16. An Nahl (Bees)

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Meccan surah known as the Chapter of Blessings named after the bee, an intelligent insect that works through the inspiration of Allah SWT to provide mankind with the bounty of honey. The entire surah is a list of Allah SWT’s blessings upon mankind, serving as a reminder to be thankful to Him.

Selected Verses

1-16: The Blessings of Allah SWT:

  • Divine guidance.
  • The heavens and the earth created for a purpose.
  • Creation of humans.
  • Creation of cattle for our use:
    • Food.
    • Travel and to carry our belongings.
    • Milk, produced in surplus amounts, meant for us. Also ayat 66 – milk produced between blood and digested food, pleasant and refreshing to drink.
  • Rain, for drinking and to grow various crops and fruits to feed us and our cattle (also ayat 65).
  • The sun, moon and stars subjected for our benefit.
  • All other forms of creation on earth.
  • The seas, for us to obtain food and ornaments from and to sail upon.
  • Mountains, rivers, stars and other landmarks.

17-23: Can the One Who creates be equal to the those who do not? Idols that are worshipped are unable to create, they themselves are created. We would never be able to count the blessings of Allah SWT. Those who deny the Hereafter are in denial and proud.

28-29: The reward for the wrongdoers is Hell, an evil home for the arrogant. They will deny any wrongdoing but the angels who take their souls will say, “Allah fully knows what you used to do.”

30-32: The reward for the righteous is goodness in this world and far better are the Gardens of Eternity, where they will have whatever they desire. The angels who take their souls will say, “Peace be upon you! Enter Paradise for what you used to do.”

35-36: False argument of the polytheists saying if Allah SWT willed He could have guided them and their forefathers. But He sent many messengers before to every community proclaiming the worship of Allah SWT and to shun false gods.

57- 59: The polytheists used to claim that the angels were daughters of Allah SWT whilst themselves practice the infanticide of their daughters.

Daughters are a shield for men to protect them from Jahannam [Abu Dawud, Bukhari].

61: If Allah SWT were to punish us immediately for our sins, not a single human would be left on earth. He delays this for an appointed time for each person – thus allowing time for repentance.

68-69: Allah SWT inspired the bee who is able to fly with precision (internal navigation system), eat from all the flowers and produce varieties of honey. This is a bounty for mankind, with healing properties and a boost for our immune system.

70: Allah SWT creates us and then causes us to die. Some of us reach the most feeble state of life (in old age), knowing nothing after having known so much.

71-72, 78-81: More Blessings:

  • Provisions, some are favoured over others.
  • Spouses and offspring.
  • Our senses with which to perceive the world and be thankful.
  • Homes, providing us with peace and portable houses made from animals hides.
  • Clothing and other furnishings made from animals.
  • Shelter in the land such as mountains, caves, trees and so forth.

90: Allah SWT commands justice, benevolence and courtesy to close relatives. He forbids indecency, wickedness and aggression. This ayat is recited during the Jummah khutba.

91, 95-95: Honoring pledges and agreements made in the name of Allah SWT.

97: Any believer who does good will be blessed with with a good life and they will be rewarded according to the best of their deeds.

98-100: Seek refuge with Allah SWT from shaytan when reciting Quran. He has no authority over those who believe and place their trust in Allah SWT, only over those who take him as their patron.

106-109: Whoever wholeheartedly disbelieves in Allah SWT after having believed will be condemned to a tremendous punishment. They prefer this world to the Hereafter and are truly heedless. Allah SWT will seal their hearts, ears and eyes and they will be the losers in the Hereafter.

115: Prohibited foods: carrion, blood, swine and whatever has been slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah SWT, unless compelled by necessity.

116: Do not declare falsely that something is halal and something haram. Never blaspheme and attribute such to Allah SWT.

120-123: Ibrahim AS is described as an ummah himself. Devoutly obedient, grateful, true in faith and worshipping Allah SWT alone. He was a role model, an imam with enough piety for a nation. Allah SWT choose him and guided him to the Straight Path, blessed with goodness in this world and the Hereafter.

125: Call people to Islam with wisdom, good words and exemplary argumentation.

This is advice for each Muslim who will at some level have an impact upon non Muslims to show the beauty of Islam. They can do this through:

  • Their character, generosity and manners.
  • Eloquent speech directly from the heart.
  • Reasoned debate, by those qualified to defend and preach the faith.

Choose what to say, when to say it and do not be angry. 

126: Any retaliation should be equivalent to what was suffered, but to be patient is better.

All deeds between people will be accounted for on the Day of Judgement, including any overreaction in ones behaviours. Therefore best to err on the side of caution and forgive and forget.

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