The Story of Hud AS

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    Nuh AS → Shem → Arphaxad → Shelah → Hud AS

    Hud AS was one of four Arabian prophets, the others being Salih AS, Shuaib AS and Muhammad ﷺ. He was sent to the people of Ᾱd, one of the original Arab nations referred to as the First of Ᾱd.

    Residing in the southeastern Arabian Peninsula between Yemen and Oman, Ᾱd were a powerful people. They lived in tents supported by lofty pillars. Known for their craftsmanship in stone masonry, they had built many palaces, temples and monuments.

    Did you not see how your Lord dealt with Ᾱd – the people of Irum – with lofty pillars, unmatched in any other land [89:6-8]

    Their story is mentioned several times throughout the Quran, notably surahs Al Araf [7:65-72], Hud [11:50-60], Al Mu’minun [23:31-41], Ash Shu’ara [26:123-140], Al Ahqaf [46:21-25] and Al Qamar [54:18-22].

    The Mission of Hud AS

    The people of Ᾱd were blessed by Allah SWT with wealth and power and skill in building great structures. Their lands were beautiful, fertile and green. Boasting of their might and power, they became arrogant and tyrannical. Following the generations after Nuh AS, they were the first to start worshiping idols again.

    As for Ᾱd they acted arrogantly throughout the land with no right, boasting, “Who is superior to us in might?” Did they not see that Allah, Who created them, was far superior to them in might? Still they persisted in denying Our signs [41:15]

    Hud AS was sent to show them the errors of their ways and to remind them that Allah SWT was the One true God. However, just like the people of Nuh AS, the people of Ᾱd refused to heed his message.

    They rejected him as he was a human like them did not produce any miracle to support his claims. Regarding him as foolish and a liar, they did not believe that they would be resurrected after their bones had turned to dust.

    Does he promise you that once you are dead and reduced to dust and bones, you will be brought forth {alive}? Impossible, simply impossible is what you are promised! There is nothing beyond our worldly life. We die, others are born and none will be resurrected [23:35-37]

    Hud AS continued to preach his message assuring his people of his sincerity, wanting only what was best for them and seeking no reward from them. He reminded them of Allah SWT’s favours upon them, making them successors after Nuh AS and increasing their stature in the land. They were provided with children, cattle, gardens and springs. This was all to no avail, except for only a few believers.

    It is all the same to us whether you warn us or not. This is simply the tradition of our predecessors. And we will never be punished [26:136-138]

    The people claimed their gods had cursed him with evil. Bearing witness that there was no God but Allah SWT, Hud AS disowned their gods and challenged them to scheme against him, without respite. He put his trust in Allah SWT declaring they could not harm him in any way.

    The Punishment of Ᾱd

    The people challenged Hud AS to bring about the punishment of Allah SWT if he was speaking the truth. Hud AS, being accused of falsehood, asked Allah SWT for help. The people of Ᾱd would be punished in this world and the Akhira.

    They began to suffer from drought and famine and were in desperate need of rain. Despite these signs of Allah SWT’s displeasure, they remained stubborn in their belief and rejection of Hud AS’s message.

    The drought is said to have lasted up to three years. Finally, they saw a rain cloud approaching and became hopeful that their misfortune was over. However, this was the destruction that Allah SWT had promised.

    A destructive wind was sent upon them that raged for seven nights and eight days. It completely destroyed everything of their city, all of their might and power was gone. The people were thrown around and smashed into the ground, as if uprooted palm trees. The nation of Ᾱd were wiped out from existence.

    Indeed, we sent against them a furious wind, on a day of unrelenting misery, that snatched people up, leaving them like trunks of uprooted palm trees. Then how dreadful were My punishment and warnings! [54:19-21]

    Hud AS and the small group of believers were saved from the destruction. They migrated south towards Yemen and it is believed his grave is located there.

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