20. Ta Ha (Ta Ha)

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Two thirds of this Makkan surah is devoted to the story of Musa AS. The story of the magicians of Firaun is similar to that of Umar RA and a reminder that Allah SWT can soften even the hardest of hearts.

Before he converted to Islam, Umar RA was on his way to kill the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. His friend stopped him and told him to look at his own household first, where his sister and brother in law had converted. After arguing with them, he read ayats from this surah and converted to Islam, becoming a strong believer and the second Caliph.


  • Musa AS.
  • Adam AS and shaytan.
  • Tawheed.
  • Islam is the path to happiness.
  • Quran as Divine source of guidance and bliss.

Selected Verses

2-8: The Quran was revealed as a reminder to those in awe of Allah SWT, the One Who created the heavens and the earth and established Himself on the Throne. He owns whatever is in the heavens, the earth and underground and He knows whatever is secret and open. There is no God worthy of worship but Him and He has the Most Beautiful Names.

9-98: The story of Musa AS. From Midian and his conversation with Allah SWT in the sacred valley of Tuwa to being sent to give Firaun the message that Allah SWT is the one God. From fleeing Egypt and the miracle of parting the Red Sea to receiving the Ten Commandments and leading the Israelites into the wilderness.

14: It is truly I. I am Allah! There is no god {worthy of worship} except Me. So worship Me {alone} and establish prayer for my remembrance [20:14]

The first thing Allah SWT said to Musa AS was to pray. The first thing Isa AS said as a baby was that prayer was enjoined upon him. The first thing revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from beneath the Throne on the Night Journey was prayer.

25-36: Musa AS made dua to Allah SWT for help with his mission, to make his task easy, his speech understood and to gain help from his brother Haroon AS.

39-40: Summary of the early years of Musa AS. At every stage he was taken care of, everything was in accordance with Allah SWT’s plan. Musa AS was meant to meet Allah SWT at the appointed time, only after all he had been through. Allah SWT has a grand plan for all of us.

43-44: Musa AS and Haroon AS were ordered to go to Firaun for he had exceeded all bounds. They were told to speak to him gently so that he may take heed. Do not be harsh when explaining to people.

56-69: The miracles of Musa AS, through Allah SWT, were shown to Firaun and his people but they refused to believe. Firaun brought his own magicians to duel with Musa AS. They threw down their staffs and sticks, turning into snakes. Musa AS also threw down his staff, which swallowed up the magicians’ magic.

70-73: The magicians saw the truth and embraced Islam with strong faith, ignoring the threat of Firaun to crucify them if they did not return to worshipping him.

77-81: Musa AS led his people across the Red Sea into the wilderness, to escape Firaun and his armies. They were provided with heavenly bread and quails as sustenance.

83-98: Whilst Musa AS hurried to Mount Tur to receive the Ten Commandments, Samari deluded the Israelites to worship a golden calf as their god. Despite his protests, the people refused to listen to Haroon AS. On his return, Musa AS reprimanded Haroon AS and banished Samari.

100-112: Whoever turns away from the Quran will suffer the consequences on the Day of Judgement. On that Day, people will deny they have lived more than a day on this earth. The mountains will be completely levelled. Voices will be hushed and faces humbled. There will be no intercession for anyone except by the Will of Allah SWT.

113: Read the Quran to gain knowledge and protection form Hellfire.

114: Pray, “Lord, increase me in knowledge.” Rabbi zidnee ilmaa.

115-127: The story of Adam AS and shaytan’s deception. Adam AS and Hawwa were warned about the enmity of Iblis and his desire to expel them from Paradise, where they would never go hungry, be unclothed or suffer thirst. That is, all provisions were freely available to them in Paradise, there would be no need to toil or suffer.

Shaytan deceived them, causing them to disobey Allah SWT. They were sent to earth and advised to follow the guidance that would come to them. Those who follow it will not suffer in the worldly life or the Akhira. Those who turn away from it will have a miserable life and be raised blind on the Day of Judgement, for neglecting Allah SWT’s revelations. Peace is only achieved through religion.

130: Praise Allah SWT at the times of the day prescribed for salah.

131: Do not be deceived by the splendour of this world, it is but a test. The Akhira is far better.

132: Order your family to prayer. Allah SWT will provide for us. The ultimate outcome is for the righteous.

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