31. Luqman (Luqman)

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Makkan surah named after a wise African man who lives around the time of Prophet Dawud AS. He counsels his son, teaching him on the building blocks of life, namely iman in Allah SWT. If this is solid, everything else will flourish.


  • God consciousness and accountability to Allah SWT.
  • Raising and educating children.
  • Condemnation of pagans.
  • The power of Allah SWT.

Selected Verses

6-7: Pagans deliberately distracting others from listening to the Quran by singing, chanting and dancing. They turn away in arrogance whenever revelation is recited to them.

10-11: Describes Allah SWT’s creation of the heavens, mountains, all manner of creatures and the rain. What have the idols created?

12-13, 16-19: Luqman giving his son advice:

  • Be grateful to Allah SWT.
  • Do not attribute partners with Allah SWT.
  • All deeds will be judged by Allah SWT, no matter how small or hidden. He is Most Subtle, All Aware.
  • Establish prayer, do good and endure patiently.
  • Be humble and avoid arrogance and pride.
  • Be moderate, not hasty.
  • Lower your voice, for the ugliest voice is like that of the braying donkey.

14-15: Linking being grateful Allah SWT with being grateful to parents, especially the mother who bore hardship after hardship during pregnancy and infancy. Except if they follow false gods, then be courteous to them but do not obey them in that regard.

22: Whoever submits “his face” to Allah SWT and does good, they have “grasped the firmest handhold,” that is, found the right path. Sajdah is most beloved posture, submitting one’s whole body to Allah SWT.

27: If all the trees on earth were pens and the oceans ink, refilled by seven other oceans, the words of Allah SWT would not be exhausted.

34: Five things known only to Allah SWT:

  • Knowledge of the Hour.
  • When the rain comes, where, how much, how it will be used (for drinking, irrigation, farming, etc).
  • What is in the womb (all details of the unborn, their personality, mental health, lifespan, success, destiny in this life and Akhira, etc).
  • The provisions each soul will be granted.
  • Where a person will die.

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