17. Al Isra (The Night Journey)

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Makkan surah also known as surah Bani Israel. Surahs 17-20 were amongst the earliest revelations.


  • Proving the miracle of the Quran.
  • Insights into the Bani Israel, the people of Musa AS.
  • List of commandments decreed by Allah SWT.
  • Refuting the pagans beliefs.

Selected Verses

1: Glory be to Allah SWT who took the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ on the Night Journey from Makkah to Jerusalem (Al Isra) and then into the heavens (Al Miraj) to see some of His magnificent signs.

4-8: Warning to the Israelites who would cause corruption in the land twice and become extremely arrogant. After the first corruption they would be overcome by Allah SWT’s servants, then rise to power again. After the second corruption they would again be overwhelmed by their enemies who would enter the Temple of Jerusalem as they did the first time. These ayats are though to be another sign of the Day of Judgement.

9-10: The Quran guides to that which is best. It gives good news for the believers who do good and is a warning for the disbelievers.

13-14: Everyone will come on the Day of Judgement bearing their own book of deeds around their neck, to be presented to Allah SWT, read by ourselves. We are the authors of this record.

15: One who accepts guidance, it is for his own good. One who strays, it is at his peril. No soul will bear burden of another. Punishment is only decreed to a nation after a messenger has been sent.

16-17: If a nation is to be destroyed for their sin, Allah SWT commands its elite to obey Him, but they act rebelliously. So many nations after Prophet Nuh AS have been destroyed. Allah SWT is All Aware and All Seeing of the sins of His servants.

18-21: Whoever desires only the temporary pleasures of this world, they will be fulfilled but then condemned in the Hereafter. The efforts of the believer who desires and strives for the Hereafter will be appreciated. Whatever someone is blessed with in this world is not an indication of Allah SWT’s pleasure, He gives abundantly to whoever He wills. Some are favoured over others but the true blessings are for the Hereafter.

22-37: List of commandments:

  • Do not worship any other than Allah SWT.
  • Honour your parents. Be kind, say no word that shows impatience, speak respectfully do not even make a sound of disrespect. Be humble and pray for mercy for them as they raised you when you were young.
  • Give close relatives their due as well as the poor and needy travellers.
  • Do not spend wastefully.
  • Spend moderately, not tight fisted or open handed.
  • Do not kill children for fear of poverty. Allah SWT will provide.
  • Do not go anywhere near adultery, it is truly a shameful and evil deed.
  • Do not kill except with a legal right to.
  • Protect orphan’s wealth.
  • Honour your pledges for you are accountable for them.
  • Maintain fairness and give in full measure.
  • Do not follow what you have no sure knowledge of.
  • Be humble and not arrogant.

The violation of any of these is detestable to Allah SWT.

40-52: Refuting the pagans beliefs that angels are the daughters of Allah SWT, their belief in multiple gods, their mocking of the Quran and their denial of the resurrection.

61-65: The arrogance of shaytan and his vow to mislead mankind. A tactic of Iblis is to entice and manipulate people with their wealth and children, to misguide and corrupt them. He promises only delusions. But he will have no authority over the faithful servants of Allah SWT, who is sufficient as their Guardian.

70: We have been honoured and dignified by Allah SWT, privileged far above many of His other creations. Therefore we should act with dignity and honour and live ethical and moral lives.

78: Recite the Quran at Fajr for it is witnessed by the angels.

79: Pray Tahajjud so Allah SWT may raise you to a station of praise. This refers to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ being raised to the praiseworthy station Maqam al Mahmood on the Day of Judgement. Tahajjud is the key to entry into the highest “VIP suites” of Jannah.

85: Knowledge of the ruh (soul) is with Allah SWT.

88: If all humans and jinn were to collaborate to produce an equivalent of the Quran, they would fail.

101: Musa AS was given 9 miracles (staff, hand, famine, shortage of crops, floods, locusts, lice, frogs, blood).

105-109: Quran revealed with truth and bears the truth. Revealed in stages so it may be recited to people at a deliberate pace, so it could be understood fully and embedded into ones heart. Those gifted with knowledge fall upon their faces in prostration weeping with humility on hearing its recitation.

110: Call upon Allah SWT with all His Most Beautiful Names.

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