dig under it or bore through it. The wall is temporary and when the command of Allah SWT comes it will be destroyed. Yahjuj and Mahjuj will then come upon the world in waves destroying everyone [18:93-99].

    Surah Al Anbiya

    Yahjuj and Mahjuj will be allowed out and come pouring down from every single slope and mountain and then the Inevitable Hour will come [21:96-97].

    Who was Dhul Qarnayn?

    If he was a king of recorded history, within past 4000 years or so, he may have been the Persian Emperor Darius the Great. Darius who lived around 500 BC, was a monotheist who travelled on far away expeditions. He carved into rock many inscriptions detailing his worship of one God, his truthfulness and righteousness. The inscriptions detail his battles and how God blessed him with the Kingdom.

    Possible reasons for his name Dhul Qarnayn are:

    1. He wore a helmet of two horns.
    2. He had two streaks of white hair.
    3. He travelled to the East and West, the two horns of the world.

    Who are Yahjuj and Mahjuj?

    Descendants of Nuh AS, possibly from his son Japheth, thought to be the father of the Mongol and Turkish races. They are two tribes of barbaric peoples who caused mischief and corruption within the land. Imprisoned behind the wall that Dhul Qarnayn built, they will be released by Allah SWT before the Final Hour, to cause havoc on the earth.

    Hadiths About Yahjuj and Mahjuj

    • For every one of you there will be 1000 of Yahjuj and Mahjuj.
    • They will have faces that are flat and narrow eyes.
    • You will continue to perform Hajj and Umrah and to cultivate plants even after Yahjuj and Mahjuj.
    • Every single day they try and dig themselves out until they see the suns rays through the wall. Their leader tells them to return and finish tomorrow but when they return the wall has been restored. One day the leader will say come back tomorrow in sha Allah and the next day they will break out.
    • Today a hole the size of a small circle has been opened up from the wall of Yahjuj and Mahjuj.

    Narrative of Events According to Hadith

    Once the Dajjal is killed, Allah (SWT) will tell Isa AS to lead the Muslims to Mount Tur to seek refuge from Yahjuj and Mahjuj. They will not even see them. No one will be able to fight them. The Muslims will remain in the caves for a long period and have to suffer hardship and starvation.

    Yahjuj and Mahjuj will swarm from everywhere, from every slope and mountain. They will pass by a mass of water, possibly the Sea of Galleli, and drink from it emptying it completely. They will conquer the world killing all disbelievers saying, “We have conquered the inhabitants of this world. Now let us conquer the heavens.” They will fire their arrows into the sky and Allah SWT will cause them to come down covered in blood. They will say, “We have conquered the heavens.”

    Isa AS will make dua to Allah SWT who will send a disease to attack their necks. They will all die simultaneously. A Muslim will volunteer to see what is happening outside, having prepared himself to die. He will see the corpses of Yahjuj and Mahjuj piled up everywhere. Every space will be covered and there will be an overwhelming stench. Isa AS will make dua to Allah SWT to remove the corpses, whereupon birds with necks like camels will come to take them away. Rain will be sent to wash away all remnants.

    The corpses will feed the beasts of the earth for years and fertilise the earth. The earth will be told to bring forth its produce causing extraordinarily large fruits to grow. There will then follow a period of great opulence, with enough food to feed everyone excessively.

    Problems With Interpretation and Understanding of Yahjuj and Mahjuj

    The hadiths suggest Yahjuj and Mahjuj are a bizarre exotic tribe trapped behind a wall at the ends of the world. Where is it? How has the wall lasted? Where are the billions of Yajuj and Mahjuj? Are the hadith symbolic? Does the Dajjal refer to globalisation and general increase in evils and deception? Are Yahjuj and Mahjuj the superpowers USA or Russia? Are they the Chinese race? Do the hadiths refer to missiles and other advanced weaponry?

    There is no doubt about the wall having been built. Perhaps it has already been breached. Perhaps the swarming of Yahjuj and Mahjuj will occur in stages. There is nothing specifically in the Quran or hadith to suggest this could not be the case. The Mongol invasions of the 13-14th centuries killed an estimated 20-57 million people, expanding their empire to cover most of Asia and Eastern Europe. Perhaps their descendants are waiting for the rest of the world’s armies to destroy themselves during the Malhama? The final overwhelming invasion would then come at the end of times. Again, all knowledge lies with Allah SWT.

    Period of peace and luxury after Yahjuj and Mahjuj

    Yahjuj and Mahjuj will be the final fitnah for the believers. Allah SWT will send His blessings upon the earth which will give like never before. A reward for those who survived the worst years of fitnah. One pomegranate will suffice a tribe; one shank of lamb will feed a city; one cow’s milk will supply a tribe.

    There will be complete peace for some years with no fighting at all, some hadith mention 7 years. After this time, Isa AS will die naturally. Some weak hadiths narrate he will be buried in grave of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

    A gentle fragrant wind will then come from Yemen and cause anyone with Iman to die peacefully. Every believer will be removed from earth, only disbelievers will remain. Idolatry, disobedience and hedonism will return. The Quran will then be taken back by Allah SWT, its pages left blank. There will be no one on earth with Quran in their hearts. This is likely to occur when the believers will die.

    All traces and memory of Islam will be wiped from memory. People will say, “We remember our forefathers used to say ‘la illaha illala’ but we don’t know what it means” [Ibn Majah].

    Qiyamah will not take place until no one on earth says “Allah, Allah” [Muslim].

    Three Earthquakes

    There will be three huge earthquakes, on an unprecedented scale. One in the East, one in the West and one in Arabia. These may be Acts of God or perhaps as a consequence of our actions, for example nuclear war.

    The Dukan

    Refers to a smoke or fog which will be a major calamity, enveloping all of mankind. Could this be a result of fallout from nuclear war which would darken the skies for an extended period? This could explain the hadith about the first day of the Dajjal being equivalent to one year.

    Rising of Sun From the West

    This will occur at the very end, perhaps the last day of creation. Possible explanations could be due to a reversal of the earth’s magnetic field. This has occurred many times in the earth’s history and is long overdue. Slowing and reversal of earth’s spin is another possible cosmological explanation. Allah SWT will accept tawbah (repentance) until the sun rises from the west.

    Are they waiting for the coming of the angels, or your Lord Himself, or some your Lord’s major signs? On the Day your Lord’s signs arrive, belief will not benefit those who did not believe earlier or those who did no good through their faith. Say, “Keep waiting! We too are waiting” [6:158]

    The Dabbah

    The Dabbah, a beast, will come immediately at the time of sun rising from west and will speak to the people. There is a weak hadith which says it will mark people according to kafir or mumin, disbeliever or believer. This however is problematic because all the believers will be gone.

    And when the decree of the Hour comes to pass against them, We will bring forth for them a beast from the earth, telling them that the people had no sure faith in our revelations [27:82]

    The Great Fire

    A Fire will begin in Aden, Yemen forcing people to flee towards Bilad al Sham (Syria), from one side of Arabia to the other. However it will stop when the people stop to rest. All the remaining disbelievers will be gathered together in one place prior to the Trumpet being blown, which will cause everyone to die.


    There are many hadiths about the Signs at the end of times. Some are fairly easy to understand, others more cryptic. We can make an educated guess of the chronology of some of these Signs, however others are more difficult to place into the timeframe of events. All the events refer to the central Arabian lands where all of creation and religions began. There is no mention of other lands, as if they are irrelevant. Perhaps a nuclear Armageddon will destroy most of the world and may account for some of the Signs, either physically or metaphorically.

    Many wars will be fought before the Dajjal appears: civil wars, alliances with the West and then against the West. The armies of Imam Mahdi will fight in multiple places. The battles will be severe with unimaginable bloodshed and up to 99% mortality. It is not unrealistic to think that nuclear weapons will be involved and all technologies and advanced weaponry will be destroyed. Further battles maybe with horses and swords and less advanced weapons. The last of these will be the battle for Constantinople using Takbir as a weapon.

    False news of Dajjal will come and the Muslim armies will go back to Bilad al Sham, the regions of Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Israel. The Dajjal will then come unleashing the greatest fitnah upon the world. Isa AS will descend from Heaven and kill the Dajjal. Immediately afterwards, Yaujuj and Mahjuj will appear and conquer the world. They will then be destroyed by Allah SWT’s Grace.

    There will follow an extended period of peace and sustenance on the earth, after which the believers and the Quran will be taken from the earth. Disbelief and sin will then prevail until the final Major Signs occur: the sun rising from the west, the Dabbah and the Great Fire. These will be the last Major events before Trumpet is sounded and our reality as we know it is extinguished.

    All knowledge lies with Allah SWT, Al Alim.

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