14. Ibrahim (Abraham)

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Makkan surah named after Prophet Ibrahim AS.


  • Purpose of Quran.
  • Mission of prophets.
  • Details of Judgement Day and shaytan’s confession.
  • Pagans of Makkah.
  • Blessing of faith and tragedy of disbelief.
  • Consoling the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ that all prophets were ridiculed but the help of Allah SWT will come.
  • The duas of Prophet Ibrahim AS.

Selected Verses

1: Scripture sent so that the Prophet ﷺ, by Allah SWT’s Will,  may bring people from the depths of darkness into light.

4: Prophets were sent to nations to make things clear in their own languages, but still Allah SWT leaves whoever He wills to stray and guides whoever He wills

7-8: If you are thankful, Allah SWT will give you more. If thankless, His punishment is severe. He is not in need of our thanks, even if everyone on earth was ungrateful – He is All Sufficient and Praiseworthy.

We need humility and recognition that all that we have comes from Allah SWT. Our blessings should be used to become closer to Allah SWT, by thanking Him.

9-14: All the prophets were rejected and ridiculed. The disbelievers of multiple previous nations argued the messengers are only humans and for them to bring proof of Allah SWT, the One and Only God. The messengers were threatened with expulsion from their lands if they did not return to idol worship of their forefathers. They replied that they put their trust in Allah SWT and were patient with whatever they were harmed with.

15-17: The disbelievers were punished by Allah SWT. Awaiting them is a harsher punishment in Hell, where death will overwhelm them from all sides. They will be forced to drink oozing pus, which they can hardly swallow.

18: The deeds of the disbelievers will amount to nothing.

19-20: Allah SWT created the heavens and the earth for a reason. He could easily replace humanity with another creation if He so willed.

21: The disbelievers will blame their leaders for their predicament on Day of Judgement and ask for their protection. These leaders will claim that if Allah SWT had guided them they would have guided the others. Such arrogance, blaming Allah SWT for their situation and not taking responsibility themselves.

22: Shaytan will give his “sermon” after the Judgement has been passed: “Do not blame me, blame yourself, I made you promises but I had no authority over you. Allah SWT’s promise was the truth. I promised you and I was lying – all I did was call to you and you came.”

On that Day, he will come clean and even reject the association of the disbelievers with him against the disbelief of Allah SWT. His sole purpose is to mislead mankind away from Allah SWT.

24-26: The parable of a good word (kalimah tayabah – the belief in Allah SWT) is like a tree with firm roots constantly yielding fruit. It is the tree of iman, the power of the tongue, giving your heart strength and raising you to the heavens. An evil word is like an uprooted tree having no stability.

31: Order from Allah SWT to His believers: establish prayer and give to charity, out of what Allah SWT has provided, before the Day when there will be no ransom or friendship.

34: If one were to try and count Allah’s SWT blessing they would be unable to, indeed mankind is truly ungrateful.

We are unable to count Allah SWT’s blessings let alone truly thank Him for them. We attempt our best and that is what is required. Being thankful and grateful reduces depression and increases well being. We take many blessings for granted, for example, the sun, moon, day, night, sleep, rain, fruits, rivers and ships (Allah SWT gave us the knowledge and ability to build ships and all forms of transportation).

35-41: Ibrahim AS prayers:

  • Make this land (Makkah) a safe and blessed land and keep my children away from idol worship.
  • Make me and my righteous children establish the prayer and accept our dua.
  • Forgive me, my parents and the believers on the Day of Judgement.

42-46: The wrongdoers are warned about the Day of Judgement, how they denied it and denied the signs of previous destroyed nations in the land (Ad and Thamud). They will ask for more time, claiming that they will obey the messengers.

47-50: Allah SWT will keep His promise to His Messengers. He is the Almighty and Capable of punishment. Look out for the Day when the heavens and the earth will be transformed and all will appear before Allah SWT. The wicked will be bound in chains, with garments of tar and faces covered with flames.

51: Each soul will be rewarded according to its deeds.

52: The message of Quran is for all humanity so people of reason may be mindful.

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